ࡱ>   !"#$%&'()*+,-.70123456b89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`acdefghiRoot Entry F@@SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 WordDocumentG Oh+'0(H l x 1 :N` gRYeQ http://www.wsbedu.com/  Normal.dotAdministrator8@`J7@/C#Microsoft Word 9.0՜.+,D՜.+,\  KM+ (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-  P]KSKSG*8I|'^$\hP% Unit one Friendship Direct speech and indirect speech vc_틌Tc_ N W,gi_  = 1 \* ROMAN Ivc_S:Nc_ 1 0vc_:NHS 2 0vc_:NHyOS 3 0vc_:NuS 4 0vc_:NaSS  = 2 \* ROMAN II 10vc_틌Tc_^\N[NS 20vc_틌Tc_틄vi_ 1 vc_NW[ N9e0W_+RNv݋ 2 c_(u݋N]v݋l+RNv݋ NSbc{|W 1vc_:NHS vc_:NHS (uthat_[S-NSNweu 0_R͋ gsay, tellI{0 HSSc_틁la10NyvSS20c:yN͋0er00Wpr틌TR͋vSS30e`vSS40NyvSS 0 N,vĉRN;N N[ N NS OYThe teacher said,  John, you must bring your book to the class.  1> ,{ NThe teacher told John that he must bring his book to the class. 2> +RN[~The teacher said that you must bring your book to the class. 3> ~]The teacher said that I must bring my book to the class.  = 1 \* ROMAN Ic:yN͋0er00Wpr틌TR͋vSS 1 0c:yN͋vSS this---- that these----those 2 0er틄vSS now---- then ago---- before today----that day yesterday----the day before; the previous day tomorrow----the next day; the following day the day before yesterday----two days before the day after tomorrow----two days later next week/month, etc.---- the next week/month, etc. last week/month, etc.---- the week/month before 3 00Wpr틄vSS here----there 4 0R͋vSS come----go l(WS_0Wle here NS:Nthere come NS:Ngo. (WS_)Yle yesterday, tomorrowI{er_N NS0  = 2 \* ROMAN II e`vSS1 1 0;NS:Ns(Wb\ege`e c_틄ve` NS0 E.g. A. He says,  I m tired. He says he is tired. B. He has said to me,  I m tired. He has said to me he is tired. C. He will say,  The boy was lazy. He will tell you that the boy was lazy. 20;NS:NǏSe`e vc_N,\Ov^vSS ُ1\S@bv e`v|T^ 0 1 0N,s(WeS:NN,ǏSe0 e.g. He said,  I m sorry. He said he was sorry. 2 s(WۏLeS:NǏSۏLe0 e.g. She said,  He s waiting. She said he was waiting. 3 s(W[beS:NǏS[be0 e.g. He said,  You haven t changed much. He said that I hadn t changed much. 4 N,ǏSeS:NǏS[be0 e.g. He said,  The man came at six. He said that the man had come at six. 5 N,\egeS:NǏS\ege0 e.g. She said,  I will do it after class. She said that she would do it after class. 6 ǏS[be NS0 e.g. He said,  I had finished my homework. He said that he had finished his homework. lvc_틂Yg/f[‰wt S:Nc_ee` NS0 e.g. The teacher told us,  The earth moves around the sun. The teacher told us that the earth moves around the sun.  = 3 \* ROMAN III e`vSS2 1 +T``R͋vN,s(WeS:N``R͋vN,ǏSe0 e.g. She said,  He can swim very well. She said that he could swim very well. l1 Ygvc_틄v``R͋/fN,ǏSe c_؏/f(u``R͋vǏSN,e0 e.g. She said,  He could swim very well. She said that he could swim very well. 2 gN``R͋Ymust, ought to, need, had betterI{S gNyb__ HN(Wc_-Nb__ NS0 e.g. He said,  I must study hard. He said that he must study hard. 20vc_:NHyOS vc_:NHyOS S:Nc_e\HyOSvR͋Sb_S:N&^tov N[_0_R͋ gtell, ask, orderI{0[v&T[/f(WtoMRRnot0[l ge`vSS0vQNvSSTvc_/fHSv`Qv T0 e.g. I said to her,  Please give me a glass of water. I asked her to give me a glass of water. She said to him,  Come at five o clock. She told him to come at five o clock. He said,  Don t make so much noise, boys. He told the boys not to make so much noise. 30vc_:NuS1 vc_:NuS S:Nc_e틏^NN,NSv T (uHSv틏^ be, haveI{RR͋v>e(W;NKNT0_R͋8^(usay, ask, wonder, inquireI{0vc_:NHSS:Nc_틔^\OTySSvBl_N T7hO(u0 1 vc_:NN,uSe 1uwhetherbif_[0 e.g. He said to us,  Are you going away today? He asked to us whether we were going away that day. She said,  Is he your brother? She asked if he was my brother. 2 vc_:NyrkuSe vQsQT͋(uv^vuN͋buoR͋0 e.g. She asked,  Who will help me finish the job? She asked who would help her finish the job. He asked,  What have you done? He asked what I had done. 3 vc_:N buS S:Nc_e^(uwhether& or& 0 e.g.  Do you like tea or coffee? she asked me. She asked me whether I like tea or coffee. 40vc_:NaSS vc_:NaSS S:Nc_e _R͋ gtell, exclaimI{0vQNvSSTvc_:NHSevSSv T0 e.g.  What a brave boy you are! she told him. She told him what a brave boy he was. gec_S(uthat_[0 e.g. He said,  How foolish I have been! He said how foolish he had been. He said that he had been very foolish. pQؚ ؚՋ NRg 1[1985] Can you tell me____? A. who is that gentleman B. that gentleman is who C. who that gentleman D. whom is that gentleman 2. [1986] Can you tell me _____the railway station? A. how I can get to B. how can I get to C. where I can get to D. where can I get to 3. [1998] I asked my lawyer _____say in court. A. what I should B. what should I C. how I should D. how should I gُ NvT{HhR+R/fC0A0A0ُ Nv yRsSc_R /f+T guva` ,geg^/fyrkuSb__ FOS_uS9e:Nc_e {\uSv틏^9e:NHSv틏^0 R_~ 1 (u]v݋l+RNv݋ SZPc_0c_N,gb[NS0 2 yrkuSSc_ HQbuS틏^S:NHS틏^ ScS 6qT(uSSvwh u͋_[0 3 HS1uvc_lbc:Nc_ HQ\HSlbc:N1u N_that_[v[NS0_틨R͋8^(usay, tellI{0 Eg. vc_ I enjoy playing chess c_She said that she enjoyed playing chess. 4 N,uS1uvc_S:Nc_e HQ\uS͋^S:NHS͋^ ScS 6qT(WSP[MRbRwhetherbif0_틨R͋S(uask , wonder, want to know, don t know ,be not sure , be puzzled I{ FO N(usay, tell0 Eg.vc_ Are you feeling tired? c_The teacher asked me whether I was feeling tired . 4. [1988] They want to know _____do to help us . A. what can they B. what they can C. how they can D. how can they 5. [1991] No one can be sure ____in a million years. A. what man will look like B. what will man look like . C. man will look like what D. what look will man like 6. [1987] They have no idea at all________. A. where he has gone . B. where did he go C. which place he has gone D. where has he gone. g ,{4 B0HQ bc_R/fH͋^v y,{NQu͋vcknxO(u NSP[~geg w c_Rvdo:\N[ Vdk^ bޏc͋whatEQS_dov[0 ,{5 A0,{N*NSVN NN7h,{NpsQNu͋vQ V:Nc_Rvwill look like vlike/fN͋ N͋_{&^ g[ VdkO(uޏc͋whatEQS_N͋like v[0 ,{6 A0,{N*NSVN,{4N7hNu͋v b V:Ngo/fN*N NSirR͋ Ygh:y ST̑ 1\(u go+oR͋ b go+N͋+ T͋/N͋ ~g VdkYg Cv݋ goneT^RN͋to0EeO(uޏc͋where0 R_~ 5 (WZPUSy be dNQc_R(uH͋^Y ؏^QYUO bcknxvޏc͋0(uTN*Nޏc͋SQNSP[hva`NSc_R@b:\vbR0 7[1990] Can you make sure _____the gold ring ? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put g ُvT{Hh C0,{NpQv/fc_RO(uH͋^ EecdBTD0,{NQv/fe`0V:N;NSO(uNN,s(We Yg bA O(uǏS[be (Wُ*NSP[v^l gǏSe\OSgqp Vdk NO(uǏS[be0 R_~ 6 c_Rve`_{N;NSve`vOS0 7 Ygvc_@b(WvS-Nv틨R͋/fs(Web\ege` 9e:Nc_e e` NS0 Eg. He says  I didn t go to school today. He says that he didn t go to school that day . 8 Ygvc_틲v/f[‰wtsa 9e:Nc_e vQN,s(We NS0 Eg. The teacher said , The earth is round . The teacher said that the earth is round . 9 Yg݋eN_e N T sS_gNǏSǏv݋ RR͋e`\Ov^vSS sSR͋e`N_TǏScyNek0 Eg. A. vc_ it s snowing. c_He told me that it was snowing. B. vc_ I have studied English for ten years. c_He said that he had studied English for ten years. vc_ I am looking forward to seeing Tom. c_ He told me he was looking forward to seeing Tom. vc_ We will miss the bus . c_She was afraid they would miss the bus . 10 vc_-NvZbl e`Oc NS0 Eg.  I suggest that the meeting be put off till next week. he said. He suggested that the meeting be put off till the next week. 11 S_vc_-N gnx[vǏSere 틨R͋vN,ǏSe N_S:NǏS[be V:N(Wُy`Q N  ǏSvǏS ]~ N f0 Eg.  I was born in 1950 . He said was born in 1950. 8.[1996] The patient was warned _______oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating g ُNvT{Hh C0ُS݋/fc_틄vSNyb__ sSHyOSvc_0HyOS9e:Nc_e bHyOS-NvR͋Sb_9e:NR͋ N[_ Yg/f&T[HyOS 1\(WR͋ N[_MRRnot,Vdk bC0 R_~ 12 vc_틂Yg/fHyOS Sc_e O(u +[+ N[_ ~g _R͋8^(uask , tell ,warn , advise, order I{0YgHyOSv݋Ǒ(uvR͋:Nsaid, 1\\vQ9e:Ntold , asked b orderedI{ YgHyOS-N gplease N͋ 9e:Nc_e \pleaseSc0 (N) ~`N My father suggested _____ a jo6 in a hospital. A. that I get B. that I got C. me to get . D. that my getting 2. Can you tell me _____the 28th Olympic Games____? A. when will , be held . B. when , will be held C. when will be , held D. when ,will hold 3.Mr Brown is said _____a new novel. A. to write B. to have been written C. to be written D. to have written 4.He demanded that every student _____there at once. A. went B. must go C. goes D. go 5. That man insisted that he ____ there. A. should send B. would be sent C. be sent D. sent 6. I want to know ______. what city does she come from from what city does she come . from which city doesW W ))R<(0R<(0(vE<(vE<_L_Lc1z^c1z^TcTc^` o(.d^d\`\ d)^\`\ .^\`\ .P ^P \`\ P ) ^ \`\  . ^ \`\  .<^<\`\ <)^\`\ .^k`k o(.~ ^~ \`\ ~ )" ^" \`\ " . ^ \`\  .j^j\`\ j)^\`\ .^\`\ .V^V\`\ V)^\`\ . ^0`0 o( H^H\`\ H)^\`\ .^\`\ .4^4\`\ 4) ^ \`\  .| ^| \`\ | . ^ \`\  )^\`\ .s^s@`@ so( ^\`\ )^\`\ .C^C\`\ C. ^ \`\  ) ^ \`\  ./ ^/ \`\ / .^\`\ )w^w\`\ w.^0`0 o(.H^H\`\ H)^\`\ .^\`\ .4^4\`\ 4) ^ \`\  .| ^| \`\ | . ^ \`\  )^\`\ .h^h` ho(H^H\`\ H)^\`\ .^\`\ .4^4\`\ 4) ^ \`\  .| ^| \`\ | . ^ \`\  )^\`\ .^` o(.^\`\ )q^q\`\ q. ^ \`\  . ^ \`\  )] ^] \`\ ] .^\`\ .^\`\ )I^I\`\ I._LR<(0(vE<)c1z^TcW & she come . what city she comes from . 7. Were you able to borrow Helen s camera ?  No, she said ______lend it to anyone . she ll rather not . B. she wouldn t rather C. she d rather not D. she doesn t rather 8. I wonder if she ____us , but I think if she ____us we will be able to complete the take ahead of time . A. helps ; helps B. will help ; has helped . C. helps ; will help D. will help ; helps 9. He said that he _____there for three years . A. has studied B. had studied C. studied D. was studying 10. Can you tell me _____ ? I haven t seen you for years . A. where have you gone B. where have you been C. where you have been D. where you have gone 11. Ask him how much ________. A. did it cost B. cost it c. it cost D. it costed 12. Do me a favour, please. The teacher said . The teacher asked us to ________. A . do him a favour B. do me a favour C. do a favour to her D. do a favour for me . 13. Don t be late again  ,the teacher said to me . The teacher asked me __________ . A. not to be late again B. no to be late again C. not to be late more D. not to be late any longer. 14. I asked her ______me the book . A. to give B. giving C. be given D. gave 15. Make sure the door is locked  Mother said . Mother told me _____. A . make sure the door is locked . make sure the door was locked . to make sure the door is locked . to make sure the door was locked. 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