ࡱ> q` RvbjbjqPqP<::Nu"""""""6~S~S~S8ST T6[~jTT"TTTTTT|||||||$h-|A"Q[TTQ[Q[|""TT~nnnQ["T"T|nQ[|nnR{h""|TT "~Sj({|+~0[~{˂n˂ |˂"| TUnfVV_TTT||nXTTT[~Q[Q[Q[Q[666$/Z3$ 666Z3666"""""" Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks s~____________ \~____________ Y T____________ ċN____________ ,{1e Unit 8 Section A 1a 1c 0Yef[vh01.Knowing: clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer, give out 2. Practicing: I'd like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks. 0f[`N͑p0Practicing: I'd like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks. 0`NHh0 ;Nf[`NYe^[N;N-NW{QR (Wf[`N-N_PN 9hncSaTW[k[bUS͋ 10The kind man always helps the h___________ children. 20We often see the s_____________ of  No Smoking in public places. 30The city library was e____________ three months ago. 0Around fifty people die of h___________ every day in the camp. 0If you wait to sell your old sofa, why not put an a___________ in the local paper Task1: Look at the bulletin board (^JTh) and read about ways you could help people. _________________ _________________ ________________ ____________________ Task2: Listen and complete the sentences. (1)A: I'd like to___________outside. B: You could help clean_________the city parks. (2)A: I'd like to__________homeless people. B: You could give__________food at the food bank. (3)A: I'd like to cheer ___________sick kids.B: You could ____________them in the hospital. Task3: pairwork. Practice the conversation in the picture above. 0cvzHh0 Ye^[f[OT\O PNNT\O cؚb 1. feel like,want, would likev(ul____________________________________________________. 2. sick, illv:S+R___________________________________________________________________. |~;`~Ye^[S g Ne;`~NR_~ MbOf|~fhQb ;`~,gv͑pSP[_____________________________________________________________. 0~`NbU\0Ye^[vO] 8l N>e_ N [bSP[ 1. I'd like to join_______________________________________________(f[!h_?aR) 2. You could volunteer_______________________________________(WN*NTf[`NȒ 0 3. A group of students are planning a___________________________________W^lQVnme 4. bNv(WRR0WN/c\Oweg]~20RN0 I've been trying to _________him _______for twenty minutes. 5.`OSNTN .^NpQvMRvVX0 You can _______him _______by________with him. 6. You could ___________ __________ __________RSߘir at a food bank. 7. We need __________ __________ __________`Q a plan. N bcknxT{Hh0 1. It took me a lot of time______my homework. A.finish B.to finish C.finishing D. finished 2. Please ______,or I'll be late for work. A. call me up B. call up meC. don't call up me 3. He also ____some signs asking for old bikes. A. put down B. put up C .put off D. put in 4. Sometimes people ____angry for years about a small problem. A. say B .stay C.forget D. find 5. They won't make new problems ____you. A. with B. in C. out D. for 6. The class room is so dirty, I decided ______. A.clean it up B. to clean it up C. clean up it . You should visit the sick kids to __________. A. cheer up them B. laugh at them C. cheer them up D. take after them . We have to _______ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain. A. put up B. put off C. put up D. put down . We have to put off ____ plans for the vacation. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 10. The teacher is giving _____ the new books to the student. A. to B. out C. in D. off N0(u͋vS_b__kXzz 0Will you help _______________ (clean) up the classroom? 0Tom could put off ____________ (make) that plan. 0Clean-up _____________ (day) is only two weeks from now. 0We need _______________ (come) up with some ____________ (idea). 0They plan _______________ (buy) a big house. 0______________(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly. N0TS`Ye^[N NeS`-N[U] cؚ] Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks s~____________ \~____________ Y T____________ ċN____________ ,{2e Unit 8 Section A 2a 2c 0Yef[vh0 1.Knowing:clean-up,sign,advertisement,put off, set up,establish,think up. 2. Understanding: The meaning of the listening contents. 3. Practicing: need to, come up with, write down, put up, hand out, call up. 0f[`N͑p01.Understanding: The meaning of the listening contents. 2. Practicing: need to, come up with, write down, put up, hand out, call up. 0`NHh0;Nf[`NYe^[N;N-NW{QR (Wf[`N-N_PN Task1:Learn2a---2b1. Answer some questions, such as: `$ What will you do on Clean-up Day? _____________________________________________. a$Do you have any ideas to tell people about the Clean-Up Day? For example. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. A group of students are planning a City Parks Clean-Up Day. They are talking about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day.Listen and check the things the students are going to do. Finish 2a. 3. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks. `$We__________ to _________ __________ __________a plan. a$We can't_________ _________making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. b$ I'll___________ ___________all our ideas. c$ We could___________ _____________signs. d$I'll ____________ _____________advertisements after school. e$We could each___________ ____________ten people and ask them to come. 4. Role-play the conversation in pairs. Task2: Learn 2c Pairwork to role-play the conversation according to 2b A: We need to come up with a plan. B: Let's have lunch first. A: No, we can't put off making a plan. What should we do to help homeless people? B: We should_____________________________________________________________. A:______________________________________________________________________. 0cvzHh0Ye^[f[OT\O PNNT\O cؚb ы NRSP[ laR~Rv+TIN `$We need to come up with a plan.____________________________________________________. a$We can'tput offmaking a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now._________________. b$I'll write down all our ideas.________________________________________________________. c$We could put upsigns.___________________________________________________________. d$I'll hand outadvertisements after school._____________________________________________. e$We could each call up ten people and ask them to come.__________________________________. |~;`~Ye^[S g Ne;`~NR_~ MbOf|~fhQb 1.;`~needv(ulv^>NOf `$\O:N[INR͋____________________>NOf__________________________________ a$\O:N``R͋_____________________>NOf_________________________________ 2.t1ufromgbvw틄v+TIN:from now________ from now on_______ be from_________ from then on_________ from& to& _______ be different from________ be far away from_____ come from__________ hear from____________ 3. come up with TINw ________ hand outSINw _______call up TINw _____ 0~`NbU\0Ye^[vO] 8l N>e_ N 9hncIlc:y[bSP[ 1. I'll help______________nkb the city park. 2. We can't______________________cߏ6RR . 3. I'd like to__________________________ the sick kids. 4. We're going ___________________^z a food bank to help hungry people. 5. You could________________________________RSߘir at a food bank. 6. We need_______________________________________`Q a plan 7. These words are all very important. ____________________b& Q Neg, please! 8. He also_______________________ _4 some signs asking for old bikes N bcknxT{Hh0 1. Ask him __ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesn't D. isn't 2. It's twelve now. Let's have _____ lunch together. A. aB. anC. theD. / 3. It's your turn to _____ the room, Wang Fang. A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off 4.ُN͋_͑,b[N Neg. These words are all very important. _____________, please! N0TS`Ye^[N NeS`-N[U] cؚ] Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks s~____________ \~____________ Y T____________ ċN____________ ,{3e Unit 8 Section A 3a 4 0Yef[vh01. Knowing: major; commitment; elementary; veterinarian; coach 2. Understanding: The passage of 3a 3. Practicing: volunteer one's time to& ; put& to use; plan to& ; cheer& up; spend& in (doing); not only& but also& ; set up; put off 0`Nc[SO(uf0 1. Understanding: The passage of 3a 2. Practicing: volunteer one's time to& ; put& to use; plan to& ; cheer& up; Spend& in (doing); not only& but also& ; set up; put off 0`NHh0 N0;Nf[`N Task 1 Learn 3b---4 1 GPY`O gN N1r}Y, ```OSNZPTN_?a]\O? [bh*CJPJh(gCJOJPJo(hp]h(gCJOJPJo(h'VLh(gCJPJhyh(gCJPJaJ(V 6 $ > 4 $ rd 7$8$WD`gd(g d 7$8$gd(ggd(gd 7$8$WD`gd(gd gd(g $d 7$8$a$gd(g $dha$gd(g $dh7$8$a$gd(gtZ h 8Z0j$ngd(g d 7$8$gd(gd 7$8$`gd(g9b" !!`""""""|# $dHa$gd(g $dh7$8$a$gd(g d7$8$gd(gd gd(g d 7$8$gd(g|###X$$x%%&&@''~()*++(,,,N--.].dH7$8$`gd(gdHgd(gdH7$8$WD`gd(g dH7$8$gd(g $dH7$8$a$gd(g]....8//60X011n233444d55|6,778<8\8899 :dHgd(g dH7$8$gd(g ::;;><T<==D>>h?????@@FAABBCdgd(g $dH7$8$a$gd(g $dHa$gd(g $dh7$8$a$gd(g d7$8$gd(g dH7$8$gd(g?AAAAAA B BBBBB.B0BXBZBjBlBBBDCFCPCRCpCrCCCCCCCCCCDGGBHFHHH.I0I`IbIfIIIJJJJKKLL L"LXM^MMM4NOhp]h(gCJOJPJo(h8Ch(gCJPJo(h(gCJPJh(gCJPJo(h8Ch(gCJPJPCD>DDDDxE:FFG|GGBHHbIIKL MXMM dH7$8$gd(gCdVDWDZ^C`gd(gCxdVDWDr^C`xgd(gd7$8$`gd(g d7$8$gd(gMMM NN>OO PP4QPQhQ RJRRRISSTTU^UUV,WLWdgd(g d7$8$gd(g dH7$8$gd(gdHgd(g>OOOOOOHPPPdPlPQQPQRQZQ\QQQQQQQQQRRaReRgRhRxR|R}R~RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROSPSfShSiSjSuSwSxSySSSSS4Tuuvvvvvvvvvx xxx.x2xLxPxhxlxxxHyNypyvyyyyyyyzzz4{6{{{L|b|||}}"}*}D}L}}}T~`~~~ʼhp]h(gCJOJPJo(h$=h(gCJPJh:1h(gCJPJaJUh8Ch(gCJPJh(gCJPJo(h(gCJPJJLWW$tt0u>uuvFvTvwvwwwxx&yyyzzdH7$8$`gd(gdHgd(g dH7$8$gd(g $dH7$8$a$gd(g $dHa$gd(g $dh7$8$a$gd(gdgd(gteacher tomorrow. 0I ll feel good about ________________ (help) the old people. 0He _______________(spend) every morning ___________ (do)some sports. 0TS`0 Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks s~____________ \~____________ Y T____________ ċN____________ ,{4eSection B la 4 0Yef[vh0 1.Knowing: Be able to master the words in this unit: Take after; fix up; repair; similar to 2. Understanding: Be able to understand the phrases 3.Habit-forming: Be able to use the phrases 0`Nc[SO(uf0 0f[`N͑p0take after; fix up; give away; be similar to; come up with; run out of 0`NHh0;Nf[`NTask 11a and 1b 1. Learn la. Match the sentences with similar meaning. QQ NRwN& vP_____________ Ot_____________ `_____________ N& ve__________________________ cQ`Q______________________N...vP________________ 2. bwkXzz laR͋vb__0\~8h[T{Hh0. 3.ы1 `OSb{NN*NQST_________________________________________________ 2 >ef[NT N(WYb0_____________________________________________________ 3 JimPNv6rN0NNjf ؏ gpQT0 ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 `O.^bRS{,gT_______________________________________________________ 5 Mr. Li]~ THaU:ggPcN_Y0 ____________________________________________ 0cvzHh0Task 2 Writing 10Part 2 R 6eƖ gsQSallyvOo`0 20~bQ NRwN*NLNLkKb_________________\O:NN T_?a________________ 309hnccOvOo`QQSally vEeN0(part2) 0`NHh0U\:yRe`OV_v^QQ NRwT e[SR_N___________________(WQeNmߘTS>e-N________________________ uuvi[P[___________________N@bYf[`Ns___________________________ Sbkbr^Q_________________ cߏ______________ Ns(Ww________________ ^z____________ `Q_________________/______________ O/cKY___________________ 6R[N*NR_________________ SgNZPgN__________________ Ot______________ R\OgN________________ kN________________ NN... N____________________ -NVSSOPN_____________________ 9eZPgN________________________ 0cvzHh0~`NbU\ N USy b . He handed ______ the pens to everyone in the class. A. to B. up C. out D. with 0 It's difficult to learn English well, but you can't __________. A. put it up B. take it up C. look it up D. give it up 0I think the room is too small for us __________. A.to live B. livingin C. to livein D. livein 0His little sister's kite is broken. Let's ________ and cheer______. A. mend it up ,her up B. fix up it, up her C. fix it up, up her D. fix it up, her up Could you tell me something about Hong Kong? I'm _____going there for a holiday soon. A. looking up B. thinking about C. trying out D. finding out N ыSP[ 1 b`(W7bY]\O0_________________________________________ 2 b`.^Ri[P[Nf[`NR0______________________________________ 3 bN Ncߏ6R\OR0_________________________________________ 4 bNSb{^zN*NQeNmߘTS>e-N_.^RevN0 ____________________________________________________________ 5 Nk*NhTmQ NHSe(WN[Rir;Sb]\O0 ____________________________________________________________ 6 v^ NS/fbN.^RNN-NaS0R_PN b_Nbe(WNbU"kZPvN N0 _____________________________________________________________ 0TS`0 Unit8 I ll help clean up the city parks. s~____________ \~____________ Y T____________ ċN____________ ,{6eReading 0Yef[vh01. ccP66US͋ 2. SWI d like to thank you for& & & & I ll send you a photo of & & & . You see you have helped make it possible for me to have a lucky. 3. l R͋w틄vЏ(u4f[OYUOT+RNh:ya" 0`NHh0 Task1: \~f[`Np66uUS͋ v^cc͑pUS͋fill, pleasure, blind, deaf, imagine, shut, carry, specially, fetch, at once, help sb out s^L~: 9hncSaTW[kc:y[bUS͋ Tom went into his room and s____________ the door behind him. The boys often help the old man c____________ water and sweep the floor. The dog f___________ the stick that we had tossed(N)0 It s impolite to laugh at the b________________. Our journey is full of joy and p_______________. He can t hear anything because he is d____________. Task2: _ev^VT{ NR What does the writer thank Miss for? Who is lucky? What is  Animal helpers ? How long did Liz have the training with Lucky? How does Lucky help the writer? Task3: |ev^~b0R NRw Lucky vN _gqGr___________________ 2..^RkuN_______________________ Obvu;mEQn_PN_________________ 4.\~`ObvEeN___________________ 5 ,dЏN___________________________ 6;.^bFd1VX_____________________ 7Nag~ǏN蕭~vr______________________ 8.1uN`O}Y_vPcR______________________ 9.NagNN`GYvr________________ Task4:[bP67 3 b s^L~: 9hncIlc:y[bSP[ The blind man wants to get ___________ ___________ ___________ (yrk~)dog. ___________ __________ __________ __________ (SKSw) is unlucky. I miss you very much. Please ___________ __________ ([~b) a photo of you. Money is well used ________ _________ _________ _________ (.^RkuN)like me. 0hKmċ0US 10 I don t know where Wenchuan County is  Let me _____ a map of China for you A.take B. bring C. fetch D. carry 2. The box is _______ books. A. fill with B. full of C. filled of D. full with 3 I d like to thank you for ____ money to  Animal Helpers . A. sending B. send C. to send D. sent 4. I m ______ at this dog. A. amazing B. amaze C. amazed D. surprising 5. They improved the software to make ______ easier for people to use computers. A. that B. this C. these D. it 6 Please ____ the cup ____ milk or water. A. filled; with B. fill; use C. fill; with D. fill; of 7. I m going to see my friend _____ is ill in bed after school. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom (u@b~͋vcknxb__kXzz 1. There are many political and social _________(organize) in the world. 2. Your _____ (donate) is greatly appreciated. 3. This math exercise isn t difficult. I can finish it ______(easy). 4. Everyone s life is filled with ________(please). 5. I feel lucky _______ (study) at No.14 Middle School, 6. The dress is made________ (special) for the Art Festival. 0TS`0     O(ue________t^____g____e 6R____________ [8h____________ [yb ____________ PAGE  PAGE 11 z0{{{|||b}}~~L:Z‚ރ$dH7$8$VD^gd(gdHgd(gdH7$8$`gd(g dH7$8$gd(g:DnƁځ">\ v &(ćƇ2:ȊԊfhln.@NPČ̌HJ΍܍Žh$=h(gCJPJo(hp]h(gCJOJPJo(h(gCJPJo(h$=h(gCJPJS(‡6lNHpdHgd(g dH7$8$gd(gdH7$8$VDWD^`gd(gڏ"Đ֐\p‘&2 Ɨ|(*pxʚ>F~*.LPjntxȜ̜؜ǭhp]h(gCJOJPJo(hMth(gCJPJo(hMth(gCJPJh2T%h(gCJPJaJh$=h(gCJPJo(h$=h(gCJPJh(gCJPJo(D‘’<ʓ&2N$Bʗ*d gd(g d 7$8$gd(g $d a$gd(gdHgd(gb؛Xv@P& hd WD`hgd(gd gd(g d 7$8$gd(g؜  4:PTZbʝН @Hz(2>N\r":@HhpPṬУ"ާ밧h(gPJaJo(hXL7h(gPJaJo(h(gCJPJh{>h(gCJOJPJhp]h(gCJOJPJo(hMth(gCJPJo(hMth(gCJPJh(gCJPJo(<ȥN|JЧާ4Ҩx2>& d WD`gd(g d WD`gd(g $d a$gd(g $dha$gd(g $da$gd(gdgd(gd gd(g d 7$8$gd(g4¨Ĩި2>.2"v~ 02~į6:аҰܰ|ޱ8@RXjp²ڲܲLThn̳г 46>@Jx"6Dh(gCJPJhp]h(gCJOJPJo(h(gCJPJo(h:$h(gCJPJh2T%h(gCJPJaJO&P̫^ʬ2&p^t<ֱd gd(g & Fd gd(g & Fd gd(g & Fd gd(g d WD`gd(g & Fd gd(g d `gd(gֱ 4FV40fθ@(id ^i`gd(gd gd(g & Fd gd(g d `gd(gֵ¶Զ df|·ҷи $DHbf.>RdrzƽȽнҽؽ޽"<>@h(gh(go( h(go(h7'h(go(hpjhpUh(ghMth(gCJPJh(gCJPJh(gCJPJo(h:$h(gCJPJEz>@RTVnprtvh]hgd(g &`#$gdp &dPgd(gd gd(g@BNPRTVXdfjlnptvh(g0JmHnHuhph(g h(g0Jjh(g0JU:&P 182P:p(g. 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