ࡱ> '` Rbjbj<(2O66687dx7<k88(889 > > >jjjjjjj$mh pVk;?P=>;?;?k89kNNN;? 89jN;?jNNydlTf98 `5o6SIEegk0k_ebpKzbp4ffbbpCg >>J>,Nv>$> > > >kkqNj > > >k;?;?;?;?D'- - ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ f[ ys ~N5 10 e gYe Y[i_ Unit 4 My classroomepe6Ye Hh {| WecYe f[ v h Plural forms of nouns Imperative sentences  There be structure Numbers Ye f[ ͑ p Functional aim Ye f[ pSkillful aims Ye wQ Q YA tape recorder, a projector, some pictures,real items \O N Q [Ye f[ T  ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D  ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D  ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D  ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D  ^ S f[ !h Ye Hh ~ Ye f[ Ǐ zReRQ[0W0ek0el D      ,{  PAGE 7 u qQ  NUMPAGES 8 u The first period Title: Learn to say Listening Teaching aims: Learn imperative sentences Teaching main points: Learn imperative sentences Open/Close the door,please.Stand up,please.Sit down,please. Teaching difficulties: negative imperative sentences Teaching aid: a tape recorder ,some pictures Teaching procedure: Step1 Greetings and revision Good morning. How are you? Who is he? How old are you? Step2 Presentation Say to a student:open the door,please. Repeat with open your book,please. Step3 Drill Give some more instructions and have students to do some actions. Step4 Practice Students practise follow me in groups. Ask a student to give instructions at the front. Step5 Following the teacher students look at the pictures and listen to the tape. read after the tape. learn the new words Consolidate with real objects in the classroom asking questions such as What is it? Is it a/an ?etc. Step6 Listen and number play the tape before you make sure your students understand what to do chechk their answers Step7 Consolidation finish the exercises on Page 92 The second period Title: Speaking Teaching aims: (1) English numbers (2) Plural form Teaching main points numbers Teaching difficulties Plural forms and negative imperative sentences Teaching aids A projector ,some pictures Step1 Greetings Step2 Revision Open the door, please.stand up. Sit down.clean the window.etc. Step3 Speaking teach English numbers show the pictures on the projector.Students count the objects and tell their classmates I can see explain the plural form rules and pronunciation read the phrases say the rythme after the tape explain Dont do sth students have a competition Step4 consolidation Finish the exercises on Page 93 The Fourth Period Title: Grammar Task Teaching aims: to revise grammatical items and strengthen their comprehension Teaching aids: real items and pictures Teaching procedure: Step 1 greetings Step 2 revisions English numbers plural form there be Step3 welcome to the art room A. look and complete look at the pictures and say I can see correct students mistakes in pronunciation give more examples read the passage and fill in blanks silently check their answers discuss any questions from students explain some points such as : art room, clean, on/in the wall read the passage loudly students write a short passage titled with My Classroom B. complete the numbers 1-30 Students finish it in class Step4 Task Draw and report Look at the diagram and write a report. It can be done as homework. The Third Period Title: Reading Teaching aims: reading skill and language points Teaching main points : there be Teaching Difficulties : there be Teaching aids: a tape recorder Teaching procedure: Step1 Greetings and revisions count numers from one to one hundred imperative sentences plural forms say the rythme Step2 Presentation put a book on the desk and say There is a book on the desk.. repeat with other things as examples students try to describe the state or a position with There be write some typical sentences on the blackboard to help ss summarize the characters of there be students practise this sentence structure while decribing pictures and real objects do some written work Step3 Reading give a question before students skip the passageWhat is on the teachers desk? check their comprehension students read it again and circle T/F check their answers follow the tape read together read by themselves The fifth period There be SW There be SW 1. [INThere beSWh:ygYX[(WgirbgN0 2. ~g(1) There is +USpeSpe T͋/ NSpe T͋+ 0Wpr. (2) There are + Ype T͋+0Wpr. there/f_[͋ (WS-N NEQS_NUObR ыe_N N_ыQ0SP[v;N/fgNbgir 틨R͋beN;NgNbgir vpeOcN0S_;N/f$N*Nb$N*NN Nv T͋e 틨R͋Nߍ[gяv*N T͋N0 eg. `$ There is a bird in the tree. h N gNS0 a$ There is a teacher and many students in our classroom. bNYe[̑ gNMO^TYf[u0 b$ There are two boys and a girl under the tree. h N g$N*N7ui[ N*NsYi[0 3. There beSWNhavev:S+R (1) There be SWThaveh:y g v+TIN0:S+RY NThere beh:y gYX[(WgirbgN haveh:y gNb ggir/gN [h:y@b g0b gsQ|0 eg. `$He has two sons. N g$N*N?QP[0 a$There are two men in the office. RlQ[̑ g$N*N7uN0 (2)S_haveh:y Sb 0 X[(W v+TINe There be SWNvQSNbc0 eg. A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week. N*Nfg gN)Y0 [rR\Ջ 9hncV:y NgqOSQSP[0 c:y chair iP[ 1.0 INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.yytd.com.cn/UploadFiles/20064197541880.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET 00 2.  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B: He is in the car.    &*.08<@FJLVX^dfhjlrz|4 6 F H t v x z ~ ͽͲ hPJo(h ho( h.ePJo(h hk{PJo( h6PJo( hPJ hPJo(h5CJ PJ\h5CJ PJ\o(D&,6HRT^f$$&P#$/Ifa$gd$a$gd Pfh kd$$Ifl4ִ ~9 !           6P0"6    4 laf4hr$$&P#$/Ifa$gd1$$&P#$/Ifa$gdkdf$$Ifl4Zֈ~9 ! &   6P0"64 laf4 2 ^ t v x jUU$$&P#$/Ifa$gd~kd$$Ifl0!   6P0"64 la $Ifgdk{ & F $Ifgd ePPA$IfWDd`gd$$&P#$/Ifa$gd~kd`$$IflI0!   6P0"64 la$&P#$/Ifgd $Ifgd h j l n r x |       $ & ( * , ǼǼǼǼǼǼǵǼǼjh_~UmHnHu h_~PJ h_~o(h_~PJaJo( h_~PJo(h_~5CJ PJ\h_~5CJ PJ\o(h5CJ PJ\o( ho( hPJ hPJo(hhhPJo(: h j kkbk $Ifgd$$&P#$/Ifa$gd~kd.$$Iflv0!   6P0"64 laj l v kkY$&P#$/Ifgd$$&P#$/Ifa$gd~kd$$Ifl0!   6P0"64 la kkk$$&P#$/Ifa$gd~kd$$Ifl/0!   6P0"64 la xxpZ$$Ifa$gd_~l$a$gd_~$a$gd_~~kd$$Ifl 0!     6P0"64 la   $$Ifa$gd_~l'ikdt$$Ifl    ,## t0    644 la  " ll$$Ifa$gd_~l|kd$$Ifl    0e,# t0    644 la" $ @ D r zq[$$Ifa$gdn3Yl $4$a$gd:H$a$gd_~|kd$$Ifl     0e,# t0    644 la, . 0 2 4 6 8 : < @ B D p t " ( * 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F H J L P | ̸̬ h:Ho(h:HPJaJo(h:H5CJ PJ\h:H5CJ PJ\o(jh_~UmHnHu h_~PJ h_~o(h_~PJaJo( h_~PJo( h:HPJo(h_~5CJ PJ\h_~5CJ PJ\o(:r t $$Ifa$gdn3Yl'ikd2 $$Ifl    ,## t0    644 la ll$$Ifa$gdn3Yl|kd $$Ifl    0n,# t0    644 la zq[$$Ifa$gdn3Yl $4$a$gd:H$a$gd_~|kdT $$Ifl     0n,# t0    644 la " * $$Ifa$gdn3Yl'ikd $$Ifl    ,## t0    644 la* , . 0 ll$$Ifa$gdn3Yl|kdv $$Ifl    0e,# t0    644 la0 2 4 P ~ }u_$$Ifa$gd:Hl$a$gd:Hgd|kd $$Ifl    *0e,# t0    644 la~ $$Ifa$gd:Hl'ikd $$Ifl    ,## t0    644 la   * , 2 4 6 8 > B D F H J L N P R T V X \ ^ :<BDFHPh:HPJaJo(h:H5CJ PJ\h:H5CJ PJ\o(jh:HUmHnHu h:Ho( h:HPJo( h:HPJJ ll$$Ifa$gd:Hl|kd4 $$Ifl    0n,# t0    644 la  }u_$$Ifa$gd:Hl$a$gd:Hgd|kd $$Ifl    *0n,# t0    644 la  , 4 $$Ifa$gd:Hl'ikdl$$Ifl    ,## t0    644 la4 6 : < ll$$Ifa$gd:Hl|kd$$Ifl    0n,# t0    644 la< > @ \ ^ }u}_$$Ifa$gd:Hl$a$gd:Hgd|kd$$Ifl    *0n,# t0    644 la $$Ifa$gd:Hl'ikd*$$Ifl    ,## t0    644 la ll$$Ifa$gd:Hl|kd$$Ifl    0n,# t0    644 la }u}_$$Ifa$gd:Hl$a$gd:Hgd|kdL$$Ifl    *0n,# t0    644 la<D$$Ifa$gd:Hl'ikd$$Ifl    ,## t0    644 laDFJLll$$Ifa$gd:Hl|kdn$$Ifl    0n,# t0    644 laLNPTVZ\`bfhjl}{{{{{{{{s{$a$gdj?gd|kd $$Ifl    *0n,# t0    644 la PRVX\^bdhjlpr~/0>?UWvx󷲮h)A h)Ao(h_~h ho( h7o(h:Hh)KHaJmHnHuh:HKHaJjh:HKHUaJh:HKHaJo(h&1 hj?o(hfjhfU>lp%ZXf & Fgd`gdgd N WD`N gd^gd7$a$gd:H4j_t%1Ggd)A  WDL` gd)A^gdVDWD^`gd & Fgd & FgdgdGv)!5YZ[vwx  WD` gd,+ N WD`N gd & Fgd)A WD`gd)Agd)A`gd)A);M]jtDX| /P]m`gd,+ & F gd,+ & Fgd,+gd,+x  #$@B  [\]{|$*:VX^d μμμμμμμμμ$h\qh\qCJKHOJPJQJ^J'h\qh\qCJKHOJPJQJ^Jo(#h\qh\qCJKHPJQJ^Jo(h\qh\qCJKHPJ ho(h:Hh)A h)Ao(h_~ h:Ho(h,+ h,+o(:$EeyCi `v & Fgd)A & Fgd)A & Fgd)Agd)A N WD`N gd)Agd:H*:H[\]|X& H!x!2"p""*## $dh1$4$a$gd\q $dh1$4$a$gd\q`gdgd:H & Fgd)A \` $ & . 0 ,!F!H!`!f!n!v!x!!!!!!!!""$"8":"`"n"p"v"x"""""""##(#*#P####$༥-h\qh\qB* CJKHOJPJQJ^Jph3f,h\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJ^Jo(ph3f!h\qh\qB* CJKHPJph3f$h\qh\qCJKHOJPJQJ^Jh\qh\qCJKHPJ#h\qh\qCJKHPJQJ^Jo(8$$$&$@$N$T$b$f$h$l$n$p$&%(%*%,%0%B%D%%%&&&&駒xbbLb*jNh\qh\qB* CJKHPJUph3f*jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJUph3f2jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJU^Jph3f)h\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJ^Jph3f2jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJU^Jph3f!h\qh\qB* CJKHPJph3f-h\qh\qB* CJKHOJPJQJ^Jph3f,h\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJ^Jo(ph3f#&$h$&&''Dz%j֊ ~`gd$dh1$4$WDd`a$gd\q $dh1$4$a$gd\q&& &&&&&&&&&&&&( uv¨ywaaKaaa*jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJUph3f*jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJUph3fU2jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJU^Jph3f)h\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJ^Jph3f2jh\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJU^Jph3f,h\qh\qB* CJKHPJQJ^Jo(ph3f!h\qh\qB* CJKHPJph3f)h\qh\qB* CJKHOJQJ^Jph3f B: It's ________. B: It's ___________. There is a man in the car. ____________________. ____________________. 4.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.yytd.com.cn/UploadFiles/200641975623565.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  5.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.yytd.com.cn/UploadFiles/200641975735278.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  A: Where is the bike? A: Where is the bag? B: _______________. B: _______________. ____________________. __________________. Keys: 2. between the two chairs There is a ball between the two chairs 3. on the desk There is a book on the desk 4. It's under the tree There is a bike under the tree 5. It's on the chair There is a bag on the chair eg. A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week. N*Nfg gN)Y0 [rR\Ջ 9hncV:y NgqOSQSP[0 c:y chair iP[ 1.0 INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.yytd.com.cn/UploadFiles/20064197541880.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET 00 2.  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