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Ĺ_{˜O(u2BŔ{(WT{˜˜aS N\@bHQT{Hhů[”^„vh÷S‚mў0 002. ,{IwSqQ$NčR ˙qQĄ‹90R0 00,{NčR ń‚í‹ĺwƋЏ(u(qQ$N‚‚ ˙qQ40R) 00,{N‚‚ USy˜kXzz(qQ10\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜1R ˙qQ10R) 00ÎNA0B0C0DŰV*N y˜-N ˙ úQďSĺNkXeQzz}v„vgsO y˜ ˙v^(WT{˜˜aS N\ĺ‹y˜‚mў0 001.  Would you mind my using your bicycle? ____________. Just go ahead. 00A. It doesn t matter B. Not at all 00C. My pleasure D. I will do it with pleasure 002. Although he likes playing tennis, he is ________ but a good tennis player. 00A. everything0 B. something C. nothing0 D. anything 003. we move the flowers at the corner? Will it look better? 00A. what for B. what about C. How about D. what if 004. The hostess of the party, who__________ as a doctor for five years, is president of a famous private school. 00A. worked B. has worked C. works D. had worked 005. A small piece of medicine helped me ______ an uncomfortable night on the plane. 00A. get down B. get in C. get through D. get over 006. This province which thirteen counties is far away from the sea. 00A. makes up B. consists of C. is included D. is contained. 007. _____ seeing her mum, the little girl started to cry. 00A. On B. With C. For D. In 008. The managers discussed the plan they would like to see the next year. 00A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 009. most of these languages are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain. 00A. What B. Which C. That D. Who 0010. is known to all, the earth moves around the sun. 00A. It B. What C. Which D. As ,{ŒN‚‚ Œ[b_kXzz(qQ20\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜1.5R ˙ánR30R) 00–ű‹ Nb—íw‡e ˙ÎNíw‡eTT˜˜@bŮ~„vŰV*N y˜(A0B0CŒTD)-N ˙ úQďSĺNkXeQzz}vY„vgsO y˜ ˙v^(W:gű‹aS N\ĺ‹y˜‚mў0 00Lahic is a small village high in the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe. The in Lahic are harsh (v`ŁR„v). Every year, the villagers nine months of snow, rain, and cold. The land around the village is steep and rocky. Farming is 13 , but the mountains are 14 in copper (ܔ). 00All the food for Lahic has to be brought ____ from the outside, but the village is 16 for its coppersmiths. Villagers have been 17 with copper for many centuries, and today s villagers practice the craft (Kbz‚) in the same way as their_ did. They work with great patience and simple 19 . The coppersmiths of Lahic use small mdllets (ĚiŇh) to __ _copper into useful and beautiful objects. They 21 the objects by hammering in designs and pictures. They make 22 objects such as plates, 23 they create more difficult things, too. 00Many people in Lahic are also 24 in other crafts. They create beautiful objects of wood and leather. And they 25 woolen carpets and clothing, But Lahic is 26 known for its coppersmiths. 00To 27 Lahic, traders follow a rugged (]–\„v) path that twists through the mountains. Despite the , they have been making the journey for centuries. The village is worth a 29 because waders can get high prices for the copper products that they 30 in Lahic. Lahic copper products are greatly treasured all over the world, and can be found in museums. 0011. A. winters B. measures C. winds D. punishments 0012. A. speak of B. refer to C. care about D. live through 0013. A. popular B. impossible C. important D. easy 0014. A. rich B. excellent C. poor D. busy 0015. A. up B. down C. in D. out 0016. A. famous B. good C. fit D. attractive 0017. A. going B. working C. playing D. staying 0018. A. ancestors B. friends C. partners D. neighbors 0019. A. ways B. materials C. tools D. knives 0020. A: put B. lead C. divide D. shape 0021. A. sell B. develop C. decorate D. repair 0022. A. metal B. simple C. special D. wonderful 0023. A. so B. but C. if D. because 0024. A. careful B. lost C. strange D. known 0025. A. admire B. dry C. wash D. make 0026. A. earliest B. best C. last D. first 0027. A. contact B. find C. reach D. study 0028. A. danger B. unfriendliness C. trouble D. uselessness 0029. A. smile B. cry C. look D. trip 0030. A. create B. buy C. receive D. view ,{ŒNčR –ű‹tă‰(qQ$N‚‚ ˙ánR50R) 00,{N‚‚ –ű‹ NRíw‡e ˙ÎNĎk˜˜@bŮ~„vŰV*N y˜(A0B0CŒTD)-N ˙ úQgsO y˜ ˙v^(W 00T{˜˜aS N\ĺ‹y˜‚mў0(qQ20\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜2R ˙ánR40R) 00A 00Siberia is a huge area in Russia. It is more than half of Russia and is 4,000 miles wide. Most of this area is forests with many wild animals and birds. In the autumn, the forests in Siberia are full of mushrooms and berries. Many people like picking mushrooms, but it is not as simple as you might think. Old people who used to live in the villages know places where you can pick lots of mushrooms. Some mushrooms grow in colonies (¤SO). If you find one, you only need to look around because you ll find more of them nearby. 00However, when picking mushrooms, it is important not to choose the wrong kind. You have to be careful because some mushrooms are poisonous even though they look good. The smell can help you choose them, because good mushrooms smell very good. 00Siberian people are very friendly and hospitable (}Y˘[„v). If someone invites you home for dinner, you ll soon be full. You should try everything the host prepares. 00The climate there depends on the territory (0W:S). Some places have very comfortable climates with hot summers and cold winters. The best season to visit Siberia is spring, when nature wakes up after a long winter. Birds come back from other warm places. Trees become dressed in green. The sun becomes warm and the days are longer. The mood is wonderful and people smile a lot. It is an amazing time. 00In winter, you have the opportunity to take part in sports. During weekends, many people go into the country and ski. Noses freeze and cheeks hurt, but people continue to enjoy these times. 0031. Which of the following can help to choose the right mushrooms to eat? 00A. The size. B. The color. C. The smell. D. The taste. 0032. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason to visit Siberia in spring? 00A. The nights are longer. B. The trees turn green. 00C. It is warm in spring. D. There are many birds. 0033. What does the passage tell us about the Siberian climate? 00A. It s cold all the year round. B. It s hot in summer. 00C. It s cold in autumn. D. It depends. 0034. What can we infer from the passage? 00A. Skiing is very popular in Siberia. 00B. The mushrooms are delicious in Siberia. 00C. The whole Siberia is covered with forests. 00D. Picking mushrooms is easy in Siberia. 00B 00A cruel person is often described as having the  courage and determination of a scorpion (N‡P[).Although the scorpion s poisonous tail is very frightening, it is nothing but a weapon for defense (2–Ą_). As for scorpion s life cycle, it is characterized by its own  scorpionism . 00Most of the scorpions we see are unmarried  young men and women . Once they  get married , they have come to the end of. their lives. 00Male and female adult scorpions fall in love with each other at first sight. They hold each other with their forelegs and waltz slowly in circles. The courtship (Bl1r) dance will not stop until they feel quite satisfied. This is called the dance before marriage. 00After that, the couple will find a quiet place as their mating room. When the mating is finished, the male lies in its place, offering its body for the female to feed on in its pregnancy (U[g). By the time the  husband is eaten up, the female has hatched (u[úQ) out a mass of tiny baby scorpions which will soon break their mother s back as they are growing bigger and bigger. The babies feed on the dead body of their mother till they finish all of it. Then they will go in all directions to make their own living. 00What kind parents! But it is very cruel to see wives eat husbands and children eat their mothers in turn. 0035. According to the passage, a scorpion uses its tail to . 00A. attack other animals B. protect itself 00C. dance with other scorpions D. feed its children 0036. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 00A. Most scorpions lead a busy life. 00B. Scorpions like standing in a circle. 00C. Scorpions express their love by singing. 00D. Scorpions live independently when they grow up. 0037. We can know from the passage that the author thinks the life cycle of scorpions is . 00A. cruel B. admirable C. humorous D. interesting 0038. We can infer from the passage that . 00A. the male scorpion is more unselfish than the female one 00B. the baby scorpions find food by themselves once they are born 00C. the baby scorpions are crueller than their parents in order to survive 00D. it's a survival rule for scorpions to feed on their husbands or mothers. 0C 00There are so many fun things to do in Paris, whether it s climbing up the Arc de Triomphe, exploring the Louvre, sailing boats in the Jardin des Tuileries, riding to the top of the Eiffel Tower, or touring the sewers ( N4lS) of Paris, but you ll also need a fun place to stay. Here s our own hand-picked (ž| „v ) list of family hotels in Paris. 00Du Cadran Hotel  Rooms with two twin beds (sleep 2) or a double bed; air conditioning; mini-fridges in rooms. The hotel is located on a quiet side street, next to a pedestrian (ekLˆ„v) street with supermarkets, bakeries, fruit stands and within walking distance to the Champs de Mars park and the Eiffel Tower. 00Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel  Located right on the Ave. des Champs-Elysees; rooms with a double bed or two twin beds, or triples (sleep 3); two connecting rooms are also available (sleep 4); on-site (1\0W„v) restaurants with children s menus; babysitting services can be arranged; extra bed available when it s needed; air-conditioning and mini-fridges in rooms. 00Royal Elysees Hotel  The hotel is located one block from the Arc de Triomphe; breakfast is included in the room rate; standard rooms with a double bed or two twin beds; air-conditioning; mini-fridges in rooms. 00Timhotel Le Louvre  Breakfast included in room rate; rooms with a double bed or two twin beds; lots of restaurants in the neighborhood; located within walking distance to the Louvre museum and the Jardin des Tuileries, two blocks from Louvre-Rivoli metro stop. 0039. What kind of people is the passage mainly written for? 00A. Students. B. Artists. C. Tourists. D. Drivers. 0040. Du Cadran Hotel is most suitable for those who __ . 00A. want rooms without much noise 00B. prefer to live near the Arc de Triomphe 00C. like to meet people from other countries 00D. want to pay less for eating and sleeping 0041. If you are interested in trying different types of foods, you may choose . 00A. Du Cadran Hotel B. Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel 00C. Royal Elysees Hotel D. Timhotel Le Louvre 0042. A family of five, including two young children, had better stay at . 00A. Du Cadran Hotel B. Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel 00C. Royal Elysees Hotel D. Timhotel Le Louvre 00D 00The slogan (ăS÷S)  a dog is for life, not just for Christmas has been going strong for 27 years now. Dogs and cats have been popular Christmas gifts in the UK and Europe for many years. But some people still haven t quite got the message. 00The slogan still holds good. Some 105,000 dogs were rounded up by local government last year because they had been abandoned (W_), many of them shortly after the festival season. 00The main reason given by owners for handing their dogs over to the Dogs Trust is that the dogs need more attention than they can give; behavioral problems and moving home are also reasons given. 00But Eleanor Silk, the Trust s communications director, says,  It s often four or five months after Christmas, in early summer, when owners find that the dog has got too big and too active, or it hasn t been trained properly and has caused damage around the home. 00In any case, some organizations that help pets are quick to point out that if you are serious about getting a puppy (\×r) as a pet, Christmas is not the time to do it. Puppies need to get used to their new surroundings, to be introduced to a routine (ď`‹O), and to be looked after like small children. It s hard to meet any of these needs at Christmas. What s more, pulling a puppy out of a Christmas stocking in itself sends the wrong message to children: it encourages children to think of the puppy as a toy, rather than a responsibility. 00Appreciating what you re taking on with a dog can be a sobering (n’‘„v) realization.  For life means thinking about the effect they will have on your life. It also infers you will need to care for the dog for its entire life. 0043. What would be the best title for the passage? 00A. Dogs and cats -- the most popular Christmas gifts. 00B. A pet is for life, not just for Christmas. 00C. How to take care of your pets over Christmas. 00D. Let' s help those abandoned pets. 0044. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason for pets to be abandoned? 00A. Pets spread some diseases. 00B. Pets damage some things in the house. 00C. The owners can't take good cam of the pets. 00D. The owners have to move to other places. 0045. The underlined words  rounded up in Paragraph 2 mean  . 00A. given out as gifts B. thrown away 00C. raised to make money D. gathered into one place 0046. The fifth paragraph mainly tells us __ . 00A. bow to take best care of Christmas pets 00B. the right time to have a puppy as a pet 00C. the reasons why Christmas is not the time to get a pet 00D. the worries about Christmas pets from organizations that help pets E 00It is not a good idea to interrupt the actor Richard Griffiths in the middle of a play. During the past year he has stopped performances at the National Theatre when mobile phones have gone off, and he threw one member of the audience out of a West End play for failing to switch off his phone. 00So when a mobile rang out for the third time during his performance as Hector, a teacher, in Alan Bennett s The History Boys at the Broadhurst Theatre in New York, he spoke angrily:  I am not going to compete with these electronic devices  . 00Griffiths actions led a debate in the UK theatre world over whether phones should be forbidden by law from British theatres, too. Actors are already asking the government to legalise (OTŐlS) the use of electronic screening (O\=…) devices to block mobile phone signals from theatres. 00Technology companies market  blocking devices that send out a high-powered signal on the same frequency (‘˜‡s) as a mobile phone, occupying all the available spectrums (‘˜1Œ). 00But these are forbidden in many countries because they might prevent emergency calls from being made. 00Rosemary Squire, president of the Society of West End Theatre and co-founder of the Ambassador Theatre Group, which operates 12 West End theatres, said,  Phones are one of the biggest operational problems theatres face. We should look for equipment that could block phones or make a London-wide theatre rule. 00Nick Allott, the managing director of Sir Cameron Mackintosh s theatre group, said,  We would all welcome some ways of preventing ringing phones, but doctors and emergency workers need to be paged in a theatre and we mustn t prevent that. 0047. The first two paragraphs are written to __ . 00A. tell us why Griffiths was angry 00B. blame Griffiths for his bad behavior 00C. introduce the topic the passage will talk about 00D. advise us to turn off the mobile phones in public places 0048. According to the passage,  blocking devices __ . 00A. have the same functions as mobile phones 00B. prevent the mobile phones being used properly 00C. cause the biggest problem theatres have to face 00D. help make emergency calls 0049. The underlined word  paged in the last paragraph can be replaced by________. 00A. prevented B. protected C. called D. forbidden 0050. What will probably be talked about following the last paragraph? 00A. Griffiths next performance in theatres. 00B. The ways to solve the problem the public places face. 00C. The opinions the public have about the problem. 00D. The damage mobile phones result in. ,{ŒN‚‚ 9hnců[݋…Qš[, ÎNů[݋T„v y˜-N úQý€kXeQzz}vY„vgsO y˜, 6qT\T{Hh 00™Q0RT{˜˜wSřv”^„vMOn N0 y˜-N g$Ny˜YYO y˜0(qQ5\˜˜; Ďk˜˜2R, ánR10R) 00 Oh, Christina, is that you? How have you been? 00 I ve been okay. I ve just been busy with school. We really should get together and have a chat. __51___ 00 I d love to,but I m leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my brother is getting married on Saturday. 00 ___52__ I hope that you have a nice time there. 00 Well, what are you doing now? Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while. 00 I really wish I could, ___53___ 00 Tennis courts?___54___ 00 I m taking tennis lesson.My roommate is on a tennis team.She s gotten me interested in the sports.__55 00 A little, but I haven t played for years. When I come back from my trip, I ll join you in taking lessons. 00 OK. Just give me a call when you get back. 00 I will. 00A. I didn t know you could play tennis. 00B. but I m on my way to the tennis courts. 00C. Give him my best wishes! 00D. Do you know how to play? 00E. Have a good time! 00F. How about joining me for dinner tonight? 00G. Do you play well? 0,{a!wS(^— éb˜˜ ˙qQ60R) 00eˆhQů[݋˙51. ____ 52. ____ 53. ____ 54. ____ 55. ____ 00,{ NčR ™Q\O(qQ‚‚,qQ60R) 00,{N‚‚ –ű‹hˆž(qQ5\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜2R, ánR10R) 00–ű‹ Nb—íw‡ev^ŢVT{˜ ˙6qT\T{Hh™Q0RT{˜˜aSřv”^„vMOn N(÷‹čla˜T„v͋pe‰Bl)0 00Pakistan s mud mystery 00On September 24, 2013, an earthquake struck the southwest of Pakistan, taking more than 300 lives and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. But after the horrible disaster, people living by the coast received another shock --- they saw a new island, which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, in the sea just over a kilometer from the shore, which has become a global curiosity. 00How was it formed in just a few minutes? 00As we know, islands in the sea are usually formed by volcanoes. There are many volcanoes under the sea. As the hot lava (Š\Fm) rushes out of the earth s crust (0WóX) and cools down, it piles up and forms the shape of a mountain. When the mountain grows higher than the sea level, the part that s above the water becomes an island. 00This time the island was brought about by a  mud volcano instead of by a regular volcano. Lava is not the only thing that s locked under the earth s crust --- there is also gas. When an earthquake happens and breaks part of the crust, the gas is released at an extremely high speed, pushing mud up to the surface. But only extremely powerful earthquakes can cause mud volcanoes to push up enough mud to produce islands --- and this 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Pakistan was strong enough. The island is about 20 meters high, up to about 90 meters wide and 30 meters long, nearly the size of a soccer field. 00In fact, mud volcano islands aren t new. This is the fourth island of this kind in the region since 1945. But those islands usually didn t last long.  It will probably be gone within a couple of months, said Bill Barnhart, a researcher with the US Geological Survey. After all,  it s just a big pile of mud that was on the seafloor that got pushed up . 001. How many shocks did people in Pakistan receive on September 24, 2013? (within 1 word) 00____________________________________ 002. Where does the hot lava come from? (within 5 words) 00_____________________________________ 003. How does mud come above the surface of water? (within 6 words) 00_____________________________________ 004. When will a mud volcano island be possibly formed? (within 6 words) 00_____________________________________ 005. How long is the new mud volcano island likely to last? (within 3 words) 00______________________________________ 00,{ŒN‚‚ íw‡e9e•(qQ10\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜1.5R ˙ánR15R) 00GP‚Yń‚í‹ţ‹ N€^‰Bl TLhKNô•¤NbcîO9e\O‡e ˙÷‹`OîO9e`O TLh„vĺN N\O‡e ˙‡e-NqQ g10Y틊•ď‹ ˙ĎkĺS-NgY g$NY0ĎkY•ď‹ĹN‰mĘSN*NUS͋„vžX R ˙ Rd–bîO9e0 00žX R˙(W:͋Y RN*NoW[&{÷S('") ˙v^(WvQ Nb—™QúQ勠R„v͋0 00 Rd–˙ŠbYYO„v͋(uœeż~(\)R‰c0 00îO9e˙(W•„v͋ NRN*jż~ ˙v^(Wĺ‹Í‹ Nb—™QúQîO9eT„v͋0 00čla˙1.ĎkY•ď‹ĘSvQîO9eGWĹNP–N͋; 002.ęSAQ¸‹îO9e10Y ˙Y€(ÎN,{11Yw) NĄ‹R0 00I just came back from Britain last week. I was luckily enough to be one of the students from different country to visit the UK from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to a good many of places, like London, Oxford or the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, where was my favorite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw much more old buildings. The Lake District was beautiful, but it was pity that it rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing for me in Britain was that I make a lot of friends there. 00,{ N‚‚ fNb—hˆž(ánR35R) 00GP‚Y`OëSNgNS ˙`OŒT{ËS’NÄ[†NhQś[„vTq_0 w†NTq_TegáOî•:NŔNHN`OĄl gDQ_ĐYšY0÷‹(uń‚í‹™Q\10W[ć]óS„váOô‹fĹ`ľQ0…Qš[Sěb˙ 00ŸSŕV -NýVşNăSžX•Çë_ž[LˆĄ‹Ru˛€ wŐl }Y„vYe˛€;d[ěr; ú^Ž‹Y¤N gËS čla˙1.ďSS_žX RĆ~‚‚OLˆ‡eޏ/; 00._4Yň]Ů~úQ ˙ NĄ‹eQ;`W[pe; 00.ÂS€Í‹Gl˙Ą‹Ru˛€family program Dear Jane, 00Thank you for your letter and the photo of your family. Now I am writing to tell you why I am the only child in my family. 00_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 00Hope that we write more often. Best wishes, 00Li Hua ń‚í‹ÂS€T{Hh 00,{NčR ń‚í‹ĺwƋЏ(u(qQ$N‚‚ ˙qQ40R) 00,{N‚‚ USy˜kXzz(qQ10\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜1R ˙qQ10R) 00ÎNA0B0C0DŰV*N y˜-N ˙ úQďSĺNkXeQzz}v„vgsO y˜ ˙v^(WT{˜˜aS N\ĺ‹y˜‚mў0 001  10 BDDAC BACCD 00Œ[b_kXzz(qQ20\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜1.5R ˙ánR30R) 00–ű‹ Nb—íw‡e ˙ÎNíw‡eTT˜˜@bŮ~„vŰV*N y˜(A0B0CŒTD)-N ˙ úQďSĺNkXeQzz}vY„vgsO y˜ ˙v^(W:gű‹aS N\ĺ‹y˜‚mў0 0011  30 ADBAC ABACD BBBDD BCADB 00,{ŒNčR –ű‹tă‰(qQ$N‚‚ ˙ánR50R) 00,{N‚‚ –ű‹ NRíw‡e ˙ÎNĎk˜˜@bŮ~„vŰV*N y˜(A0B0CŒTD)-N ˙ úQgsO y˜ ˙v^(W 00T{˜˜aS N\ĺ‹y˜‚mў0(qQ20\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜2R ˙ánR40R) 0031  50 CADAB DADCA DBDAD CCBCC 00,{ŒN‚‚ 9hnců[݋…Qš[, ÎNů[݋T„v y˜-N úQý€kXeQzz}vY„vgsO y˜, 6qT\T{Hh 00™Q0RT{˜˜wSřv”^„vMOn N0 y˜-N g$Ny˜YYO y˜0(qQ5\˜˜; Ďk˜˜2R, ánR10R) 0051  55 FCBAD 00,{ NčR ™Q\O(qQ‚‚,qQ60R) 00,{N‚‚ –ű‹hˆž(qQ5\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜2R, ánR10R) 00–ű‹ Nb—íw‡ev^ŢVT{˜ ˙6qT\T{Hh™Q0RT{˜˜aSřv”^„vMOn N(÷‹čla˜T„v͋pe‰Bl)0 00. Two. 002. From under the earth s crust. /From inside the earth. (Volcanoes under the sea.) 003. It is pushed up by gas. 004. When the earthquake is powerful enough (extremely powerful). (when the crust is broken.) 005. A few months. (Several months.) 00,{ŒN‚‚ íw‡e9e•(qQ10\˜˜;Ďk\˜˜1.5R ˙ánR15R) 00I just came back from Britain last week. I was enough to be one of the students from different to visit the UK from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to a good many of places, like London, Oxford the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, was my favorite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw more old buildings. The Lake District was beautiful, but it was pity that it rained heavily when were there. The most thing for me in Britain was that I a lot of friends there. 00,{ N‚‚ fNb—hˆž(ánR35R) 00‰špN˙-NýVşNăSžX•Çë_ž[LˆĄ‹Ru˛€}Y„vYe˛€;d[ěr;ú^Ž‹Y¤N gËSDear Park, 00Thank you for your letter and the photo of your family. Now I am writing to tell you why I am the only child in my family. 00As you know, the population of China is growing so fast that in the 1980s the government of China began to put into practice the family program -- one child for each couple. As a result, most families have only one child. 00Most people are in favor of the program because the child in the family can get more love from the family and chances are better for the child to get better education. The only child is likely to be selfish and sometimes lonely. I think, every the only child like me should learn to make more friends. However, a news policy has been made that the couple can have their second child on condition that one of the parents is the only child of the grandparents. 00Hope that we write more often. Best wishes, 00Li Hua &( * , : < Ţť …jO45B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;EB*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;< z | ˘ ¤ Ň Ô  äÉŽ“x]B'5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ; b d p ş ź  äÉŽlK*AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;   0 8 L N äâfE*5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;5B*`Jph333CJOJPJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆ;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH nHtH;AB*`Jph333CJOJQJo(^JaJ56@ˆmH sH 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