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Come and join us! Can you join us? 3)join sb.in/for+;mRb0WpCan you join us in the game? Will you join me for dinner? The thankful mother joined her children in the lifeboat. take part in + ;mR; be in +;mR What sport did you take part in? What sport are you in? mQ0f[`N\~ Ǐ,gf[`N `Of[ONTNwƋ N0hKmՋN b 1)--I m sorry I can t go to your party, because I have _____ homework to do . A. much too B.very much C. too much D.too very 2) Thanks _______ teaching us so well. A. to B. for C. in D. on 3)Can you come to my party ______ Friday afternoon ? A.in B.on C. to D.at 4)Can I open the door? ---___________ A. I d love to B.Sure C. I ve no idea D.It s a pleasure. 5) Can you help me my English?   . A. with ;With pleasure B. for; With pleasure C. with; A pleasure D. for; A pleasure 6) I m sorry I have broken your cup .   A. You are welcome B. It s all right C. Not at all D. It is no matter 7) Would you like to join us in basketball?  but I m afraid I have to study for my science test. A.I wouldn t B. I d love to C. I d like D.I don t like it 8) Both of his parents died of illness so he support O{Q his family at the age of 14 A. must B. should C. could D. had to 9) May 12th is Xiao Ming s birthday. He us to his birthday party. A. ask B. invites C. makes D. tells 10)Thanks your help, and now I have made great progress in my English. A. to B. with C. for D. by 11) Can you go to the movie with us on Sunday?  Of course. is it?  5:00 in the afternoon. A. Where B. What time C. How soon D. When 12)The poor lady had to go out for food a cold morning. A. in B. at C. on D. during 9. The big star on our national flag the Party. A. stands up B. stands for C. instead of D. mean 10. They _____ in the beautiful music. A. enjoyed oneself B. forgot themselves C. lost themselves D. lost themself 11.  Help yourself _____ chicken, Kate? Mum said. A. to eating some B. to eat some C. to some D. to eat any 12. You must _____ of your little sister, and don t let her run on the road. A. care B. careful C. be care D. take care 13. He is a man of few words. He likes to keep _____. A. silent B. be silent C. silently D. be silently 14. The teacher s words _____ his face _____ red. A. make, to turn B. made, turn C. made, turned D. made, turns 15. The thin man doesn t have _____ money, but he is very happy. A. many B. some C. a lot D. much 16. Don t play near the river, _____ you will fall into it. A. and B. so C. or D. but 17. I have two tickets _____ the concert. A. for B. of C. to D. from 18. Don t wake the _____ child up. A. sleep B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepy 19. The fish smell _____. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. badly N kXzz 1)Thanks a lot for _____ ( invite) me . 2) The day after tomorrow I ______ ( go ) to the mountains. 3)She has to ______ (visit) her aunt this afternoon. 4)We often have fun ______ (play) basketball after lunch. 5)Can you __________ (come) over to my birthday party? Sure, I d love to.     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