ࡱ> '` R0bjbj8Dm"z....BMBMBM8zMdMOOOOORRRh(nTQ|RTT..OO aVaVaVTv.OOaVTaVaVv06ezOzO ,/BM Ux$zց0%x@UvHezez,RLgR6aVR,RRRRV^RRRTTTTDFBMBM...... Unit 1 Making a difference I. Speaking Task 1 Who are they? Directions: In the form are the names of some famous scientists. Guess who they are and what they are famous for. English namesChinese namesWhat theyre famous forArchimedesAristotleNicholas CopernicusMarie CurieCharles DarwinThomas Alva EdisonAlbert EinsteinBen FranklinGalilei GalileoIsaac NewtonOther:_________ Task 2 Do you really want to turn into a genius? Directions: work in groups and discuss the following topic. Refer to other people s opinions before you get down to work. Topicgяyf[[xvzSsN{|'Y-N g")YMb c" S:Royr[:SW 8^N_N g^Qv{/g0z/gI{R0`O?aa_/Tُ*N" c"TYour choiceYesReasonsNoReasons Shelly: I would just like to be a normal person. As far as I know, some talented people are strange. They may be good at one thing but not talented in other areas. For example, Einstein had a gift for physics but found it hard to communicate with others. Eric: I'm willing to turn on such a "button" in my brain, if it really exists. I could become skilled at science, art or economics (~Nm). But I would make sure this "button" couldn't do me any harm before turning it on. Marie: If more people became geniuses, it may lead to an increase in high-tech crime (rj), such as stealing money through the Internet and creating harmful computer viruses. It is hard to imagine what the world would be like if all the criminals were very clever. Judy: In my opinion, such a "button" can do a lot of good. It may help us to develop our abilities so that we can make new discoveries. As a result, we could solve many problems and have a more comfortable life. If possible, I am eager to become a genius. Helen: Although it is convenient, I don't think its right to become cleverer in this way. If someone wants to be successful in math or art, he or she should work hard. I believe success requires hard work as well as natural gifts. Sam (teacher): Just imagine what it would be like to become a genius overnight. In my opinion, most of us would treasure such a chance to make our lives easy and interesting. However, at the same time, we should make good use of these abilities and contribute (!.s) to society and mankind. II. Pre-reading activities Directions: Here is a passage Stephen Hawking wrote about his disease and use the words in the form to complete the passage.  Not knowing what was going to happen to me, or how rapidly the disease would develop, I was bored. The doctors told me to go back to Cambridge and carry on with the research. But I was not making much (1) . And, anyway, I might not live long enough to (2) my PhD. My dreams at that time were rather (3) . Before my condition had been diagnosedʋe , I had been very (4) with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I dreamt that I was going to be put to death. I suddenly (5) that there were a lot of meaningful things I could do if I (6) longer. Another dream that I had several times, was that I would give up my life to (7) others. After all, if I were going to die anyway, it might as well do some good. But I didn't die. In fact, although there was a cloud (8) over my future, I found to my surprise, that I was enjoying life in the present more than before. I began to make progress with my research, and I got (9) to a girl called Jane Wilde, who I had met just about the time my condition was diagnosed. That engagement changed my life. It gave me something to live for. But it also (10) that I had to get a job if we were to get married. I therefore applied for a research fellowshipVYf[ё at Cambridge. To my great surprise, I got a fellowship, and we got married a few months later. III. Understanding the text 1. According to the 1st paragraph, a promising graduate student __________. has an incurable disease which makes people disabled is a man who never gives up his dreams and hopes for the future is very likely to be successful or very good in the future learns at one of the well-known universities in the world 2. The incurable disease mentioned in the text made Stephen Hawking __________. A. stop working on a PhD B. lose the ability to walk and talk C. engaged to a nice girl D. give up the way of life he dreamed of 3. ____________ made Stephen Hawking well-known in the world. The research on the incurable disease His book A Brief History of Time His new discoveries about the universe The lectures he gave all over the world 4. A Brief History of Time became a best-seller because ______________. its about the Big Bang and black holes it explains what it means to be a scientist and how science works it includes answers to many questions about the universe it was written in a way ordinary people could understand 5. According to Hawking, many people think that_________________. science is often misunderstood science is changing all the time some science facts can be wrong true science facts always stay unchanged 6. The basic steps of the scientific method do NOT necessarily include ________. getting a model with which to test the theory building a theory about how things happens observing something with care and attention trying to test the theory in a practical way IV. Language focus 1. Usage of words The most recent survey of rare birds was u___________ in 1991. His disappointment was o___________ to everyone. Didnt you see it? The school is w__________ 5 minutes walk of my house; I go to it on foot everyday. Dont be so c___________its got nothing to do with you. The little boy climbed the tree and sat on a b_____________. At the airports, machines s___________ all the luggage for bombs and guns. Your plan sounds fine in t__________, but I dont know if Ill work in practice. There must be some m___________. I ordered coffee, not black tea. These shoes do not m___________; one is large and the other is small.. Scientists still cannot p___________ when earthquakes will happen. 2. Usage of phrases  Dads so tired; a weeks holiday will certainly _________ to his health. What if the computer _________? Dont worry. You can call in experts to repair it. Im not going to Paris then TokyoIll do it_________. Then Ill meet you in Tokyo before you leave for Paris. In western countries, most young children _________ Father Christmas. With the temperature dropping rapidly, we couldnt _________ the experiment. The athlete will have to _________ getting fit before the game. I _________ the post office on the way home and posted your letters. The president said that he _________ the progress of the peace talks. Ive ________all my money, but its only a week after the paydayS]De . Sometimes things don t _________ the way we think they re going to. 3. Multiple choice 1. It _________ no difference to the couple if the baby is a girl or a boy. A. takes B. makes C. does D. seems 2. Peter s forecast ________ to be quite wrong. The prices of the computer are much lower than he predicted. A. broke out B. called out C. turned out D. went out 3. It _________ talent and devotion p1r0beQ to become a top dancer. A. takes B. undertakes C. costs D. spends 4. The weather looks so ____________; were looking forward to a picnic. A. to promise B. promised C. promising D. promise 5. Whats the _________ of phoning her again? She wont agree. A. cause B. point C. interest D. use 6. If knowledge is power, ________ Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1579, _______ perhaps creativity can be described the ability to use that power. A. what/and B. as/then C. which/and D. that/then 7. The writer moved to London, hoping to meet some of the best _____ of her time. A. tops B. heads C. minds D. friends 8. The hotel has improved facilities for _____________. There are new lifts and wheelchair rampsni(uvaWS . A. a disable B. disables C. the disable D. the disabled 9. Many crimes _________ unreported, which made the police very worried. A. went B. got C. came D. became 10. Readers were pleased _______ that a scientist could write about his research in a way ___________ ordinary people could understand. A. to find/that B. finding/as C. to find/which D. finding/that 11. __________ we dont want to spend too much money if we can avoid it. A. Obvious B. Obviously C. Being obvious D. To be obvious 12. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ______ in making the earth a better place to live. A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing 13. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but the policeman told him ___________ A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to 14. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult. A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make 15. Rather than ____________ everything to the last minute, Lily always prefers to start early. A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. having left 4. Cloze It was Christmas Day 1999. On CNN, talk show hostv;NcN Larry King was interviewing Stephen Hawking. "What, professor, (1) you the most?" King asked. "What do you think about the most?" Hawking immediately replied, " (2) ." It's a comfort to know that Hawking, one of the (3) men in the world, is puzzled by the opposite sex. But, that's not (4) , according to Satoshi Kanazawa. Bright people are (5) better than anyone else at making smart decisions in common things, he says. These (6) finding a mate, maintaining family relationships, raising children, finding the way home, and handling a variety of basic life needs. That's (7) there are several kinds of formal "intelligence", Kanazawa argues. Being smart one way does not (8) mean smart in another way. This view is (9) to be controversial gNv among scientists who think about thinking. That is because it (10) with the common view that general intelligence is a single thing. In that view, it is not, as Kanazawa and others say, a set of (11) mental areas. Kanazawa says that some kinds of intelligence developed slowly over time. Many people have heard about (12) is called "emotional intelligence". Now, psychologists have discovered several (13) types of intelligence. These include the ability to learn a language, find a mate, recognize faces, and (14) oneself in a new environment. But, is there evidence to (15) the theory that intelligence comes in many (16) ? Actually, there is quite a lot of evidence, Kanazawa says. If there were only one type of intelligence, he (17) , then people with (18) IQs should be "smart" in every way. In one test, a psychologist took a group of subjectsS[ on a hike, walking into the forest. He then told them to find their way back. The high IQ people were no more likely to be able to find out (19) they were. In another experiment, a researcher asked people to find their way to a specific location in a computer maze[ . (20) , high IQ did not give them any edgeOR . 1. A. shocks B. excites C. puzzles D. disappoints 2. A. Research B. Women C. Universe D. Science 3. A. disabled B. smartest C. weakest D. poorest 4. A. true B. new C. disappointing D. surprising 5. A. never B. even C. no D. not 6. A. refer B. contain C. deal D. include 7. A. because B. why C. what D. how 8. A. necessarily B. truthfully C. reliably D. reasonably 9. A. unlikely B. impossible C. sure D. certainly 10. A. argues B. concerns C. relates D. disagrees 11. A. independent B. single C. current D. complete 12. A. it B. which C. one D. what 13. A. similar B. equal C. else D. other 14. A. bore B. arm C. locate D. retire 15. A. reflect B. support C. reason D. guard 16. A. types B. sides C. forms D. kinds 17. A. adds B. thinks C. agrees D. doubts 18. A. equal B. similar C. high D. low 19. A. who B. what C. where D. why 20. A. For once B. All at once C. Once again D. Once in a while V. Reading practice Pe;`W[pee  ^323w____ m____ wpmSYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999, Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and  anything else that came up.  Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50-meter butterflyvl in the Australian championships at Homebush Bay. Gould, now a 47-year-old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competitionv~[N to swim the one event, having set a qualifyingTyN function.The entertainment function.The political watchdog function. Journalists are responsible for monitoringvcw the activities of the government. Not everything in life is serious. We want comic relief UgR'`BR . We want comic strips. We want sound advice. We want our MTV Newspapers and broadcast news provide us with topics to talk about over the back fence, at the office, over coffee. " Advertising carried in the media helps to stimulate:Ro the economy and provide with information about new products and services. Through the records kept by the news media, we know who is born, gets married, gets divorced, dies, who won the game, etc. Task 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of news media? Directions: Work in groups and discuss about advantages and disadvantages of different forms of news media. Tell your partners whats your favorite and why you like it most/ Forms AdvantagesDisadvantagesYour preferenceTVRadioMagazinesNewspapersInternetOther: _______ II. Understanding the text 1. Editors and reporters do the following EXCEPT ______________. switch their roles sometimes tell readers whats going on decide how to report events make informed decisions 2. How does a journalist decide what hes going to write? He has to do exactly as his editor tells him He simply records what happens He will ask his editors opinion before making a decision He neednt make his reports more balanced and interesting. 3. Which is the first thing a journalist does in writing a report? To discuss with his editor To prepare interview questions To make an appointment with interviews To think how to present his material 4. What makes the best article for an editor? It must be the latest news. It must be international news It must be about famous people and things It differs from person to person. 5. What does Chen Ying most want to write about? About exploring the mysteries in life About those who readers know little about About people who are most unlucky About the importance of spiritual fulfilment III. Language focus 1. Usage of words Im surprised she didnt phone backshes usually very r____________. Six months after the accident, Tom still has d__________ in walking. While painting the ceiling, she fell and i___________ her back. I didnt know how to f_________ my parents after I failed to pass the exams. Newspapers can keep us well i___________ about what is happening all over the world. Dangerous chemicals are p___________ in the polluted water. Dont drink it. Shelly could play the piano at the age of 4; she has a t_________ for music. Someone s__________ the road signs round and everyone went the wrong way. I said hello to Debby but she totally i____________ me and acted as if she hadnt seem me. Ann screamed; thats because the noise was more than she could t__________. 2. Usage of phrases  The question is very interesting but it doesnt really __________ the subject that were discussing. She says shes unable to give up smoking; she _______ completely _______ it. __________ you disagree with Ann, she is worth listening to. The small country is surrounded __________ by high mountains. Youre a popular girl, Jane, and a lot of younger ones __________ you. They __________ each other and were married within two months. Emma is very young; she might __________ about what she wants to do. __________ are political events and problems in society, which are discussed in the newspapers, and on TV and radio. It would be nice, just __________, the two of you could get on with each other. When you go abroad, you often have to ______ yourself _____ foreign habits and customs. 3. Multiple choice 1. There are a lot of spelling mistakes; ________ its quite a good essay. A. as though B. even though C. even if D. even so 2. My eyes were ___________ to a painting hanging over the fireplace. A. fixed B. taken C. drawn D. pulled 3. Dad likes this newspaper because it gives a ______________. A. balance view B. balancing view C. balanced view D. view in the balance 4. Boris is always so __________; he can arrange and plan his things very carefully and effectively. A. organized B. controlled C. fixed D. arranged 5. Mrs. Smith was ______ of her 3,000 designer watch at her West London home. A. taken B. stolen C. cheated D. robbed 6. The clock struck nine. Isnt it the time that children _________ to bed? A. went B. go C. should go D. had gone 7. The old photographs _____________ memories of his childhood. A. took back B. brought back C. held back D. got back 8. The workers demonstrated and wanted more _________ in the running of the company. A. minds B. views C. voice D. opinion 9. The solders walked a whole day in the snowstorm, ________________. A. cold and hungry B. cold and hungrily C. coldly and hungrily D. coldly and hungry 10. The president said the report did not _________ his own views. A. balance B. update C. reflect D. locate 11. The ________ look on her face suggested that Michelle _________ the birthday gift from her boyfriend. A. exciting/like B. excited/like C. exciting/liked D. excited/liked 12. My computer has broken down. Why not ask Nick for advice? Hes an expert in the _________. A. field B. land C. subject D. topic 13. Theres a rumor going around _______ the firm is going to close very soon. A. what B. which C. as D. that 14. What _______ the experts most is the increasing level of pollution in our cities. A. faces B. concerns C. bores D. relates 15. Helen isnt a _________ girl and she doesnt enjoy being with other people. A. reasonable B. disable C. social D. reliable 4. Cloze Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-born American media owner was voted best of British by the Sunday Express in London last week. He is the most famous (1) owner in the world and (2) newspapers and TV channels across the world. (3) now he has been called the greatest (4) in Britain by one of his biggest rivals. The paper, which competes for (5) with Murdoch's own papers, called him "the man who made modern Britain" and it (6) Murdoch for his willingness to take risks. (7) said he had brought a "revolutioni}T " to television and newspaper production. Rupert Murdoch was born in Melbourne, (8) , in 1931. Today he is better (9) as the owner of News Corporation Ltd., a media group that owns many different (10) of media: television, films, books, and the Internet. (11) becoming the success he is today, Murdoch studied at Oxford University in Britain. He returned to Australia in 1952, when he (12) The Adelaide News from his father. His life since then can be seen as a series of international jumps in which he's (13) more and more newspapers and TV stations. In the 1960s, it was The Mirror in Sydney and The Sun in London; in the 1970s, he bought the New York Post; in the 1980s, he took on Hollywood';  $ 2 6 8 9 H L [ _ k o ~ P R ( pZt_d_eFJ:npvhyV8hyV8>*CJo($jhyV8hyV8CJUmHnHuhyV8hyV8CJhyV8hyV85CJ\hyV8hyV85CJ\o(hyV8hyV8CJo(hyV8hyV8CJ aJ o(B'<Lkd$$IfTlF Wn7 06    4 laT$dh$Ifa$gdyV8 dh`gdyV8dhgdyV8 $dha$gdyV8/nkd$$IfTlF Wn7 06    4 laT dh$IfgdyV8   znnn dh$IfgdyV8kd^$$IfTlF Wn7 06    4 laT  ! 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At this time he also bought the Times and the Sunday Times in London. And most (14) in the 1990s, he bought Star Television in Asia. His company has also formed a joint-venture (TDv) television company with the Chinese Government, Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd. (QQkSƉ). It (15) six channels  Xingkongweishi, Channel [V], Star Movies, National Geographic, Star Sports and ESPN  to millions of Chinese (16) . One (17) how Murdoch could have found the time for love and relationships since he owns such a big business. In 1967, he married Anna Troy, whom he met (18) she was a reporter on the Sydney Daily Mirror. The couple got (19) in 1998. The next year, he married Chinese-born Wendy Deng. Deng, Murdoch's third wife, is 37 years younger than Murdoch and used to work (20) Star TV in Hong Kong. The 71-year-old Murdoch is now father of five children after Deng gave birth to a baby daughter last year. 1. A. media B. TV C. radio D. newspaper 2. A. edits B. buys C. controls D. updates 3. A. However B. Until C. And D. Since 4. A. editors B. businessmen C. reporters D. telegraphers 5. A. readers B. media C. headlines D. journalists 6. A. elected B. debated C. praised D. matched 7. A. He B. It C. Everyone D. Who 8. A. England B. America C. Australia D. China 9. A. known B. received C. reflected D. informed 10. A. ways B. areas C. forms D. fields 11. A. Until B. After C. Since D. Before 12. A. took out B. took up C. took over D. took in 13. A. created B. sold C. published D. bought 14. A. recently B. immediately C. newly D. early 15. A. faced B. related C. demonstrated D. introduced 16. A. readers B. listeners C. viewers D. media 17. A. bores B. concerns C. knows D. wonders 18. A. while B. because C. till D. once 19. A. married B. separated C. disappointed D. tolerated 20. A. on B. among C. for D. within IV. More language input Pe;`W[pee  ^301w____ m____ wpmA letter to Edward, a columnistb RNh\O[ Dear Mr. Expert: I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always promised myself that I d get out as soon as possible. Now, at age 20,I have a good job and a nice house, and Im really proud of the independence Ive achieved. Heres the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine so much so that they make mine theirs. It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever. I enjoy having my friends here sometimes it makes the place feel comfortable and warm but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy (y)? Joan Edward s reply to Joan Dear Joan: If your family didn t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now. And if you ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(ll),you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship its okay to put your own needs first from time to time. Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over. 1. We can learn from the first letter that Joan Edward . A. lives away from her parents B. takes pride in her friends C. knows Mr. Expert quite well D. hates her parents very much 2.We can infer from the first letter that . A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy B. Joans friends visit her more often than she can accept C. Joan doesnt like the parties at all D. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over 3. According to Mr. Expert, why cant Joan tell her friends her feelings? A. She is afraid of hurting her friends. B. She does not understand true friendship. C. Her family experience stops her from doing so. D. She does not put her needs first. 4. The underlined word conflict in the second letter means . A. dependent life B. fierce fight C. bad manners D. painful feeling 5.The second letter suggests that Mr. Expert . A. is worried about Joans problem B. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friends C. advises Joan on how to refuse people D. encourages Joan to be brave enough Unit 1 II. 1. progress; 2. finish; 3. disturbed; 4. bored; 5. realized; 6. lived; 7. save; 8. hanging; 9. engaged; 10. meant III. 1-5 CBCDD 6 A IV. 1. Usage of words 1. undertaken 2. obvious 3. within 4. curious 5. branch 6. scan 7. theory 8. misunderstanding 9. match 10. predict 2. Usage of phrases 1. make a difference; 2. breaks down; 3. the other way round; 4. believe in; 5. go on with; 6. work on; 7. went by; 8. was satisfied with; 9. used up; 10. turn out 3. Multiple choice 1-5 BCACB 6-10 BCDAA 11-15 BBABA 4. Cloze 1-5 CBBDC 6-10 DAACD 11-15 ADDCB 16-20 CACCC V. 1-5 DDACB Unit 2 II. 1-5 ACCDB III. 1. Usage of words 1. reliable 2. difficulty 3. injured 4. fa =i$dh$Ifa$gdyV8dhgdyV8dhgdyV8  &0>PdUUUU$dh$Ifa$gdyV8kdL$$IfTl4\m=R 064 laf4TPR6dL444 h$ ,dhWD`gdyV8 h$ ,dhWD`gdyV8kd$$IfTl4\m=R 064 laf4T(Vlz~Zy G h$ ,dhgdyV8 h$ ,dhWD`gdyV8 dh`gdyV8 h$ ,0dhWDT `0gdyV8 h$ ,dhWD`gdyV8 dh`gdyV8z?OX./?@OPcd9DEJQRSW]^_clmnrwxy}fzhyV8hyV8>*CJo(hyV8hyV85CJ\o(hyV8hyV8CJhyV8hyV8CJo(RG+T@c9:A dh`gdyV8dhgdyV8dhgdyV8 h$ ,dhgdyV8 h$ ,dhWD`gdyV8'ez*>`jK`(J h$ ,dhWD`gdyV8 dh`gdyV8dhgdyV8z)*+>`jK`(JTööööööèööööÕ͍~tjh?s0JU h^h'h'hf7jhf7U$jhyV8hyV8CJUmHnHuUhyV8hyV85CJ\hyV8hyV85CJ\o(hyV8hyV8CJo(hyV8hyV8CJ&hyV8hyV80J5CJOJQJ\aJ)hyV8hyV80J5CJOJQJ\aJo(,ce 5. informed 6. present 7. talent 8. switched 9. ignored 10. tolerate 2. Usage of phrases 1. relate to; 2. is addicted to; 3. Even if; 4. on all sides; 5. look up to; 6. fell in love with; 7. change her mind; 8. Current affairs; 9. for once; 10. adapt to 3. Multiple choice 1-5 DCCAD 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 DADBC 4. Cloze 1-5 ACCBA 6-10 CBCAC 11-15 DCDAD 16-20 CDABC V. 1-5 ABCBC      PAGE  realize; live; save; engage; mean; progress; finish; disturb; bore; hang; believe in; go on with; work on; turn out; make a difference; break down; go by; be satisfied with; the other way round; use up; on all sides; change ones mind; look up to; adapt to; even if; current affairs; for once; fall in love with; relate to; be addicted to; JTgd^h]h&`#$gd^dhgdyV8  *./0±hyV8hyV8CJ hyV80J5CJOJQJ\aJ#hyV80J5CJOJQJ\aJo( hyV8o(hyV8hf7h' h^h?sh?sjh?s0JU h?s0J1 S+,-./0dhgdyV8gdyV8$a$gdyV86182P:p?s( 9!n"n#n$n%S $$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$If!vh5n557 #vn#v#v7 :V l065n557 4T$$IfD!vh55#v#v:V l06,554aDT$$IfD!vh5|#v|:V l406,5|4aDf4T$$IfD!vh55f55b #v#vf#v#vb :V l06,55f55b 4aDT$$IfD!vh55f55b #v#vf#v#vb :V l06,55f55b 4aDT$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:V l40655554af4T$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:V l40655554af4T$$If!vh5 55#v #v#v:V l065A 554T$$If!vh5 55#v #v#v:V l065A 554T$$If!vh5 55#v #v#v:V l065A 554T$$If!vh5 55#v #v#v:V l065A 554T$$If!vh5 55#v #v#v:V l065A 554T$$If!vh5 55#v #v#v:V l065A 554T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If%!vh5555*#v#v#v#v*:V l0(65555-4a%T$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:V l40655554af4T$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:V l40655554af4TJ@J yV8cke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH0@0 yV8h 1$@&5\P@P yV8h 2($ h$ ,@&WD`5\8@8 yV8h 4$@&`5\8@8 yV8h 5$h@&^h5\$A@$ ؞k=W[SOBi@B nfh>>>> ? 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