ࡱ> '` RbjbjLULUI .?.?fY%DDDDDDDX@z@z@z8xz{X{{"{{{|||$h[Dă||ăăDD{{~~~ăDD{D{~ă~~tDD{{ ;ʬ@ztѷ0|,D,|V~~ |||d|||ăăăăXXX<Ad8XXXAXXXDDDDDD Unit 6 I m more outgoing than my sister. Section A 1a-2c 0Learning objectives0 Knowing : ,gv9*NUS͋ Habit----forming: ccb_[͋k~vSSĉR0 . Practising: Џ(uk~ Nirv*N'`yr_0 0Important points0 k~vSSĉRS$NNv]ݍ0 0Learning process0 (Ye^[: Practice makes perfect) N0;Nf[`N (Ye^[: No pains, no gains) Task 1. b_[͋k~vSSĉR 10QQ NR͋vSIN͋ tall 0000 0thin0000 0long 0 calm000000 old000000good0000 20ccb_[͋k~vSSĉR b NR&{TBlvUS͋[SeQPW thin long calm funny quiet serious outgoing smart athletic short big heavy early interesting beautiful wild 10(W͋>\vcRer: taller 20NW[ke~>\vUS͋ vcRr: later finer nicer 30SQgTN*NW[k Rer: bigger 40W[kRy~>\vUS͋ Sy:NiRer: easier 50Y󗂂͋TRS󗂂͋ (W͋MRRmore: more beautiful 60 NĉRSS͋many/more good little Task 2. Nirv*N'`yr_ 10_v^~`N NR[݋  Is that Tara?That is Tara,isn't it?  No, it isn't. It's Tina. Tara's shorter than Tina. `$0[$NNۏLY0'`NOQQk~vgb N0|~;`~Ye^[;`~Mbcؚ ,gf[NTNb_[͋vk~ V0ʋeċNYe^[Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. N 9hncSaSW[kkXzz0 10Here are p___________of me and my parents. 20They are b__________good at swimming. 30Do you look the s___________? 40My friend is the s_________as me. 50She's a little more o________ than me. N USy b 10Her room is _________than ________. A0bigger, my B0biger, my C0bigger, mine D0biger, mine 20He has shorter hair ______Bill. A0as B0same C0of D0than 30Sam is much _________than Jim. A0thin B0thiner C0thinner D0thinnest 40Allan is ______more outgoing than Jack. A0little B0very C0too D0a little  N ыSP[ 10b__(Wpef[eb NSbf[_}Y ________________________________________________________ 20NN$NN__P0 ________________________________________________________ 30(WNNeb NN_ NP0 ________________________________________________________ 40bN$N*NU"kSRZO0 ________________________________________________________ 50""`Ov N\egO0 ________________________________________________________ N00TS`0Ye^[l gS`1\ NO gcؚ Unit 6 I m more outgoing than my sister. SectionB 1a-2c Knowing : ,gv 4*NUS͋N6*Nw Practising: (u@bf[wƋNNv*N'`yr_v^[NNۏLk 0Important points0NNv*N'`yr_v^[NNۏLk 0Learning process0 (Ye^[: Practice makes perfect) N0;Nf[`N (Ye^[: No pains, no gains) Task 1. OQ,g4*NUS͋S 6*Nw US͋f[NR OO {a0R}Y{ [ Task 2. f[`N 1aR \~QT\O tw틄va` w N*N}Y gS gQ_vc g dЏR b{ (W!hS"kΏ df[`N U"kZPvNTbN7h Task 3. f[`N1b 10\~Q t1b 20T\ONAm e p`1 I think a good friend makes me laugh0 b:N}Y gSOb__  make sb.do sth. OY^bN(WX N 2 For me a good friend likes to do the same things as me."[beg }Y gSTbU"kZP T7hvN`." OYNTJimU"k T7hvr Task 4. f[`N2a--2b 10,TU_ [bh1dgd*+,,0,V,X,v,z,,,,,---v-x---..N.P.......//./0/R/T/n/p///////////*0,080:0J0L0^0`0t0v000000000 111<111<2X222^3r33444*4 h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJo("h*+h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(#h*+h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJO>111:2Z222\3t334444.5|55,6r66X7~77 89dgd*+ dWDX`gd*+ WDX`gd*+dgd*+*4,4.4l4555$5&5,5L5z5|5~555555555,686>6F6666666666666667j7n7t7x7~77777777882868<88888899 99ȹڹȹȹڨڨȹڹ hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJo(hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJ"h*+h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(#h*+h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJ&h*+h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJo(B99999x::;;;Z<|<<<<<<=?0?,@,AtAAAZB idUD2]igd` vdWD1`vgdZtdgd*+999999999999999999998:::<:P:x:z:::;;; ;,;.;;;;;;;;X<Z<j<n<~<<<<<<<<<<޻ެ̝޻̝޻̉&h*+h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJo(hZt5CJOJ^JaJo(h*+5CJOJ^JaJo( hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJo("h*+h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(#h*+h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJhZt5CJOJQJ^JaJ6<<>>>>>?.?(A*A,A8ANfN dWD`gd`dgd`dgd*+KKKKKKKKL4L6L\L^LLLLLLLLM.MBMFMHMhMMMMMMMMMN NNNNdNfNtNNNNNNNNNOO O6O8O:O>OBODOʸʒʒ"h`h`5CJOJ^JaJo(&h`h`5CJOJQJ^JaJo(#h`h`5CJOJQJ^JaJ hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJo("h*+h`5CJOJ^JaJo(#h*+h`5CJOJQJ^JaJ9fNN8OOO P6PP$QQQQ:RRSBSSTnTTUtUUUUNVVVVdgd`DOHO`OjO|OOOOOOOOOOPPP*P,P4PQQQQQQ$R(R0R6RRRRRRSSBSfSSST&TpTvTTUUU UUU U$U2UJULUpUrUUUUUUUU"h`hZt5CJOJ^JaJo(#h`hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJ hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJo(#h`h`5CJOJQJ^JaJ"h`h`5CJOJ^JaJo(BUUVLVNVfVVVVVVVVWPWWWWWWWWWXHYRYVYzYZ8ZZZ[*[[[[[[ \\\b\N_Z_^_`______˷ܥ܃ܗ&h`h`5CJOJQJ^JaJo(h`h*+5OJQJ^J#h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJ&h`hZt5CJOJQJ^JaJo( h`5CJOJQJ^JaJo(#h`h`5CJOJQJ^JaJ"h`h`5CJOJ^JaJo(3VVNWWWWWWWXXFYTY|YZ:ZZ[[[[Z\\\^\`\b\`]`^<_dgd`<__ `H``"aaX^•ڕHj~," gd*+dgd`____"`4`6`<`btxzĔƔȔ"*^jpxȕΕЕؕ FX\n|~ҖԖ<BhlΗԗ*,2^d"$hZt5OJQJ^Jo(Uh`h*+5OJQJ^Jh`h*+5OJ^Jo(Triend is the same as me. We are both quiet. Practising: q~ Џ(u,gUSCQSWNe_0 zI{ 0 0Important points0 f[`N,gUSCQ*NNvyr_NSYUONNN[kSW0 0Learning process0 (Ye^[: Practice makes perfect) N0;Nf[`N (Ye^[: No pains, no gains) Task 1. f[`N 10 10t1-Nv͋Gl 20*NN[b1 \~8h[T{Hh0 Task 2. f[`N2 10```O$Nt^MRv`b_ QQ]vSS0 Task3. Y`NUnit 6 10[b NRUS͋ h:yY0*N'`yr_vb_[͋Sk~ ؚv________ ________ w______ ______ GYv______ dSv_____ _______ jfv________ ________'Yv________ _______ &vv________ ________ }Ysv_______________ րv________ _____ oNv________ _________ %Nv________ _________ :_ePv_______ ______ YTv_________ _________ good__________ __________ 2 irtf[__________ f[N_________ S ________ mo`________ {_________ vSv________v Sb%_________ 20[b NRw bvN _gqGr________ (WNNeb________ wwegN7h_____________ d___________fYTNp_________ w NS N T________________ \Pbk݋___________ T--v T________OgNZPgN________________ U"kSSRZO_______________ go}Yvb~________________ U"k{݋_______________ Ti[P[vY0W}Y________________ 30Џ(u,gUSCQ݋ۏLNE 1 ]TDQ_YYvv TpT N Tp 2 `O[N gSv‰pTN gSv N T N0T\OqQ^ ;`~b_[͋Sk~vĉRv^>NOf 1 2 3 4 N0|~;`~ (Ye^[Tomorrow comes never.) 10ۏL$Nkve_1 $Nb$NN7h 2 AkBؚ V0ʋeċN (Ye^[: Look before you leap) N09hncSaSW[kc:yQQUS͋ 1 She is more outgoing t______ his sister. (2)She thinks differences are not important in a f________. (3) My sister is more a_______ than me . She likes exercising. (4) She is very s_______ .Nobody can makes him laugh. N0 b 10She enjoys _______ to parties. A. go B. going C. go to D. to go 2.My brother is very ______ .He likes to stay at home. A.outgoing B. kind C. funny D. quiet 3.His mother makes him ________ at home. A. to work B. working C. work D. works 4.Lily is ______ shorter than Lucy. A. very B. too C. quiet D. a little N0 ͋kXzz (uvQS_b__ quiet eat dance well read sing 1.Both of them enjoy ________ meat. 2. Are you good at ________ and _______? 3.Now she feels ________than before. 4. Please keep ________! Don't talk. 5. He likes to stay at home and _______ books. V0ыSP[ 10bYYkbYT0 My sister ____________________________. 20""`Ov NN\O0 ______________________your last letter. 30(WNNeb NNv NP0 ________________________________________. 40b:NRgk[N*N gSegv^ N͑0 _________________________________________________. 5.bg}Yv gSNg~ NkbؚkbYT0 My ____________Li Lei is __________________________than me . N0TS` Unit 6 I am more outgoing than my sister. N.͋Gl5R 1.I'm tall but my sister is ____________(short). 2.My mother has long hair,and my sister has ____________(long) hair. 3.This little baby is ____________ (outgoing)than that one. 4.In some ways we look the same,in some ways we look ____________( N T). 5.Ann is a very ____________([Yv) girl,she hardly makes noise. N0USy b10R ( )1.The twins ____________ lovely girls. A.are all B.are both C.both are ( )2.I like drawing and I am good ____________ it. A.in B.on C.at ( )3.That boxer is ____________ than others. A.more athletic B.athleticer C.much athletic ( )4.She is three years ____________ than I am. A.old B.more old C.older ( )5.I think a good friend should make me ____________. A.laugh B.laughing C.to laugh ( ) 6.What we said is a little _______than yours. Didn t agree________ us? A. more interesting, to B. more interesting, with C. interesting, for D. interesting, as ( ) 7._______is snowing, _____they are still working hard in the factory. A. Although, but B. Although, / C. But, / D. But, although ( ) 8.I am really sorry that I can t visit you because I have to help my sister___________. A. learning math B. learns math C. for learning math D. with learning math ( ) 9. I have the same idea ________him but what he did was very different ______mine. A. from, as B. as, for C. of, from D. as, from ( )10. There are ________students in our class than in my sister s class. But they have ______lessons than ours. It s really surprising! A. better, more B. more, fewer C. more, more D. more, less N.SWlbc20R N TINSlbc 1.Pedro is thinner than Sam.( TINSlbc) Sam is ____________ ____________ Pedro. 2.My sister is better at study than I.She is clever. ( TINSlbc) My sister is ____________ intellectual ____________ me at study. 3.I study science very well.( TINSlbc) I am very ____________ ____________ science. 4.Miss Li is popular in our class.Mr.Wang is more popular.( TINSlbc) Mr.Wang is ____________ ____________ ____________ Miss Li. N vQNSWlbc 1.Mike is taller than any other boys in his class.9e:N TINS Mike is __________ __________ boy in his class. 2.Li Lei doesn't run as far as Wang Lin.9e:N TINS Wang Lin __________ __________ __________ Li Ping. 3.This bag is very big.9e:NaSS __________ big the __________ __________! 4.I'd like you to meet my teacher.([R~Rc) __________ would you like __________ __________ __________? 5.Her father and mother are both doctors.9e:N TINS Her __________ are both doctors. 6.They are going to meet at the gate of the park.([R~Rc) __________ __________ __________ going to meet? 7.My box is heavy. Jim s box is heavier.9e:N TINS Jim's box is heavier __________ __________. 8.The twins are twelve. Kate is eleven.9e:N TINS Kate __________ the __________ of __________. 9.The teachers are watching TV in the meeting room.([R~Rc) __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ in the meeting room? 10.What does he often do that for? 9e:N TINS __________ __________ he often do that? V0(u@b~͋vcknxb__kXzz10R 1.He is __________ (young)than I am. 2.Mr Smith is much __________ (old) than his wife. 3.Chicago is __________ (big) than Paris. 4.This book is __________ (good) than that one. 5.The weather this winter is __________ (bad) than the weather last winter. 6.The weather today is __________ (warm) than the weather yesterday. 7.This summer is __________ (hot) than last summer. 8.This exercise is __________ (easy) than the last one. 9.She is __________ (tall) than her brother. 10.She is a __________ (good) student than her brother is. N.[b NR[݋10R AI want to go 1 , can you come 2 me, please? BCertainly. What do you 3 to buy? AI want to buy 4 mooncakes. BWhat 5 of mooncakes do you like? AI like those 6 eggs in them. What 7 you? BI like those with nuts 8 them. I think they are 9 than the other ones. AWell, let's buy some with nuts and 10 with eggs. mQ0(u~Qv͋vk~bgؚ~kXzz, [b[݋ 10R Martin and Jillion are having their lunch in a restaurant().Martin's car and Jillion's car are outside the restaurant in the car park.Jill is looking through the window at the car and scooters(idXbf).  I think scooters are __________ (good) than cars, she says.  They only want a little petrol (}ll), so they are __________ (cheap).And I think they are __________ (easy) to drive. Martin laughs. Oh, car are more expensive(5), that's true. He says,  but they're not __________ (difficult) to drive.And think! Cars are __________ (big) than scooters, so they take more people.They're __________ (big), but they're quiet.My car is __________ (quiet) than a scooter or a bus or a plane or train.Cars are __________ (quiet) and they are __________ (safe) and __________ (warm). N0[b_kXzz10R Mary has some friends. 1 Betty, Peter, Alice 2 Mike. Mary is the oldest 3 .Betty is thirteen years 4 .She is younger than Mary and older than Peter. Alice is nice and Mike is seven. Betty and Peter are 5 runners. But Peter runs faster. Mary and Betty like to 6 .Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings 7 of them. Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Alice and Mike study in a primary school. They 8 work hard at school. But Betty works 9 .Her handwriting is good, 10 . ( )1.A.They areB.It is C.There are D.We are ( )2.A.but B.or C.them D.and ( )3.A.in the five B .of five C.of the five D.for the five ( )4.A.older B.old C.oldest D.very old ( )5.A.best B.better C.well D.good ( )6.A.play basketball B.play a basketball C.play the basketball D.play basketballs ( )7.A.good B.better C.best D.well ( )8.A.six B.all C.four D.both ( )9.A.hard B.harder C.very hard D.hardest ( )10.A.too B.two C.at D.also kQ.10R A ten-year-old Teacher How young can a teacher be? A teacher can be any age.Just ask Chrissie Mckenney.She was only 10 when she started teaching. How did Chrissie get the job?It was not easy.Chrissie wanted to help children who cannot hear.But the school had never had such a young helper.Could Chrissie do it? First, Chrissie learned to sign.Signing is a way of talking with your hands.Soon it was easy for Chrissie to talk to the children.So the school let her help.Now Chrissie visits the school almost every day.The children love their young teacher.She is their friend. ( )1.Chrissie wanted to help children who can't __________. A.hear B.see C.play ( )2.This story tells about a __________. A.special class B.young teacher C.silly person ( ) 3.In the third part of the story, what does the word  learned mean __________? A.forget B.found out how C.stooped ( )4.The school let Chrissie help because she__________. A.was too old B.could sigh C.could not hear ( )5.You can guess from the story that most teachers__________ Chrissie. A.are older than B.do not like C.are just like ]N0fNbh(uk~N~N N`O@bq`v gS0g}YbyY/NN`OZPN Nk015R 0RehQ0 N.1.short 2.longer 3.more outgoing 4.different 5.quiet N.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.D.10.B N0N 1.heavier than 2.more than 3. good at 4. more popular thanN 1.the;tallest 2.runs;faster;than 3.How;bag;is 4.Who;me;to;meet 5.parents 6.Where;are;they 7.than;mine 8.is;youngest;all 9.What are the teacher doing 10.Why;does V01.younger; 2.older; 3.bigger;4.better; 5.worse; 6.warmer;7.hotter; 8.easier; 9.taller; 10.better N01.shopping 2.with 3.want 4.some5.kind 6.with 7.about 8.in 9.nicer 10.some mQ0better;cheaper;easier;more difficult;bigger;bigger;quieter;the quietest;the safest;the warmest N.1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A kQ.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A ]N0T{Hheu     PAGE  PAGE 1 $&.JNfj™șޙ,6FPtx &N\2468^`bdœĜ>@BDhZt5OJQJ^Jo(h`h*+5>*OJQJ^Jh`h*+5OJ^Jo(h`h*+5OJQJ^JN4`><jȞB8|d4 & Fgd*+gd*+>TVhnprtxz|~Ȟ ".2D &4 $ĸ#h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJ"h`h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(h`h*+5CJaJh`h*+5CJaJo("h`h`5CJOJ^JaJo(h`h*+5OJQJ^Jh`h*+5OJ^Jo(:4|"ޤ0zĥ"0~ 6&$d[$\$a$gd` $da$gd`gd*+$&RXVtvxظlvLVлHV.RVd2@`n4B$2ڼڞڞڞ&h`h*+5>*CJOJQJ^JaJh`h*+5aJh`h*+5aJo("h`h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(#h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJ&h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJo(> ʬ4J p(V~.:$vdVD,^va$gd`$dWD^`a$gd` $da$gd`d[$\$gd`$d[$\$a$gd`:ζt62zֺZлX~h$dWDd[$\$`a$gd`$d[$\$a$gd`$xdWD,`xa$gd` $da$gd`hBZpF4`8$dWDd[$\$`a$gd`$idWD2[$\$`ia$gd`$d[$\$a$gd`jd@F$dWD[$\$`a$gd`d[$\$gd`$<dWD[$\$`<a$gd`$d[$\$a$gd`$BJfh BD\fHJdhv|BFDFHRz@Jnx&h`h*+5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ"h`h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(#h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJNxHJLRVZ,. \` wokokhimjhimUh`h*+5aJo(h`h*+5o(&h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJo(h`h*+5B*aJ o(ph3h`h*+5aJh`h*+5aJo("h`h*+5CJOJ^JaJo(&h`h*+5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h`h*+5CJOJQJ^JaJ*`nFH\VV$<dWD[$\$`<a$gd`$ dWD[$\$` a$gd`$dWD[$\$`a$gd`$d[$\$a$gd`X, \dgd`$d[$\$a$gd` h`h*+5o(hZt0JmHnHuh*+ h*+0Jjh*+0JUhimjhimUdgd` &`#$gd*+ G&P 0p182P0:p*+P 8!n"n#n$n%S P \@\ *+cke $1$a$1B*CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH nHphsH tH$A@$ ؞k=W[SOBi@B nfhIUahy-mUv $!!!!!!!!"6"T"""""#3#h####$$O$$$$$%I%%%% &7&u&&&&&&''J'p'q'r'''''''' (K(((( ))^)))))-*.*/*0*1**0+++,$,I,,,,-Q-}-----. .$.5.?.R.../Z////0000 1101E1M1_11111252@2d2u2223R3W3x33324[44445J5o555566N666677X7_7`7777 8E88889e999%:::;N;;;?<|<<=u==>g>>:?F?O?s???@=@k@@@@,A\AAAAB4BpBBBB-C]CCCC#DoDDDDD0E[EEEFPFFFFF2GYGzGGGG#HZHxHAIIIKKOLMM0NNN7OOO#PzPP$Q.QEQQeRmSSS+TTT,UgUU VcVVVVWWZXXYCY]YcYdYeYfYhYiYkYlYnYoYqYrY{Y|Y}YYYYY000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000p0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0@0@0@0@0@0@00000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000@0@0@0@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000=0000=0000=00@000@00000@0@00 0=00:jCf{<sxsFj%8@O4|  2@ASTx G z   $ 8  l } 4 J ` ~ <bI"X,7J ,<=~&OW}9c-fu F~9S<>IUahy-mUv $!!!!!!"6"T"""""#3##$$O$$$$$%I%%%% &7&u&&&&&&''J'p'q'r'''''''' (K(((( ))^))))-*.*/*0*1**0+++,$,I,,,,-Q-}-----. .$.5.?.R...Z////0 1101E1M1_11111252@2d2u2223R3W3x33324[44445J5o555566N666677X7_7`7777 8E88889e999%:::;N;;;?<|<<=u==>g>>:?F?O?s???@=@k@@@@,A\AAAAB4BpBBBB-C]CCCC#DoDDDDD0E[EEEFPFFFFF2GYGzGGGG#HZHxHAIIIKKOLMM0NNN7OOO#PzPP$Q.QEQQeRmSSS+TTT,UgUU VcVVVVWWZXXYCY]YcYdYeYY0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'B00&00%0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00Y $$$' l!%,,*49<KDOU_$$x1478:<>@ACEFIwy{h"*>19ZBfNV<_4:h2569;=?BDGHxz|}~3  '!!8@0(  B S  ? ! #!l!"##\$q%<"&*'(4' )*+|,-\./l01̎2|34,05l06046,, @B7R"$&2ETETEKK.L.LLLY     690. 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