ࡱ> y{x` R^sbjbj4~b, >>>>>>>R###8N#<#TR9.######>($<$ 7777777$M:h<8>(##((8>>##8444(>#>#74(744*7>>v7## ;^A #)/B774809J7,C>74vC>v7C>>v74H$ %4%|6&qH$H$H$884RH$H$H$9((((RRR#RRR#RRR>>>>>> Nt^~ 0[r%mR-N틄Y z 0Yef[Hh Unit 9 Signs pvQ 1.Don t play in the street. N(WW Ns0/Look at the sign ! wُ*Nh_ ُ$N*NSP[SHyOS [h:yBl0}TNI{0YOpen the door ,please,bSb_0Don t be late for school again. Nf[+RQߏ0RN0 2.Let s go .bNp'T  Let s do sth.. /fh:y^ve8^(ul0 YLet s look at the computer. bNeg w w5u'T0 Let s be good friends.bNb:N}Y gS'T0 3.Why not ?SW  Why not do sth ? /fh:y^ZPgN v^^h:yu0 YWhy not go swimming this afternoon ? Why not go to the supermarket? :NNHN NS^bT 4.bring Ntake bring a:N beg &^eg cbgNbNirNN*N0We&^0R݋N@b(W0Weg :_1u܏ я0take a:N bp &^p cbgNbgirN݋N@b(W0W&^0RSN*N0WeS:_1uя ܏0YDon t forget to bring your book here tomorrow.+R_Nf)Yb`OvfN&^eg0I want to take the newspapers home. b`bb~&^V[0 5.``R͋mustv(ul 1 h:y _{ b ^S_ I must see her and thank her. b_yYTyYS" We must look first when we across the road.Ǐle bN^HQ w w0 (2)must not h:yybk vS_N NAQ N^ You mustn t be late for school. `O NAQ Nf[ߏ0R0 You mustn t tell him about it.`ON[ NbُNNJTɋN0 6.on the right (WS 7.look right TMR w 8.the right place Tv0We 9.park v(ul (1)parkn. lQV We are in ABC Park. bN(WABClQV̑0 (2)park (v.) \PfI{ N Where can we park the car?bNSN(WT̑\Pf She can park her bike in front of the supermarket.yYSNbLf\P>e(W^vMRb0 10.She must look up and down first.HQyY_MRT w w0 first(adv.)HQ gR ,{N I must finish this work first.b_{HQ[bُN]\O0 11.``R͋can v(ul 1 h:yR Can you speak English? `OOT Peter can answer the question.|__VT{ُ*N0 The boy can t swim.ُ*N7ui[ NO8nl0 2 h:yS can t h:y NQ 0 You can eat snacks here. `OSN(Wُ?QTߘ0 In the buses, you can t smoke. (WlQqQ}lf N NQ8Tp0 3 h:yBl Can you help me do homework? `O.^bZP\ONT Can we park our bikes here? bNSNbLf\P>e(Wُ?QT 4 h:yS'`can t h:y NS 0 He can be at home now. s(WNS(W[̑0 My father can t be in his office now. s(Wb8r8r NS(WNvRlQ[̑0 12.Can I eat some snacks, Mum? YY bSNTpߘT some _NS(uNh:yBlvuS-N0 YWould you like some coffee? `O`Up?QTaU Can I have some orange juice? bSNUpYjAlT 13.You can play later. `OSNߏp?Qs0 YYou can t play football first, but you can play it later. `O NSNHQ"t FOSNߏp"0 14. Put the signs in the right places. bُNh_>e(WTvMOn N0 XhKm N0~bQ NRT~US͋-N;u~R N TvUS͋0 ( )1. A. fly B. bring C. write D. ride ( )2. A. pair B. pear C. near D. where ( )3. A. father B. class C. cat D. car ( )4. A. under B. uncle C. study D. ruler ( )5. A. yes B. pen C. she D. get N0$Re NRk~US͋R~R gQy0 ANy B $Ny C Ny DVy ( )1. A. bag B. cat C. late D. father ( )2. A. big B. this C it D. sit ( )3. A. dear B. near C. pear D. hear ( )4. A. they B. boy C. bike D. their ( )5.A. my B. why C. fly D. family N0(u@b~US͋vS_b__kXzz0 1. ___________ in the street. (not play) 2. Why not ___________ football on the playground?(play) 3. Let us ___________ kites after school. (fly) 4. You can t ___________in the library.(shout) 5. Please don t ___________ on the plane.(smoke) 6. Who ___________ a pet in your class?(have) V0IlNы0 10"t________________ 20ZP[^\ON________________ 30Lf________________ 40>eΘ]{________________ 50,TPN________________ 60Tߘ________________ 70look at the sign _______________ 80look for things on the Internet___________ 90write in the books ______________ 100Oh, I see ________________ N0SWlbckzzN͋ 0 1. Lucy can listen to music on the plane.9e:N&T[S Lucy ___________ ___________ to music on the plane. 2. They can eat snacks here.9e:NN,uS v^\O&T[VT{ ___________ they ___________ snacks here? ___________, they ___________. 3. Please open the door.9e:N&T[S Please ___________ ___________ the door. 4. You can t shout in the library.(9e:NHyOS) ___________ ___________ in the library, please. 5. I can see some signs in the park.[R~Rc ___________ ___________ you ___________ in the park? 6. Can I use your pencil? (\O[VT{) Yes, _________ _________. 7. I see some apples on the tree.9e:NN,uS _________ you see _________ apples on the tree? 8. She must look for a right place to park her bike.( TINS) She must look for a right place _________ _________ _________. mQ0USy b0  1. Let s ___________ them play basketball shall we? A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched  2. Please ___________ your exercise book here tomorrow morning. A. bring B. take C. carry D. move ( ) 3. ---Can you see the red light? ---________. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I cant C. Yes, I do D. No, I dont ( ) 4. You cant take the newspapers in the library__________. A. home B. to home C. at home D. in home ( ) 5. ---______, can you see my dog? ---______, I cant. A. Sorry; Sorry B. Sorry; Yes C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Sorry; No ( ) 6. Why not ______ to music now, Kate? A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listens ( ) 7. ______ can I wait for you? A. Where B. What C. Whose D. Who ( ) 8. We must look _________ a right place to park the car? A. at B. for C. after D. up ( ) 9. We _______ cross the road when the light is red. A. can B. cant C. must D. may ( )10. We usually look _____ left, then ______ right before we cross the road. A. /,/ B. at;/ C. /;at D. at; at ( )11. She _____bring her bag into the supermarket, she _____use a shopping basket. A. must not, can B. can, must not C. can, must D. must not, must ( )12. ---Can I have ______ snacks, Mum? ---Sorry, we dont have ______. A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some ( )13. Here ______ some hair clips. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )14. _______ , can I bring my bag here? A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Hello D. Excuse ( )15. --_____ I use your ruler? -- Sorry, I dont have one. A. Do B. Am C. Can D. Does ( )16. Look ______ the screen and listen ______ me, please. A. at, / B. at, to C. /, to D. /, / ( )17. Why not ______ to the shop now? Lets _______. A. go, to go B. to go, go C. go, go D. to go, to go ( )18. There ____ two boys playing under the tree. 0 A. have B. are C. is D. has ( )19. ---Can I have ______ juice? ---Certainly. A. some B. any C. many D. a ( ) 20. ---Mum, may I watch TV now? ---Sure, but you _________ help me with my house work first. A. can B. may C. must D. could N0[b[݋0 A: There __1__ a lake in the park. Let s go and play there. B: __2__ ! Let s go. A: Can we play football in the park? B: No, we __3__. A: Why not? B: Look __4__ the sign over there. A: Oh, yes. There are lots of __5__ there. B: Look! We cant __6__ our bikes near the lake, we cant feed the fish in the lake. A: What __7__ we do? B: I have a walkman. We can listen to music. A: Yes. __8__ not a sign. Dont listen to music! near the lake. 1.___________ 2___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ &2>FHV& 2 t 8 b x | & * f | ~  V  $ & 2 : B ` ":^ (.6LTZvx hp>*o(hp hp5\hp5\o( hpo(hp5CJ\o(hp5CJ\h3C5CJ PJ\o(L&HR 6 x * | & B ` "^ xVD9WDd^x`gdp^gdp WD`gdpgdp - WD`- gdp$a$gd3CBs\s 0ThHp0Jn^ WD`gdpgdpxRh&(4FH^p 8t4RN:\^`bd 2l hp>*o(hp hp5\hp5\o( hpo(X2\d$ 2Dl> WDd`gdpgdp WD`gdp:Z\`"$24HJ\^ ">@RTln  2@BNP^`pr(.<BRTb hp>* hp5\hp5\o( hp>*o(hp hpo(VbfrvjnnpXZt *6^d& ( * . t v !0!!!!!"""" #"#f#z###"$4$$$$$`%z%D&L&&&&&<'>'R'T'Z'h'''''*( hp>*o( hpo(hp hp>*\Zj,( *!!!"" #t##6$$$%t%%N&&&T' WDd`gdpgdpT'',(`((((%)[))))*R*w***+P+++,Y,,,,- WWD`Wgdp`gdpgdp*(,(.(5(j(m()#)e)h)))))++,,, ,k,w,,,,,,,,,?-@-----R.S...&/'/-///00X0\0`0f00000"1(1,121b1r111@2B2D2V2j2l2X3Z33344 4!4k4l444444455555#5/525>5A5M5P5\5hp hpo(`-8-_----.).K....'/0L011B2D2T222@3b3z33HWDp^H`gdp vWD,`vgdpgdp`gdp3 4a4w444 5!5]5PRnSTTTTTBUdUUVVVHWWW`gdp WDd`gdp HWD`HgdpgdpkQ09hnc@bf[eQ[kXzz0 The girl wants to go the supermarket by __1__. She must __2__ the road. How can she cross the road? First, she must __3__ __4__ the green light. When the light is green, she must look __5__ , then __6__, then __7__. Now she can cross the road. The girl __8__ park her bike under the street. She must look for the __9__ place to __10__ her bike. She __11__ bring her bag __12__ the supermarket. She can use a shopping basket. 1._________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4._________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7._________ 8._________ 9.__________ 10._________ 11._________ 12._________ ]N09hncIlc:y[bSP[0 10bN N(WW N"t0 We ______________________________ in the street. 20ǏlMR bN_{]S w w0 We ________________________ before we cross the road. 30:NNHN Nb`ONLf\P>e(W^MRbbT Why ______________ your bikes __________________ the supermarket? 40SbpbN bSNbS&^ۏ^T-----[ Nw NSN0 A: Excuse me, ________ I __________________ the supermarket? B: ____________, you __________. 5. `O NSNHQSb5u8nb FOSNߏpSb0 You _____________, but you can ____________________. 60bN~8^>ef[T NQgN0 We often _____________________________ after school. 70ُ/f`OvP[T/fbv0 ____________________ trousers ______________? Yes, ________________. 80bvQtb(WT?Q T (Wُ?QbT0 __________________ are __________________? Oh, here _____________. 90 wُ*Nh_ `O Nbr&^0Rُ?Qeg0 ______________ the sign! You ________________________ here. 100 YY bSNTp?QߘT  SN0 --__________ I _____________________ , Mum? --Yes, _______________. AS0[b_kXzz0 On Sundays, Peter likes __1__ shopping with his mother. There is a big shop __2__ his home. The people in the shop __3__ friendly. The shop __4_ a lot of nice things. You can see __5__ things in the __6__ windows. Peter likes them. He __7__ a beautiful coat very much, __8__ it is too expensive. There __9__ always a lot of people in the shop on Sundays. You can often __10__ some friends there. ( )1. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go ( )2. A. in B. near C. to D. of ( )3. A. am B. are C. is D. be ( )4 A. sell B. sells C. buy D. buys ( )5. A. different B. much C. a lot D. same ( )6. A. shop s B. shop C. shops D. shops ( )7. A. see B. wants C. looks D. want ( )8. A. but B. and C. or D. so ( )9. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )10. A. see B. look C. look at D. meet ASN0t0we bcknxT{Hh0 A One Sunday morning, Mr Brown and his child ,Bill, are in a big supermarket. Mr Brown wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Brown.Bill likes oranges. So his father buys two kilos of oranges for him, too. Bill also wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils. There are many things and many people in the supermarket. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. ( )1. Mr Brown goes to the supermarket with ________. A. Mrs Brown B. his boy C. his father D. some old people ( )2. Mr Brown wants to buy a new blouse for ________. A. Bill s mother B. Bill C. his mother D. himself ( )3. Bill likes ______. A. all the things B. new blouse C. oranges D. the supermarket ( )4. The little boy wants to buy ________. A. some picture-books B. some colour pencils C. clothes and shoes D. A and B ( )5. People in the supermarket are __________. A. old and young B. boys and girls C. clothes and shoes D. A and B B Mr Green is from England. He and his wife are teachers. They teach English in Beijing. They have a boy and a girl. They are Jack and Mary. Jack is a student, but Mary is not. She is only four. They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is small. The big one is for Jack. The small one is for Mary. On Sundays , sometimes ge they are at home, sometimes they go to the park. The Green family like China. They have a lot of Chinese friends. ( )1. Where are the Greens now? They are in ______. A. China B. America C. England D. Japan ( )2. What do Mr and Mrs Green do? They ______. A. study Chinese B. teach English C. look after Jack and Mary D. go to the park ( 3 What do Jack and Mary have? They have ______. A. cars B. watches C. clocks D. bikes ( )4. On Sundays, they are sometimes _________. A. at school B. in the classroom C. at home D. on the bike ( )5. Mr and Mrs Green ________. A. have many Japanese friends B. like China very much C. look the same D. don t know Chinese     \56PPRRnSTTTBUbUUVVVVVWWWW(XFXXXlYY$ZJZZZ[[[[[[[[<\>\\\ ] ]2]4]`]b]p]r]z]|]]]^^^^^^"_$___$`&`````TaVaaaaaLb^bvb|bzc|c8d:deeeegg$h hp^Jhp hpo(U hp>*o(\W(XHXXXlYY$ZLZZZR[[[[ \^_j__```HaaaNbxb`gdpgdpxb|be ffgggHhhihii*j~jjjll n|nnNooFp WD`gdp WDd`gdp  WD` gdpgdp ` gdp$h(hThVhtivi~jjkkllll"m(mnnnnoooo p"pRpTp(q*qBqDqrr@sBsDsHsJsNsPsTsVs\s^shB;jhB;Uh2,5CJ PJ\o(hp hpo(,FppqqrXrr@sBsFsHsLsNsRsTsXsZs\s^s$a$gd3Cgdp218:p3C( 9!n"n#n$n%S J@J 3Ccke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH:@: 3Ch 1$$@&a$ 5CJ\$A@$ ؞k=W[SOBiB nfh j "L"v"""#5#e######%% &E&&&&'K'u'''((((9)))4*h***+N++++-,a,b,d,e,g,h,j,k,m,n,q,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0y00@0y00@0y00@0y00y00 xb*(\5$h^s!"%:= T'-3WxbFp^s #$&';<>\s _Hlt104804405 _Hlt104804406VVq,@@VVq,)r4|U *rZ#+r ",r9-r:.r:/r:0r;1r\;2r;3r;4r<5r\<6r<7r<"((U(U()) *.*.*,,q,     "((\(\())*3*3*",",q, 8 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity= *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName< *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagschmetcnv9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplaceB *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region p 014aFalseHasSpaceNegative NumberType SourceValueTCSCTrueUnitName        $(EL`fg}1;GIWZ]mnp+Ye.OXw)3fv:D\einu|'6:@FNjs7@X`ac        - 4 6 : Q W i n   : ; V c ] c kp"%hode ,cr '-x) = ##$$N$P$u$x$y$$$$%%%%&&<'B'( (R)U)F*H*M*P*++++b,b,d,d,e,e,g,h,j,k,m,n,q,)0Y_;<An)eY(2Ief|7NCG 8:hj ! 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