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He made his apologies to his teacher for being late. apologize vi apologize to sb apologize to sb for (doing) sth apologize for oneself make an aology to sb for (doing) sth cheer up He looks very sad. Let s cheer him up. Cheer up Things are not so bad as they seem. cheerful adj tQؚǑpv cheers r^og cheer(sb) on :NgNSbl0Rl RgN interrupt vt It is rude to ~ others speech. Rain interrupted our baseball game. interrupt\ disturb\ interfere ُQ*NR͋ g r^pb va` FO(ul N=\v T interrupt Sbpb Sbe ;x08^ g O----\Pbk0-Ne KNa His speech was constantly interrupted by applause. disturb Sbpb Yx08^cO-----1YSck8^vr`b[VNu Bad dreams disturbed her sleep. interfere r^m Yx08^cr^bYxNNvN @w͑c gq_T0 It s unwise to interfere between hunsband and wife. Module 1. Small talk Period 1. Introduction and Cultural corner T: ok ,today we are going to learn the first module of the new book. Its about small talk. Small talk? And who know what does it mean? Ok, I will give you its definiton and then please guess. it refers to conversation about ordinary or unimportant matters, usually at a social event. For example: He has no small talk. It means that he is not good at talking to people about ordinary or unimportant things . Ok, its your turn to answer my question. S:-------------- T: Now. Ill list several topics on the balckboard and then you will classify them into two parts, namely the serious topics or the small talk? (careers, cars, examinations, film stars, food, music, politics, sport, travel, weather) Which of the topics do you like talking about with your friends? Which of them do you talk about with your parents? Which of them of you talk about with your teacher? Which of them do you never talk about? S: --------------- T: After knowing the definition and the kinds of small talk, lets come to its rule and I think that it can help you to do well in a social event. Ok, please turn to page 13 and study cultural corner.----The AAA. Now, give you 3 minutes and then answer the questions above the title, and add another question---whats the meaning of AAA? S: ---------------- Sugguested answers: A1. From the example in the passage we know the first person ask the second one in a question, and then the second answers. This is the first A= Answer. If the conversation continues, the second one will want to show his interest in the conversation, he may add something useful to it. This is the second A= Add. Therefore, if they continue the conversation, the second may ask some more questions connected to the conversation. This is the third A= Ask. Sometimes they may come into sme difficulty, but if they continue with the AAA model, they can avoid some embarrassing silence. A2. I think its agood idea. No matter where you are, you are eager to communicate with others. Most of time a small talk is necessary, and more useful if with an AAA model in it. A3. AAA stands for answer, add and ask. Language points: it is estimated that ------- 2. imagine doing sth imagine that imagine + YT[ I can t imagine living without electricity. Imagine that you are in London. The boy imagined himself to be a hero. limagine N(uNۏLe It is difficult to imagine his _______ the decision without any consideration. (accept) reply vi ~ to sb. ~ to a question VT{ V Y ~ to the enemy s fire vt. VT{ I don t know what to reply He replied that he might go. n. in reply to \O:N----vT{ Y I write this in reply to your letter. make no reply Period2.Reading and Vocabulary lead-in T: Last period, we have learned the rules of small talk. And now imagine a situation where a person maybe a woman doesnt obey the rules of the social communication and what will happen? Today, lets see a case together and know the importance of the social communication skills.please turn to page 8 and look at the reading and vocabulary. T: Read the passage and answer the questions in the activity 2 on page 9. S;------------ T: Please turn to page 10 and look at the activity 5 and give me the answers. Suggested answers (2) She put her foot in it (she said something embarrassing) To be polite and not to embarrass people. Because she didnt want to say her age. She said she wasnt pregnant. Her advice was very insensitive as she told him that his was a fool and no one liked her. She wanted to know how much it cost. He thought the office would be quieter without him. She thought the was ugly. Suggested answers (5) firm 2. acquaintance, clerk, customer, fool, hostess, human being, saleswoman, typist 3. apology, motto 4. awkward, cautious, mature, messy, outspoken 5. pregnant 6. brunch Note: not all the words fit these categories. Language points: absence :ON NX[(W N(WgY absence from school\ lecture : absence of mind _ N(W q in the absence of = in one s absence N N(We YQeir NX[(W :\ The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon. I m doing Mary s job in her absence . absent adj absent vt absent-minded adj coincidence it was no coincidence that h:y ------v^^]T What a coincidence ! It was quite a coincidence that she was on the same train. vi coincide TeSu v&{ vN coincide with N-----v&{ A and B coincide = A coincide with B ATBvNN It is fortunate for the old couple that their son s career goals and their wishes for him coincide. 3. due adj be due to do His book is due to be published in October. due ZPhe g zsS/eN 0R va` My rent isn t due till Wednesday. due to The team s success was largely due to her efforts. 4. go through Ǐ ~S ~SN~hg hQbQ dgSR ZP[]\O e\L(uIQ Tc(W---- Od 5. would rather a`e[?a f?aa TcR͋SW &T[b__(Wwould rather TRnot. I would rather not tell Mary about it. Would rather TScR͋ N[_v[be h:y/fZPǏgN1\}YN h:yT`bWl I would rather have taken your advice yesterday. would rather that -------- I would rather you told me the truth. I d rather you had arrived yesterday. [?aZPgNvSW would rather do sth than do sth would do sht rather than do sth prefer to do sth\ perfer doing sht to doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth Period3 Vocabulary and Reading lead-in T: We all &(PRZ p r    0 8 N D F ĸyof_XR hB;CJ hB;CJo( h4=CJo(hB;h4=CJhB;hmCJo(hB;h4=5CJo(hB;h4=CJo(hB;h2`CJo(hB;hwvCJhB;hwvCJo(hB;hwv5CJo(hwh>\5CJo(hwhwv5CJo(hwhwv5CJhM1h>\5CJ aJ o(h95CJ aJ o(hM1h>\5CJ aJ &Rl2 L p  0 P F J z <\ & Fgd4=gdwvgd*{: & Fgdwv$a$gdM1 8 F H J P x z   LN$4bd ^`"Bl 6P͸ͮͮͮhB;h<+CJo(hB;h<+5CJo(hB;hw 5CJo(hB;hw CJhB;hw CJo(hB;hm5CJo(hB;hmCJhB;hmCJo(hB;h4=CJo(hB;hB;CJo( h?)CJo( hB;CJ hB;CJo(3\b b$4b^B"l@ VDr^gdH WDd`gdB; & Fgdw xVD9^xgdH xWD2`xgdB;gdw  & Fgdmgd*{:@R6h@:t$xxVDrWD2^`xgdH & Fgdj" xWD2`xgdH WDd`gdHgd<+h^hgd<+ & Fgd<+ VDr^gdH WDd`gdB;Phj@B`rt~$&x,02Vh$&<bdN X ùððäððððÚٚÚ{hB;hN5CJo(hB;h?CJo(hB;hCJhB;hCJo(hB;h{Q5CJo(hB;h{QCJhB;hj"CJo(hB;h{QCJo(hB;hj"5CJo( hHCJo(hB;h<+5CJo(hB;h<+CJhB;h<+CJo(/xzZ,4R$*0dv VDr^gdH WDd`gdHgdj" N Z %&&$&&&x&z&&&R''''''''' ("(&(((H(J(\(^()&)0)\)ĻĻĻıħı|hB;h$CJo(hB;hfCJhB;h=G5CJo(hB;hf5CJo(hB;h=GCJo(hB;hfCJo(hB;h5CJhB;h5CJo(hB;h55CJo( hHCJo(hB;hNCJhB;hNCJo(hB;h?5CJo(.x&&'''H(((()0)p)))"*j**+Z++,,,F,$a$gdM1gdf & Fgdf VDr^gdH WDd`gdH\)^)n)p)r)j*l*++++++,,,,,",$,%,&,6,7,E,F,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- -e-ĸvmvmvmvmvmvmvmvmvhB;h>bCJhB;h>bCJo(hB;hB;5CJaJo(hB;h65CJaJo(hB;h>b5CJaJo(hB;h_`5CJaJo(hB;h_`5CJaJhB;h_`5CJ aJ o(hB;h_`5CJ aJ h$o(hB;hfCJo(hB;h$CJo(hB;h$CJ*F,- ../K/////G1[1o134$5F55555R666gdL\ & FgdL\gdfJVDdWD^J`gdB;WD^`gdB;e-f-------.... .%.'..///8/bCJo(hB;h>bCJ8f1n1o1111 22222336373333333,4.444$5&5D5F5n555555555566P6R6V6X66677777ŹϯϯϯϯhB;hscCJo(hB;hsc5CJo(hB;hXuCJhB;hXu5CJo(hB;hXuCJo(hB;hL\5CJo(hB;ht&CJo(hB;hL\CJo(hB;hL\CJhB;h`$CJhB;h1CJo(hB;h`$CJo(36777D888T9999C;;;;<WD^`gdB;WD^`gdB;$a$gdM1gdsc5hVDWD^5`hgdv8WD>^8`gdv hWD`hgdv & FgdvWD^`gdv xWD2`xgdv772848D8H8Z8\8d8f88889 9"9R9T9f9l999999999&:':d:e:::::&;);A;B;C;;;;;;ǹǹǹshB;hny5CJo(hB;hny5CJhB;hnyCJhB;hnyCJo(hB;h){CJhB;h){CJo(hB;h-$CJo(hM1h-$5CJaJo(hB;5CJaJo(hB;hvKCJhB;hvKCJo(hB;hscCJhB;hscCJo( hvCJo(-;;<s<t<<<v=w===j>x>z>|>>>>>???t@z@@@@@.ADAAAAAAB BBC$C&CyofyfyfyfyfhB;h*{:CJhB;h){CJo(hB;h*{:CJo(hB;h*{:5CJo(hB;h 5CJo(hB;h CJo(hB;h CJhB;hWCJhB;hWCJo(hB;h*CJo(hB;h*5CJhB;hnyCJhB;hnyCJo(hB;hny5CJo(hB;h*5CJo((<9<c<<<=(=\=v===z>>> ???@@.AA & Fgd*{:h^hgd  & Fgd gd*hWDj^h`gdv & Fgd*gdny & FgdnyAA:B$CC"D~DDDpEE^FFvGGHPHfHHHRIII$a$gdM1WD^`gdvWD^`gdB;gd*{:h^hgd*{:&CCCCC D"DDDEEvEEEFFFFGGGGHHPHIIIIIIIIIIJv`vbvww`wbwx xxúúúú֯}tttthB;h?CJUhB;h9gCJo(hB;h?CJo(hM1hG~5CJaJo(hM1h9g5CJaJo(hB;5CJaJo(hB;h_yfCJhB;h_yfCJo(hB;hG~CJhB;hG~CJo(hB;hG~5CJo(hB;h*{:CJhB;h*{:CJo(-IIx$yFyzHzz{@||| }f}}~bĀ & F gdamgdh & Fgdvygdvy & FgdvyWD^`gdB; WDd`gdB;know that we have learned a saleswoman who doesn t kown the rules of small talk and give us some humorous conversation and jokes. But how do we aviod these mistakes ourselves? And today we are going to learn some social communication rules or skills to deal with the occasion we may meet. Please turn to page 2 ,let s come to vocabulary and reading. First, let s deal with the vocabulary activity 1. S: ------------- T: now, let s come to the contents of this part.and after reading and then answer the questions. suggested answers to activity 3 Yes, they should prepared some topics to talk about. They are not impressive. Because they talk too much and don t give other people s any chance of speaking. look your watch; yawn(sigh, look away, change the subject, finish other people s sentences). To show that you are listening People like talking about themselves. Suggested answers to activity 4 avoid, lack ,nodded, yawned, sighed, smiled suggested answers to activity 5. no, it doesn t. worrying about talking to other people will make me feel unconfident and make me not sure about what we are taling about. I could find out what the social rules of the country and find out dos and don ts about arriving. did you watch the Cup final last Saturday?\what about the moive James Bond 007?\ Are you tired of the homework? Smiling, nodding, saying yes and oh, really? Etc facing the person who is speaking to yo; making eye contact; nodding; smiling; applausing; thumbing up,etc no, they aren t. every country has its own customs, culture and religion. So we say it s impossible that social rules are completely the same in different countries. Langguage points prepare v prepare sth QYgN I ll prepare my lesson prepare to do sth QYZPgN He is preparing to go on a trip. prepare sb. sth= prepare sth for sb :NgNQYgir Mother is preparing me a meal. prepare sb to do sth :NgNZPgN\OQY The teacher is preparing the students to do the experiment. prepae for sth = get ready for sth :N-----\OQY The students are preparing for the exam. prepare sth for sth :NgN\OQY Mary is preparing the table for dinner. prepare sb for sth c[gNQYgN The teacher is preparing his students for the exam. prepare against QY[N ^N------ N a_vN History has told us to be prepared against wars. 2 keep good eye contact Oco}YvB68 DF؇*,܈ވ24ȉʉډ܉ "̹̯̯̯̣̘hB;hv5CJaJo(hB;5CJaJo(hB;hh5CJo(hB;h) CJo(hB;hM1CJo(hB;hamCJhB;hamCJo(hB;ham5CJo(hB;hhCJo(hB;hhCJhB;hYCJo(6>lރ6t*օ \F܈4|ȉZVDWD^`gdB;h^hgdhgdamh^hgd) h^hgdam"$68HJXZj~ҋԋXZ@B`bxzڎ܎ XżżϼŲŲyyhB;hFCJo(hB;h`CJhB;h`CJo(hB;hCJhB;hCJo(hB;hcaCJhB;hcaCJo(hB;ho<CJhB;ho<CJo(hB;hvCJo(hB;hK5CJaJo(hB;hv5CJaJo(hB;5CJaJo(,ZjԋXz܎FX 8n^gdF & F gd`^gd` & F gd``gd` & FgdVDWD^`gdB; 8:nrtzƑȑʑPRb&(BDZ\Γғ8:Vҕԕ&ƽ㳪hB;h6k CJhB;h6k CJo(hB;h+CJhB;h+CJo(hB;h3M.CJhB;hcaCJo(hB;h*@CJo(hB;h*@CJhB;h3M.CJo(hB;hFCJo(hB;hFCJ;nȑΒB0@NBȞ & F gd]$a$gd3;gd'7hVD^h`gd3M. 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