ࡱ>   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F@Hv€@SummaryInformation(<DocumentSummaryInformation8 WordDocumento Oh+'0 (8DPp   1 hp ՋST{Hh.docAdministrator4@`B*H@,Ev€#fMicrosoft Office Word՜.+,D՜.+,\  =w (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-  PKSKSow+8h D (2  +$Ch ^[@ 8:,C   ,gՋwSR:N,{IwS b T,{IIwS^ b $NR, qQ150R0Ջe120R0 laNy 1T{,{NwSMR uR_\]vY T0S0Ջyv(uŔ{mQ(WT{aS N0 2k\ QT{HhT (uŔ{bT{aS N[^vvT{HhhSmў0Y9eR (uajvdr^QT Q mvQ[T{HhhS0 ,{IwS ,{NR ,TRqQ$N nR30R ,{NqQ5\k\1.5R nR7.5R ,T Nb5k[݋ kk[݋T gN*N\ N-N@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,T[kk[݋T `O g10yveegVT{ gsQ\T NN\0kk[݋NNM0 1. What is the woman probably doing? A. Waiting for her plane. B. Seeing the man off. C. Complaining to the man. 2. What does the woman want to buy? A. Beach blankets. B. Some pictures. C. Some film. 3. Why does the man apologise to the woman? A. He ordered the wrong table. B. He called her by mistake. C. He went to the wrong address. 4. What does the man think is wrong with the plant? A. It needs to be watered at present. B. It should be moved into a large pot. C. It is not getting enough sunshine. 5. What is the man concerned about? A. The time to fix the problem. B. The problem of the car. C. The way to get home. ,{NqQ15\k\1.5R nR22.5R ,T Nb5k[݋br}v0kk[݋br}vT gQ*N\ N-N@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,Tkk[݋br}vMR `O\ geT*N\ k\5y,T[T T\\~Q5yv\OT{e0kk[݋br}v$NM0 ,T,{6kPge VT{,{6070 6. Where are the speakers? A. In the man's office. B. In a restaurant. C. In the woman's house. 7. What is the man complaining about? A. The low salary. B. The heavy work. C. The new boss. ,T,{7kPge VT{,{8090 8. How much should the man pay in total? A.115. B.120. C.125. 9. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Think it over before having the pants shortened. B. Have a professional tailor his pants. C. Use a plastic bag to put his pants in. ,T,{8kPge VT{,{10120 10. Why doesn't the woman take the direct flight? A. She wants to visit Chicago. B. It's much more expensive. C. Its time is too early. 11. When does the woman's flight leave? A. On Saturday afternoon. B. On Sunday morning. C. On Sunday evening. 12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Customer and travel agent. B. Manager and secretary. C. Guide and tourist. ,T,{9kPge VT{,{13160 13. When will the woman present? A. On September 7. B. On September 8. C. On September 9. 14. What did Rachel and Sam ask about? A. The time of the meeting. B. The information on the hotel. C. The change of the schedule. 15. How will the man get everyone to know the details of the meeting? A. By phone. B. By e-mail. C. By letter. 16. What will the woman do in the morning? Write several reports. B. Meet Rachel and Sam. C. Prepare her lunch. ,T,{10kPge VT{,{17200 17. Where was Jean Dunant from? A. Italy. B. Australia. C. Switzerland. 18. Why was the Red Cross started at first? A. To help the wounded in the war. B. To provide food for the poor. C. To fight against the war. 19. What do we know about the red cross? A. It can be used to represent the first aid stations B. It can only refer to the international organisation. C. It is an official symbol of hospital and medical treatment. 20. What will Mr John Francis talk about next? A. Something about First Aid. B. The law about the Red Cross. C. The Red Cross organisation in Australia. ,{NR t qQ$N nR40R ,{N qQ15\k\2R nR30R  NRwe Nk@b~vV*N yA0B0CTD -N QgsO y0 A Taking exams in a large group setting can be stressful for students and for the staff members who are watching over them. When classrooms are crowded and desks are close together, cheating might be tempting. One university in Thailand came up with an anti-cheating hat that makes it almost impossible for students to see other students papers. A photo of the students wearing the anti-cheating hats made its way to the Internet, and the university was criticized for making students wear those ridiculous looking homemade hats. The hats were made by stapling two pieces of paper onto a headband, one to each side of the head. After being criticized, senior academic staff at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand, released a statement saying that the hats idea came from students. They said that in a bid to prevent cheating they asked the students for ideas on how to prevent cheating in the upcoming exam, which was being taken by almost one hundred students. Students came up with different ideas, and then the paper hat idea was selected by them as the most fit. The university claims that no one was forced to use the hat, but they all chose to do so.  When wearing the hat during the exam, students felt more relaxed, Nattadon Rungruangkitkrai, a lecturer at the university said.  It was not meant to indicate that Kasetsart students often cheat on exams. I apologize if the photo makes other people look at my students in a negative way, Rungruangkitkrai added. 21. Why was the university criticized on the Internet? A. Wearing the anti-cheating hat made students look ridiculous. B. The homemade anti-cheating hat looked too simple. C. Wearing the anti-cheating hats couldn t prevent students from cheating in the exam. D. The university forced students to wear the anti-cheating hat. 22. What s most of the Kasetsart University students attitude towards the cheating hat? A. Skeptical B. Supportive C. Objective D. Negative 23. It can be inferred from the passage that_______ A. it s useless wearing the anti-cheating hat in the exam. B. Kasetsart students are often caught cheating in the exam. C. wearing the anti-cheating hat is effective to some degree. D. some students are forced to wear the anti-cheating hat. B Italy is one country where beauty is prized more than any other virtue. That is, except in the small town of Piobbico, the self-declared World Capital of Ugly People. The road sign at the edge of the town even warns visitors that they are entering the ugly zone. People who consider themselves ugly have been gathering in Piobbico since the 1960s. That s when Ugly Club president Telesforo Lacobelli established a dating agency for women who believed they were too ugly to attract husbands. Lacobelli believes that he is ugly himself because he has a short nose in a country where long or large noses have always been considered beautiful. People from around the world travel to Piobbico to tell their sad stories of ugliness. During the annual Festival of the Ugly, which occurs on the first Sunday of every September, hundreds of people gather in Piobbico s town square to elect the president of the Ugly Club. Lacobelli wins the election every year. The Ugly Club has over 20, 000 members. They carry ID cards that grade their ugliness from bearable to extreme. A prize is awarded to Ugly Club members who qualify as extremely ugly. The Ugly Club president insists that ugliness is a virtue. Since beautiful people get a lot of attention for their beauty alone, they have to work hard to prove their other virtues. Ugly people, on the other hand, are genuine and do not have to prove anything to anybody, according to Lacobelli. Lacobelli is a spokesperson for ugly people everywhere. He believes that the uglier one is, the better life can be. Though the club enjoys making fun of beauty, especially beauty contests, Lacobelli has a serious side as well. He believes that too many people suffer from financial and emotional pressures because they don t meet society s standards of beauty. The fact that beautiful people are more successful in the workforce is a problem that Lacobelli has attempted to bring forward to the Italian public and government. 24.Piobbico is rather special in that . A. it is a very small town B. it is home to ugly people C. it receives no visitors D. it is the capital of Italy 25. Why is Lacobelli elected the president of the Ugly Club every year? A. Because he is the ugliest person in the whole world. B. Because his ugliness is always graded as bearable. C. Because he is a spokesperson for ugly people everywhere. D. Because he has won the members trust and admiration. 26. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Ugly people are most respected in Italy. B. The Festival of the Ugly is held every two years. C. Ugly people are unfairly treated in society. D. The uglier one is, the better life he or she lives. 27.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. The Ugly Capital of the World B. The Ugliest Person of the World C. Festival of the Ugly D. Beauty Contests Should be Banned C Teaching is more than leadership. Some of the teacher s time and effort is directed toward instruction, some toward evaluation. But it is the teacher as a group leader who creates an effective organizational structure and good working environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place. A group that is totally disorganized, unclear about its goals, or constantly fighting among its members will not be a good learning group. The leadership pattern includes helping to form and maintain a positive learning environment so that instruction and evaluation activities can take place. On the first day of class, the teacher faces a room filled with individuals. Perhaps a few closely united groups and friendships already exist. But there is no sense of group unity, no set of rules for conduct in the group, no feeling of belonging. If teachers are successful leaders, they will help students develop a system of relationships that encourages working together. Standards and rules must be set to keep order, make sure of justice and protect individual rights, but do not contradict school policy. What happens when one student hurts another s individual rights? Without clear regulations agreeable to the students and teachers, the classroom can become chaotic. Students may break rules they did not know existed. If standards are set without participation from the class, students may spend a great deal of creative energy in destroying the class environment or finding ways to break rules. No matter how skillful the teacher is in uniting students and creating a positive atmosphere, the task is never complete. Regular maintenance is necessary. Conflicts arise. The needs of individual members change. A new kind of learning task requires a new organizational structure. Sometimes outside pressures such as holidays, upcoming tests or sport competitions, or family troubles cause stress in the classroom. One task for the teacher is to recreate a positive environment by helping students deal with conflict, change, and stress. 28. The underlined word  maintain in Para.1 probably means_______. A. keep B. build C. recreate D. evaluate 29. According to the author, the teacher should _______. A. free students from outside pressures B. set the standards and rules on his own C. be responsible for a well-organized class D. focus more on instruction and evaluation 30. From the passage we can learn that ______. A. rules cannot be changed once they re formed B. outside pressures can not cause tension among students C. if the teacher well unites his students, he then will finish his task D. if rules are not acceptable both to students and teachers, the classroom can be a mess 31. What is the author s main purpose of writing the passage? A. To provide information for teaching. B. To show the importance of teaching a class. C. To study the teacher s behavior in the classroom. D. To compare the teacher s behavior with the students in class. D If your preschoolers turn up their noses at carrots or celery, a small reward like a sticker(4;u) for taking even a taste may help get them to eat previously disliked foods, a UK study said. Though it might seem obvious that a reward could encourage young children to eat their vegetables, the idea is actually controversial, researchers wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That s because some studies have shown that rewards can backfire and cause children to lose interest in foods they already liked, said Jane Wardle, a researcher at University College London who worked on the study. Verbal praise, such as  Brilliant! You re a great vegetable taster , did not work as well. The study found that when parents gave their small children a sticker each time they took a  tiny taste of a disliked vegetable, it gradually changed their attitudes. The children were also willing to eat more of the vegetables either carrots, celery, cucumber, red pepper, cabbage or sugar snap peas in laboratory taste tests, the study said. Researchers randomly assigned (R>m) 173 families to one of these groups. In one, parents used stickers to reward their children each time they took a tiny sample of a disliked vegetable. A second group of parents used verbal praise. The third group, where Parents used no special vegetable-promoting methods, served as a  control . Parents in the reward groups offered their children a taste of the  target vegetable every day for 12 days. Soon after, children in the sticker group were giving higher ratings to the vegetables and were willing to eat more in the research lab, going from an average of 5 grams at the start to about 10 grams after the 12-day experience. The turnaround(l:g) also seemed to last, with preschoolers in the sticker group still willing to eat more of the once-disliked vegetable three months later. Why didn t the verbal praise work? Wardle said the parents words may have seemed  insincere to their children. 32. The purpose of writing the passage is . A. to show the procedure of an experiment on children s diet B. to introduce a practical method of making children eat vegetables C. to explain why children hate to eat vegetables D. to present a proper way of verbal praise to parents 33. The underlined word  backfire in Paragraph 2 probably means  _______ . A. shoot from behind the back B. make a fire in the backyard C. produce an unexpected result D. achieve what was planned 34. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Most children are born to dislike carrots or celery. B. Children in the sticker group will never lose interest in eating vegetables. C. Oral praise works quite well in encouraging children to eat vegetables. D. It remains a question whether rewarding is a good way to get children to eat vegetables. 35. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Children like rewards, not verbal praise. B. Parents should give up verbal praise. C. Children are difficult to inspire. D. Parents should praise their children in a sincere tone. ,{NqQ5\k\2R qQ10R 9hncweQ[ NweTvN*N y-N QkXeQzz}vYvgsO y0 y-N g$Ny:NYYO y0 The Importance of Accessibility Awareness At a recent Teen Leadership of Jewish Family Services meeting, people with disabilities talked about their lives. 36 However, what amazed me most was the great importance of education about handicap accommodations (kuNO)Re). One school-teacher who is blind, and a woman who has used a wheelchair all her life are two important members of the National Group for Disabled Persons, devoted to raising awareness about disabilities. 37 These include handicap parking spots, handrails, and wheelchair ramps. One big concern is the people who take advantage of aids, such as handicap parking spaces. 38 And the meeting focused on educating the public. Some handicap spots have extra room next to them, marked with the  No Parking signs.  As long as I'm not in the spot, I can take the no-parking area next to it, some people say. However, the woman who uses a wheelchair disagrees to this. The space exists to allow someone in a wheelchair to have room to get in or out of their car. 39 Some walkways have handrails next to them to help those who require extra assistance. Whether it is a blind person seeking guidance or an elderly person seeking support, the rail is there for walking. Sometimes the rail is blocked, by a parked bicycle for instance, and consequently made useless. 40 People who are informed of the rail s use would be less likely to mistake it for a bike rack. Meeting some of the people who are affected by the lack of education about accommodations made me see that there is work to be done. If more people were educated about the proper uses of accommodations, there would be fewer challenges for people with physical disabilities. A. Accommodations will vary according to the needs of the disabled. B. As with the parking spot, this is more likely a case of lack of education. C. They educate about all the accommodations for people with disabilities. D. Improvement must be made so that disabled people can fully participate. E. If there is a car in that space, the handicap parking spot is no longer useful. F. So people without disabilities need to be educated about these accommodations. G. I was amazed to hear about the challenges faced by people with physical disabilities. ,{ NR wƋЏ(uqQ$N nR45R ,{N [b_kXzzqQ20\k\1.5R nR30R  Nbwe ccvQ'Ya Nk@b~vA0B0C0DV*N y-N QgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ymў0 America s Beauty Is in Its Diversity America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I 41 the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it s OK to be 42 , and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab. The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim, and keeping my head covered is a 43 of maturitybq and respect toward my 44 and to Allah s will. 45 , I also like to wear it to be different. I don t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be a(n) 46 , not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the 47 that I d get at school. I 48 on my own that sixth grade was the 49 I should start wearing the hijab. I was 50 about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or 51 be scared of me and 52 my headscarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there s little or no 53 of differences. On the first day of school, I put all those 54 thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but 55 I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different. I was 56 about everything I thought the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ks5u.com/" kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions  57  about the hijab and why I wore it. I did hear some kids were making fun of me, 58 there was one girl----she wasn t even in my class, and we never really talked much---and she spoke 59 me, and I wasn t even there! I made a lot of new friends that year, friends that I still have until this very day, five years later. Yes, I m different, but everyone is different here, in one way or another. This is the 60 of America. 41. A. believe in B. stick to C. carry out D. push for 42. A. dependent B. free C. sensitive D. different 43. A. signal B. sign C. reminder D. cause 44. A. religion B. country C. parents D. status 45. A. In a word B. In general C. To be exact D. To be honest 46. A. princess B. heroine C. individual D. adult 47. A. praise B. punishment C. reaction D. reflection 48. A. hoped B. expected C. realized D. decided 49. A. time B. chance C. case D. occasion 50. A. disappointed B. scared C. enthusiastic D. angry 51. A. still B. already C. even D. ever 52. A. show off B. pull off C. pick up D. put up 53. A. rejection B. ignorance C. awareness D. acceptance 54. A. negative B. optimistic C. serious D. strange 55. A. often B. inside C. only D. outside 56. A. concerned B. particular C. wrong D. convinced 57. A. respectfully B. cautiously C. suspiciously D. critically 58. A. and B. so C. but D. or 59. A. in terms of B. in front of C. in charge of D. in favor of 60. 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