ࡱ> 36012'` R!bjbjLULU2J.?.?7pzzzzzzz~)\/r(www$>h<=Izw^www=zzwzzwzzTz `<|w:[0tz/,wwwwwww== wwwwwww///SS///"Xzzzzzzz   Unit 4 How do you get to school? `!.USCQYePgRg ,gUSCQv-N_݋/f transportation ,[Nf[uve8^u;m'}[T|(WNwv V:Nu;m-Ny N_ L Vdk,gUSCQ1\/ff[`NcNNe8^QLe_ f[`NN,s(We N*Nu;m-Ny N_ve`0 Section A :,T:N;N aS Ǐ,TT wVegnx[bcNirvQLe_ ͑pccTq~^(u How do you get to school? How long does it take? How far is it from your home to school?SvQT{I{SW0 Section BvYef[/f(W] gW@x NU\_v ͑ƉQ nNBlЏ(u@bf[[bvTyNR Of[uY[]~f[ǏvvhSWЏ(uꁂY0 Self-check/fTbhshKm [,gUSCQ@bf[͋GlvhKm mRu͋ RNkvu;m`of gT(WJust for fun\}^؞-N{~g a_0W~_g,gUSCQ0 a!.wƋvh cc gsQNv͋Gl Ytake the subway/train, ride the bicycle, by bus/boat, transportation, bus stop, train station kilometer, mile, riverNSvQNNN͋Gl0 cc1uHow_[vyrkuSSvQT{S How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How long does it take? It takes about & minutes. How far is it from your home to school? It s & miles. b!.bvh ,T : f[ON]wQTݍy f[OTt[cL z v^Tt (uN]wQ0 Q: f[O[gbJT-Nv v^cQ㉳Qv{USeHh. c!.eSaƋ NNeV[QLe_v N T NS N TvNĉR, Rm[NwƋvN0 d!.`a`^vh N TvQLvvSN b N TvN]wQ. N TN]wQ&^eg N Tv_upaS,f[ua_NsOُN҉^QS,N㉤N]wQ~sX&^egvq_T. e!.Yef[͑pp Yef[͑p: cc gsQNebv͋Gl,Ytake the subway,by busI{. ccv^vSW,YHow do you get to school? How long does it take? How far is it from & to& ?I{. Yef[p YUO:S+RTQnxЏ(uHow long T,{NUSCQQsvHow often_[vyrkuS. f!.f[`Rg ~ǏNt^Yvf[`N,f[u]~ccN[vW@xwƋ,[N,s(Wev(ulkq~,QR NNu;m[RvsQv݋,f[uf[weg1\Oɉ_{~g[f. g!.f[`NV{eu Blf[uǑ(u;Nf[`Nve_ 9hncۏL gvv`N Ǐ\~ Ǒ gI{Yyb__ nxz(W(u-Nf[ (WZP-Nf[v``0 h!.USCQeRM Period 1: Section A (1a, 1b, 1c) Period 2: Section A (2a,2b,2c, 2d, Grammer Focus,3b) Period 3: Section A (3a,4,),Section B (1a,1b,2a,2b,,2c) Period 4: Section B (3a,3b, 3c, 4) Self check The first period `!Teaching aims and Demands 1. Knowledge object Key vocabulary Oral practice 2. Ability objects Listening skill Speaking skill a!.Teaching key points Key vocabulary: take, subway, walk, train, transportation, by, by bus. b!.Teaching Difficulties take/ride the/a ...to+0Wp=go to +0Wp+by.... walk to+0Wp=go to +on foot c!.Teaching Methods Listening method Pair work Group work Summary Discuss d!.Teaching Aids A tape recorder, a projector e!.Teaching procedures : Step `! Warming-up and Revision 1. Enjoy the English song "Over the mountains (driving)" 2. Greetings and free talk. Step a! Lead in 1. Listen and guess what it is. Listen and guess what it is. Revise the old words and teach the new words. 2. Guessing game The teacher say a sentence ask the students to guess what kind of transportation it is. a. ---It is like a bike but goes much faster. ---A motorbike. b. ---It is like a train but goes under the ground. ---A subway. c. ---It goes in the water. ---A ship or a boat. d. ---It takes you about three hours to go to Beijing from Shenzhen by it. ---A plane. e. ---It can take people to the moon. ---A spaceship. f. ---It is very useful, you may ride it to school. ---A bike/ bicycle. 3. There are so many transportations around the world. What kind of transportation do you like to choose ? Ask how do you get to school/Shanghai/ Hangzhou/ Luqiao/Paris.? Help the students answer: I take the subway./take the bus take a minibus /take a taxi take the train / take the plane take the ship/take the car ride my/a bike ride a motorbike/walk Step b! To work in pairs, ask and answer Ask the students to work in pairs. A: How do you get to school? B: I walk to school. I ride a bike to school. I take a bus to school. I take a car to school. I take the subway to school. I take the train to school. Step c! Presentation 1. Enjoy a good flash named "How does Emilio get to school?" 2. First ask two students to ask and answer in pair. Then ask the other students  how does he/she get to school? He/She takes the subway. /& & rides his/her bike& & walks. Step d! Group work Ask the students to do group work. A: How do you get to school? B: I take the bus. /& ride my bike/ bicycle. walk. C: How does he /she get to school? He/She takes the bus/& rides his/her bike/bicycle. walks. Step e! Work on 1a and 1b. 1. To do Section A 1a look at the picture and write down the way of transportation. 2. To listen to the tape and finish 1b . . Step f! Presentation Ask  how does Bob get to school? Help them answer he takes the train. Then ask  how does Paul get to school? "He walks." Say Paul usually walks to school. He goes to school on foot. Show some pictures to students. Ask them to say like this. 1.My father rides a bike to work every day. =My father goes to work by bike every day. 2.Mr Li often takes a bus to work. =Mr Li often goes to work by bus. 3. Im taking the train to Shanghai. =Im going to Shanghai by train. 4. Mary usually takes the subway to work. =She usually goes to work by subway. 5. We usually take the ship to Dachen Island. =We usually go to Dachen Island by ship. 6.Sometimes she takes a boat to school. =Sometimes she goes to school by boat. 7. I have to take the plane to Hongkong. =I have to go to Hongkong by plane. I have to fly to Hongkong. 8. In the evening Mr Smith takes a car home. =In the evening Mr Smith goes home by car. =In the evening Mr Smith drives home. Step g! To work in pairs, ask and answer Show some pictures to the students then ask then to work in pairs. A: How do you get to......? B: I take/ride/walk...... I get to school...by.../on... Step h! Summary Take/ride the/a ...to+0Wp=go to +0Wp+by.... Walk to+0Wp=go to +on foot e.g. He often takes the subway to work. =He often goes to work by subway. laS_home, here, there \O0Wpe to N0 Step i! Discuss What should I take if I go to Xianmen for vacation? Why? Which is the fastest way and which is the cheapest way? Step j! Homework 1. Copy the new words. 2. Make a survey: How do your relations go to school/work? 3. Make a report according to your survey. Yef[S` (WX-Nf[u[ I get to school by bus.ُNSW[fQb I by bus to school ? Vdk^XRُNSWvS4Y~0 The Second Period `!.Teaching Aims and Demands. 1. Knowledge objects. Key vocabulary Oral practice 2. Ability objects Listening Skill Reading Skill 3. Moral object Learn different culture between China and western country. a!. Teaching key points. Key vocabulary: forty fifty sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, minute, take, how far, kilometer, mile. b!. Teaching Difficulties. How long does it take? How far is it from& to & ? c!. Teaching Methods. Listening method pair work puzzle d!.Teaching Aids A tape recorder A projector e!. Teaching Procedures Step `! Revision 1. Greeting What day is it today? What s the weather like today? How do you get to school? How does he/she get to school? How do your parents get to work? 2. Show some pictures ask some students ask and answer in pairs A: How do you get to school? B: I take the bus A: How does he/she get to work? B: He/She takes the bus. 3. Show a picture then say how does he/she get to work? Help them answer: a. She rides her bike to school. =She goes to school by bike. =She goes to school on her bike. b. He walks to school. =He goes to school on foot. c. He takes the bus to school. =He goes to school by bus. =He goes to school on a bus. d. She takes a taxi to go home. =She goes home by taxi. =She goes home in a taxi. Step a! lead-in 1.Sing a number song 2. Revise the numbers from 1 to 20. 3. Learn and tell the differences and the same. 4. Say these numbers. 5. Have a competition. Step b! Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b. Then play again and check the answers. Step c! Presentation 1. Show the students a picture of a clock. Say an hour=60 minutes 2:10____2:50/40 minutes It takes her about 40 minutes to go to school by bike. 2:10____2:25/15 minutes It takes her about 15 minutes to go to school by car. 2. Show some pictures. T: How does he get to school? S: He walks. / He gets to school on foot. T: How long does it take? S: It takes twenty-five minutes. T: How long does it take you to get from home to school? S: It takes me 20 minutes to go to school by bike. T: How long does it take you to get to from home to school? S: It takes me 10 minutes to go to school by bus. Step d! Section A 2c Listen and check( " )the kinds of transportation that you hear. Listen again. Match the times with the kinds of transportation. Step e! Pair work ( 2c and Grammar Focus) Make a conversation about how you get to school. Step f! Do some exercise A: How do you ____ _____school? B: I ______ ride my bike, but sometimes I ____ the train. A: ____ _____ does it take? B: It _____ about forty-five minutes to ride the bike and fifteen minutes by train. SWlbc 1. They ride their bikes to school. (1\;u~Rc _____ _____ _____ get to school? 2. It takes 50 minutes to get here. (1\;u~Rc _____ ______ _____ it take to get here? 3. It takes only 10 minutes to take the bus. (9e:N TINS It takes only _____ minutes _____ ____. 4. It takes about 40 minutes on foot. (9e:N TINS) It takes about ______ minutes ______ _____. Step g! Presentation T: How far is it from your home to school? S: It s about 10 kilometers. T: How far is it from your home to school? S: It s about & kilometers/meters/miles. ( If need, offer them help) 1kilometer=1000meters 1mile=1609meters Step h! Pair work Look at the picture. Ask and answer questions. A: How do you get to school? B: I take the subway. A: How far is it from your home to school? B: It s three miles. A: How long does it take you to get from home to school? B: It takes 25 minutes. Step i! Puzzles 1. How far is it from Luqiao to Xialiang? About 20 kilometers. 2. How long does it take from Luqiao to Beijing by plane? 2 hours and 10 minutes. 3.How long is the Changjiang River? More than 6,300 kilometers 4. How high is Mount Qomolangma? More than 8,844 meters 5.How deep is the Baikal LakeR\Vn ? 1,620 meters. 6. How long is the Great wall ? More than 6,000 kilometers. 7. How far is it from the earth to the moon? 380,000 kilometers. 8. What s the population (NS in the world? More than 6,000,000,000 9. How much is the Rolls Royce? $ 253,590 Step j! Homework 1. Remember the numbers from 30-100. 2. Recite 3b. 3. Ask your classmates. Fill in the blanks. Who How How far How long Mary walk 1 mile 10 minutes Yef[S` f[u[peW[cce_ g}Y0FORf[u(W How long does it take ?SHow far is it form & to & ?[fQ0Rf[u[ zSewi_!j| :ONu;m~0VdkSNS_eEQNN~`N QۏeQ NbveYef[0 The Third Period `!Teaching Aims and Demands 1Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary. Oral practice. 2Ability Objects Listening skill. Reading skill. 3Moral Object Know about some signs of traffic. a! . Teaching Key points Key vocabulary: bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station b!Teaching Difficulties Oral practice using the target language: How do you get to school? Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Next,I take the subway. Then .... Finally,.. c!Teaching Methods Practice. Listening method. Reading method. Survey and report. Pairwork. Groupwork. d!Teaching Aids A tape recorder, a projector and survey paper. e!Teaching Procedures Step`! Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the class and enjoy the English song "Row your boat" 2.Check the homework. Example: A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I usually take a bus but sometimes I take the subway. A: How far is it from your home to school? B: About 10 kilometers. A: How long does it take? B: It takes 10 minutes by bus and 5 minutes by the subway. Step II Reading: Work on 3a 1.Read after the tape and pay attention to these questions above it. 2.Read this text again by yourself and try to answer the questions 3.Explain the text and check the answers. ( Answers: by bike and by bus, 35 minutes.) Step III Pairwork 1. Pay attention to the conversation on the top. 2. Suppose one student was Lin Fei and his/her partner ask him some questions. Make the other conversations in pairs.(Give them five minutes) 3..Ask some pairs to act the conversations. Step c! Info gap race 1. First help students form groups of three. Because three students work together in this activity. 2. Assign each student a letter A, B or C. Ask student A in each group to look at the chart on page 25. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86 and C to look at the chart on page 93. Tell students not to look at others' pages. 3. Show the students how to do in this activity: If they want to get the answers in the chart ,they should ask the others questions. eg: 1. How often does John go to school? 2.How long does it take Maria to get to school? 3.How far is it from Johns home to school? Then fill in the blanks. Tell students the first group to fill in all the blanks wins. They will get little presents. Ask the groups to continue on their own. ( Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs.) 4. Then go over the answers. Answers: Maria: bus; twenty minutes, five miles John: bike; ten minutes; six miles Liu Pei: Subway; fifteen minutes; eight miles ( This activity provides oral and written practice using the target language.) Stepd! Make a survey 1. Interview (Ǒ)your other classmates or our teachers here. By using the following questions: How do you get to school? How far is it from your home to school? How long does it take ?  2. Report: Peter's home is about kilometers far from school. He walks to school. It takes him about ten minutes. Step VI Presentation (Section B 1a) 1. Show some pictures on the screen. Teach students some key words.  Say something about the pictures one by one. For example This is a train station. Trains stop here. This is a bus stop. Buses stop here. This is a subway station. This is a bus station. (Ask students to repeat these words.) Now let students open their books at page 26. Point out the blank line in front of each numbered phrase. Ask students to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the blank in front of the correct word. One has done for students. Then check the answers. Answers: 1b 2a 3c 4d) (This activity introduces more key vocabulary.) Step f! Role play ( Work on 1b) 1. First ask two students to read the dialogue to the class. Sa: How do you get to school? Sb: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. 2. Now work with a partner. Suppose you use two kinds of transportation to get to school \Hangzhou\Beijing... (bus, train, subway, walking, bike, etc.) Tell how you get there. You may use the phrases in 1a. 3. Then ask different pairs of students to present their conversations to the class. (This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.) Step g! Listening 1. Work on 2a (1) First ask students to read the list of information that Thomas wants to know. & where Nina lives. & how far from school she lives. & how long it takes to get to school. & how she gets to school. & what she thinks of the transportation. (2) Tell students what transportation and bus stop mean. bus stop }lfz transportation n. ЏЏ Then tell students we'll hear a recording. Please put a checkmark in front of each thing that Thomas wants to know. (3) Now play the recording for students. ( Have students pay attention to the sample answer.) (4) Then correct the answers.  Answers: The first and fourth items should be checked. Tapescript: Thomas: Where do you live, Nina? Nina: New Street. Thomas: So, how do you get to school? Nina: Well ,first I walk to the bus stop. Thomas : Uh-huh. Nina: I take a bus to the subway station. Then I take the subway. Thomas; Yeah Nina: Next I take a bus to the bus stop on 26th Street. Finally I walk. (This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.) 2. Work on 2b Show two sets of pictures on the screen.  Thomas wants to know where Nina lives and how she gets to school. One of these sets of pictures shows the way Nina gets to school. First ask a different student to say what kinds of transportation each picture shows. Then tell students picture 1 shows riding a bike to the subway, taking the subway to the bus and walking from the bus stop to the school. Picture 2 shows walking to the bus, taking the bus to the subway, taking another bus after the subway and walking from the bus stop to the school. 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Look at the pictures. Put a checkmark next to the picture that shows how Nina gets to school. Play the recording for students. Check the answers. ( Answers: Picture 2 should be checked. ) (This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.) Step h! Groupwork ( Work on 2c) In this activity let students tell how Nina gets to school. Ask students to use the pictures in 2b. And write these sentences on the board. First she & . Next she & . Then she & . Help students form groups. First one student asks about Nina. Then the other students answer. Please use the words first, next and then. Ask some students to say their descriptions to the class. (This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.) Step i! Optional Activity Expand the practice of the sentence starters First she & , Next, she & , Then, she & by writing the sentences on the board and asking students to describe another set of actions they are familiar with from earlier lessons. For example: First I get up. Next I take a shower. Then I have breakfast. Ask several different students to describe different activities. Step j! Summary and Homework This class we've learnt some key vocabulary and had oral practice. After class ask your parents how they get to offices. Next class I'll ask some of you to report to the class. Step k! Blackboard Design Unit 4 How do you get to school? How How long How far _______ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ First& & leave for Next& & ride one's bicycle Then& & take...to... Finally Yef[S` ُNe [How? How long? How far ? NySWۏNek\O:N]V v^~Tu;m[E f[u_0RN,TRSS틭~ cc_}Y0 The Fourth Period `!Teaching Aims and Demands 1Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary. Reading passage. Reading and writing practice. 2Ability Objects Reading skill. Writing skill. Survey. Speakingskill. 3Moral Objects Tell students a moved story. This is a true story. There was something wrong with one boy's leg. He can't get to school. When his classmate (Sorry. I don't remember his name.) heard this, he came and carried the boy on his back. They went to school in this way for three years. No matter the weather was good or bad, the boy came every day. Though we don't remember his name, he is good and great. We must learn from him. Help each other and make progress together. a!Teaching Key Points 1Key vocabulary North America, school bus, depend, by boat, must, car 2Target language Most students ride their bikes to school. Many students walk. Some students drive. Other students take the bus. A small number of students take the subway. How far do you live from school? I live 10 miles from school. b!Teaching Difficulties Reading and writing practice. Survey. c!Teaching Methods Reading and writing methods. Survey method. d!Teaching Aid A projector. e!. Teaching Procedures Step `! Warming-up and revision 1. Greet the class as usual and enjoy an English song. 2. Check the homework. Ask some students to report how their parents get to their offices. If they use these words  first, next, then , give them presents and praise them. Step a! Presentation. Show some new words on the screen. Then teach the new words and ask students to repeat. north n. SSe east n. NeN south n. WSeWS west n. e North America S2m school bus !hf although pron. }6q sSO =\{ depend v. OVO` depend on by boat XNPW\9 must aux. v. _{N[ river n. lAm lake n. Vnl than N k Step b! Reading ( Work on 3a ) 1. First play the recording of the article to students. How do students around the world get to school? In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus! 2. Now let students read the article again. Then have them look at the five sentences on the screen. 1In North America, not all students take the bus to school. 2Other parts of world are different from the United States. 3In Japan, the three most popular ways of getting to school are bus, train and bike. 4In China, bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. 5Students in Hongshanhu and Kaishandao have to take a boat to get to school. Ask students if these sentences are true or false. If the sentences are true. Write  T . If the sentences are false, write  F in front of number of each sentence on their books. (Tell students what  T and  F mean. T (for true) means in accordance or agreement with fact. F (for false) means wrong, incorrect.) Ask students to do the activity individually. Then check the answers. Elicit why the false sentences are false. 3. Answers: (1)T (2)T (3)F (students take trains, or walk, or ride bikes) (4)F(it depends on where you are) (5)T (This activity provides reading practice using the target language.) 4. Read again the passage carefully and answer these questions: (1)How do most students go to school in North America? (2). How do most students go to school in Japan? (3). How do students usually go to school in big cities in China? Step c! 3b 1. First let students look at the chart. This chart shows how students get to Garden High School.There are 175 students riding their bikes to school. The number 175 means most. ( That is the sample answer. ) At Garden High School most students ride their bikes to school. ( Make sure students know what to do. ) 2. Ask them to finish the activity individual-ly according to the chart. 3. Then check the answers. Answers: At Garden High School most students ride their bikes to school. Many students walk. Some students drive. Other students take the bus. A small number of students take the subway. (This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.) Step d! Task 1. Task one : Make a survey ( Work on 3c ) Just now you filled in an article about how students get to Garden High School. How do students get to your school? ( As students say, list them on the board. ) Tell students to use the words on the board to write about how students at your school get to school. Ask students to write individually. Choose some students to read their work to the class. Give them little presents if they do well. (This activity provides writing practice using the target language.) 2. Task two: Survey Find someone who & Tell students we'll do a survey. Please turn to page 92. First look at the chart. You want to know how far people live from school, how they get to school, and how long it takes them to get to school. Let me tell you how to do the survey. Go around the class and ask questions like this: How far do you live from school? How do you get to school? How long does it take to get to school? And find out these answers and write their names in the chart. The students with the most names in his or her chart wins the game. (This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.) 3. Task three: Tomorrow is National Day . Tomorrow is National Day . Where are you going? How are you going? Step e! Game " What other transportations do you know? " Well, let's make a competition. Show some pictures of other trasportations. Let's who know more than others. ( Maybe students can exert their imagination. ) Step f! Self Check 1 First tell students to use these words: ride, take, live, think of and get to to fill in the blanks. Ask them to do this exercise individually. Then check the answers. Answers: 1How do you get to school in the morning? 2What do you think of the transportation in your town? 3When it rains I take a taxi. 4How far do you live from the bus station? 5I like to ride my bike on the weekend. Then ask students to make their own sentences with the words. For example, I ride my bike to school every day. He takes the subway to school. He lives 10 miles from school. What do you think of this book? How does your mother get to work? After students finish their sentences, write some on the board. Underline any mistakes and ask students to tell how to correct each of them. (This activity focuses on vocabulary is introduced in the unit.) Step g! Pairwork : Self-check 2 First let students look at the picture. Imagine you meet an American who needs help. His friend is ill in hospital. He has got a map. But it's a Chinese map. He doesn't know Chinese. Can you tell him how to get to the hospital? Ask students to work in pairs to write out the conversation. Walk around the class offering language support where necessary. Then ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class. Praise them when they do their work well. (This activity provides writing and oral practice using the target language of the unit.) Step h! Just for Fun! cater pillar kkk butterfly tv Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves. How do they get to school? The cater pillar walks. The butterfly flies. (This activity provides reading practice with the target language.) Step i! Summary Today we've learnt some key vocabulary and done some reading and writing practice. And then pay more attetion to the usage of " take " Step j! Homework Write 3c down in your exercise book Finish off the exercises. Step k! 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NN{ez  HYPERLINK "http://www.ttsyzx.com/teacher/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=760" \o "ezhunit5Canyoucometomyparty? \OhT fee2009-12-28 20:27:31" unit5Canyoucometomyparty?   4f$D02>$dh$1$4$IfWD`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$IfWD`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$IfWD,`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7>2bBrH$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$IfWD`a$gd 7<> "^`b24Lrtzññññwwwwwwiwiwiwwwwh 7h 75CJKHh&h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jh!h 7h 75CJKH^Jho()h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jho(#h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jh 7h 75CJKH^Jo(&h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jo(0h 7h 75B*CJ KHOJQJ^JaJph)H.~@^2bPh$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7h8T6N`"$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7:$dh$$d%d&d'd1$4$IfNOPQVD^a$gd 706NRv,0HLX^pr .0\^vxXhŷڡڡڋ*h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^JaJh*h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^JaJhh 7h 75CJKHh)h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jho(&h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jh!h 7h 75CJKH^Jho(0,\^.hX$dh$1$4$H$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 78$dh$$d%d&d'd1$4$IfNOPQ`a$gd 7`b| Zvf$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$H$Ifa$gd 7$0dh$1$4$H$If^`0a$gd 7hbrtz>^8Vdb d     & f h       ѼљљљљѼсkѼZљZљZљ!h 7h 75CJKH^Jho(*h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^JaJh/h 7h 75B*CJKHOJQJ^Jhph)h 7h 75>*CJKHOJQJ^Jhh 7h 75CJKHh)h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jho(&h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jh3h 7h 75B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJhph#@&n|d&   R     V   $dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$H$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7 0 2 P X     xz ">챣챣챣챣챣we"h 7h 75CJKH^JaJo(*h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^JaJh*h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^JaJhh 7h 75CJKHh)h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jho()h 7h 75>*CJKHOJQJ^Jh!h 7h 75CJKH^Jho(&h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^Jh   d.| <Z^hd6$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7$vP4>^$dh$1$4$IfWD`a$gd 7K$$dh$1$4$IfWD`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$If`a$gd 7$dh$1$4$Ifa$gd 7\^`bhj|~     " $ T!V!!!ķ{bNb9b{bNb9b)h 7h 7B*CJKHOJQJ^Jph'h 7h 7CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(0jh 7h 7CJKHOJQJU^JaJo($h 7h 7CJKHOJQJ^JaJ$h 7h 7CJKHOJQJ^JaJ*h 7h 7<CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(h 7h 7CJKHaJ$h 7h 7CJKHOJQJ^JaJ'h 7h 7CJKHOJQJ^JaJo('h 7h 75CJKHOJQJ^JaJ^`bh  !S<kdh$IfK$L$T**634aT$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7K$$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7<kd$IfK$L$T**634aT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ɳh&'h 7h 7<CJKHOJQJ^JaJ*h 7h 7<CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(-jh 7h 7CJKHOJQJU^JaJh 7h 7CJKHaJ$h 7h 7CJKHOJQJ^JaJ!!!!!sa$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7K$<kd $IfK$L$T**634aT$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7K$>kd$IfK$L$T,**634aT!!!!!!v$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7K$$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7K$$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7Tkdz$IfK$L$T<+  +634<` ap T!!!!v$$1$Ifa$gd 7K$$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7K$hkdD $IfK$L$T40--  -634ap yt 7T!!!!!!!!uupge $1$a$gd 7Ff $dh$1$Ifa$gd 7$dh$1$Ifa$gd 7hkd $IfK$L$T40--  -634ap yt 7T0182P. 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