ࡱ> [ Rlbjbj<ΐΐxWd 8,Al"0%  $%U( 111 4"###1N #1 ## 31| "0",1)1)1)11#11111 d111"11111)111111111  : ][aؚ-N2016J\ؚ N10g Ջ }TNѐ &t Ջe120R R*KHaJheuh*E6KHaJheuh*EaJheuh*E5KHaJmHsHheuh*EKHaJmHsHheuh*EKHaJmHsHheuh*E5KHaJmHsHheuh*EH*KHaJheuh*E5KHaJheuh*EKHaJ,!!#""""###8$Y$$$$%>%[%%%%%&*'i'dgd*E $da$gd*E $d`a$gd*E d`gd*Edgd*Ei'''()*+,h.../Y///+0i000!1"1$112 $da$gd*E $d`a$gd*E ;dWD`;gd*Edgd*Edgd*E2457l999:F:^:::;;;g;;;;<V<<<!="=$=}>?rC $da$gd*Edgd*ErCFFGNGGGG3HiHHHI]IIIJxJJTKVKKKMzNQR$  Hda$gd*Edgd*EMMPPR RRR/T4T2VbVVWWFXKX{XXXXYY Z*ZZZB[L[[[[[\\\\]]T]Y]]]]]L^Q^|^^^^0_4_`xI{|||| ||\|||Ǻheuh*EKHaJheuh*ECJKHheuh*ECJKHPJheuh*EKHPJaJUheuh*E5aJheuh*E5KHaJheuh*EaJheuh*E>*aJ@RSTTTT5U}UU.V0VbVVWX^?_t___xHx{xxx ;dWD`;gd*E  HZdWD8^`Zgd*Edgd*Ey D. Specially 45. A. Career B. Inspiration C. Motivation D. Faith 46. A. puzzled B. forced C. tired D. worried 47. A. but B. so C. because D. or 48. A. transformed B. left C. conveyed D. took 49. A. tolerate B. serve C. hate D. treasure 50. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Moreover 51. A. usual B. rare C. dreadful D. admirable 52. A. worry B. satisfaction C. smile D. shock 53. A. interest B. security C. disappointment D. relief 54. A. name B. number C. address D. photo 55. A. regret B. apology C. gratitude D. concern 56. A. lived up to B. looked up to C. came up to D. made up for 57. A. Pleasure B. Friendship C. Passion D. Encouragement 58. A. pass B. receive C. choose D. create 59. A. good B. slow C. short D. happy 60. A. in B. on C. by D. under ,{IIwS laNy (u0.5 ks|ўr{v~{W[{\T{HhQ(WT{aS N0Q(W,gՋwS NeHe0 ,{ NR wƋЏ(uqQ$N nR45R ,{N qQ10\k\1. 5R nR15R  NbPge (Wzz}vYkXeQS_vQ[1*NUS͋ bbSQUS͋vcknxb__0 I was traveling in a small place in New York. That place had no taxi for a short 61 (distant). One had to take a rickshaw(NRf). I called out for an old man in the waiting line. Before I got on the rickshaw, I 62 (automatic) asked how much he would charge to take me across to the Mall. I 63 (tell)  10 dollars . Then I started bargaining. He just gave a hard smile and said,  Whatever you feel like, please give me. It is not necessary 64 (bargain) on this small amount. I was a bit ashamed at myself and kept quiet while he continued,  65 (like) those taxis, my vehicle does not run on petrol or diesel(gl) or even gas; 66 runs on my sweat. So please give it to me 67 a smile, for the money has to feed so many 68 (hunger) mouths at home. When we reached the Mall, I gave him the money and the smile 69 requested and added a gentle pat on his back. He smiled back as if to give me a receipt and I would preserve his smile for 70 long time. ,{VR Q\OqQ$NnR35R ,{N we9eqQ10\k\1R nR10R e-NqQ g10Y kS-NgY g$NY0NmSN*NUS͋vXR0 RdbO9e0 XR(W:͋YRN*NoW[&{S('") v^(WvQ NbQQ勠Rv͋0 RdbYYOv͋(u(<)Rc0 O9e(Wv͋ N;uN*j~ v^(W͋ NbQQO9eTv͋0 la1. kYSvQO9eGWNPN͋ 2. SAQO9e10Y YN,{11Yw NR0 It was the break time, and the students was playing on the playground. Jacky was playing the basketball with a group of boys while Lily told him that the headmaster wanted to see him. Jacky seemed confusing. He thought, I did something wrong. Why did the headmaster ask me to his office? Then he walked there nervously. In his surprise, the headmaster praised him, as he learned from some teachers that Jacky usually volunteered to helping others. The headmaster told Jacky he had set example for other students. Hearing that, Jacky was very happily. He promised the headmaster that he will continue to be a caring student. +{N fNbhnR25R GPY`O/fNgNS /fVg@bf[!hvNbcu `ON2015t^10g14e(WFU^-pNv5uOWN `O9hnc NRc:y~FU^[ gQN\O0 ;NQ[ Q\Ovv cwQSO`QўO\ elO(u  ^㉳QRlfbcb  la1. SS_XR~ OLeޏ/ 2. ͋pe100]S0 Dear Sir or Madam, Mx yByuyyyzHzzzz#{I{J{ ||\|||}~؀ dWD`gd*E  HZdWD8^`Zgd*E d`gd*E $da$gd*Edgd*E|}}~~Zf\h 5:flÂɂEKb҄Ԅ։P"*0ζypfheuh*ECJo(heuh*ECJ)heuh*E5CJ,OJPJQJ\aJ,o(&heuh*E5CJ,OJPJQJ\aJ,&heuh*E5CJ$OJPJQJ\aJ$heuh*E6aJo(heuh*EaJo(Uheuh*E6aJheuh*EQJaJheuh*E5aJheuh*E>*aJheuh*EaJ(؀WX(bJt2@  Hdgd*E  H dWD` gd*E vdWD,`vgd*Edgd*E  HZdWD8^`Zgd*E dWD`gd*E@Ln։Pϔ"06 *dhgd*E $dH$a$gd*Edgd*E d^gd*E & Fdgd*Ey name is Li Hua, an exchange student from China. _____________________________ _______________________________________________. Yours Sincerely, Li Hua ][aؚ-N2016J\ؚ N10g ՋT{Hh ,TR 1-5 ABACB 6-10 ABCCB 11-15 CCBAB 16-20 ACABC t 21- 23 BCD 24- 27 CBDB 28 -31 BDCA 32- 35 CDAC 36- 40 DEFAG [b_kXzz 41- 45. BADCD 46- 50 BACDA 51-55 BCDBC 56- 60 ADBCA 61. distance 62. automatically 63. was told 64. to bargain 65. Unlike 66. it 67. with 68. hungry 69. as 70. a fNbh Dear Sir or Madam My name is Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I m writing to complain about the quality of the computer which I purchased from your store on October 14, 2015. It unexpectedly went wrong a few days after I bought it. The monitor turned out to be a black screen while I was preparing an important report. I tried to restart it according to the instructions, but it still failed to work. Therefore, Im sure there is something wrong with the computer. I am hoping that you direct me to a store where I may return the faulty item for a new one within the next 3 days. Since your store has gained a good reputation for customer satisfaction, I am confident you will ڗޗ@DZ^tx.Рvxz|ԡ֡ءdfhjl½ήh=hrh=o( hro(hSTjhSTU heuh heuh*E6CJo(Uheuh*E6CJheuh*ECJo(heuh*ECJ%0Ș dxz~֡ءfhjl$a$gdrgdrgdjdgd*Edhgd*Edgd*Eprocess my complaint at your earlier convenience. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours Sincerely, Li Hua     NؚQ --http://gaokao.zgjhjy.com/ N1[1T5u݋400-810-8982 NQ--http://www.zgjhjy.com/ :&P 182P:pk=1+ ;!"#C$C%SS b 2&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J cke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A $ ؞k=W[SOBiB nfh*B*phVo2V *Ecke_0 $1$a$(CJKHOJQJ_HaJmH nHsH tHZ`B *E~e,g, Char, Char Char Char,Char,Char Char Char,Plain Text,nf,nfeW[ Char,h1,h1 Char Char,h1 Char Char Char Char,h1 Char Char Char Char Char,8npev,8npev3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!mQtheme/theme/theme1.xmlYMoE#F{oc'vGuرhF[x=ޝzvg53NjHHzZ $ʯI)*E_N&IA!>Ǽ3xN>UWL0Č߫߿z}rx{h9T8T/χ?xY'~3S~O_|w)ӈHt=a+d NG1-RlƁ1RJwT蠯M1K"o he˓ێ½PL-|%EhY7'qP.\L=dqķ3Iofi.ñBRb-JP_pG ݢiKtdӌhFio7;7Q2ȾD>a/Q>XW ˔M_uHq)h +:Viw4rBqϫ"r!2laCbU|!8^8>ܠ,AбVt׎~ls14_=,ɬožTV G"ѦbH'.4x޵w-ϷE|F;v`b3"G 'e\fHO '$i_wp >*8i&LY%\,xҕ= r6f 3Tʅ):ªZKLs&C Mܛ0 [˫p@ע`j۽7 YHxHicT5Ar@HZAZC}i' RQ\m,zo,gQu{Y\,Nר/=L _.̇Y7C6-fSh62"5NHT[X65̫4X%Yֳ2fkhi~tCKF#b +w1m|4`!:U!p5a:~{4mmio ήc8mDJpSǹ橠V1?#Si?3E'pS2W`qB]( 08w nA[s)k8= Aa?R dڒɾcUӽ˲d)#Queb}C!&i0>4S7{z F} 4sKvUKoȳh~1jYUVH5U8Vk;֜L9ŰD ?*|FL "A3>g]dm2iVֵ褽mg W  //cccfM|l05:FN5 !i'2rCRx؀@l12346789;EGHO@  @H 0(  0(  B S  ? oLe_LinK8 oLe_LinK13WW !&)+45<DFQTU\egi>SKSOSxSYWsWvWxWxWzWzW{W{W}W~WWWWWWWWW 7;R>SSSSSSSSSSSSwWWs3333333J\4"F">?IIAQMQRR#WwWxWxWzWzW{W{W}W~WWWWWWWxWxWzWzW{W{W}W~WWWWWWWWWI[X5   ^ `o(hH. \^`\hH) \^`\hH. 4\4^4`\hH.  \ ^ `\hH) | \| ^| `\hH.  \ ^ `\hH. \^`\hH) h\h^h`\hH.I[&%j lH v^i-+w,k=(EGKTST>Yf`'cKdweeu4ybd. *E8[4m=Qmg;R:86m`r3xWzW@wWwWwWwW -.689:>?ABFOIOKOLMNPQRSTVWWXX@X X@XXXX,@XXX<@X,X\@X@X@XJX@XPX@XVX@XZX@X@X|XX@XX @XX(@XXX4@XXUnknown G* Times New Roman5Symbol3. * ArialWeckwiSO{SOArial Unicode MSYeck'Yh[{SOArial Unicode MS;ўSOSimHei;5 wiSO_GB2312;[SOSimSun7.{ @Calibri?= * Courier NewA BCambria Math 1h[:'b:' jJ , jJ ,!-!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 0 00000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[CiLWLW2qHX ?*E2! xx!C:\Users\g\Desktop\sw\ؚ-NՋwSQ.dotNؚQtetՋgaokao.zgjhjy.com ؚ-NՋ NؚQՋ ؚ-NՋwSQNؚQtet_o(u7b Oh+'0 Ph |    (߿⣨gaokao.zgjhjy.com ߿߿ Ծ(߿⣨gaokao.zgjhjy.comԾ.dot ΢û3Microsoft Office Word@@@ Sw@q  jJ՜.+,D՜.+, `h 2015-2016 ߿,LW t :B_PID_LINKBASEA&http://sj.fjjy.org  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvwyz{|}~Root Entry F:Data S1Table[A)WordDocument<SummaryInformation(pDocumentSummaryInformation8xCompObju  F#Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q