ࡱ>   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefohijklmnpqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry Ff@SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 WordDocumentK Oh+'04 X h t UwIl-N^ mS[f[!h2014J\ؚ N,{N!kgNormalAdministrator60@`0ڞ@ ^f@t"gwl:RMicrosoft Office Word՜.+,D՜.+,d    snyz1u` (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-'Data  PKSKSK` <<#$#89d~~&&'!$phti&@\#Jo|! 2014-2015f[t^^,{Nf[gؚ Nt^~,{N!k!jbՋ Ջ ula 1.,gՋwSR,{IwS b T,{IIwS^ b $NR0nR150 R, Ջe:N120 R 0 2. b_{O(u2BŔ{kXm^ b_{O(u0.5ks|ўrW[v~{W[{fNQ W[SO]te {nZi0 3. cgqSz^(WTvvT{:SWQ\OT{ QT{:SWfNQT{HheHe(WI?z~0ՋwS NT{eHe0 4. OcaSbnm NbS0 N_4x0_v NQO(um9em0Ock&^0.R~R0 ,{IwS b qQ95R ,{NRwƋЏ(uqQV nR55R ,{N wƋqQ5\k\1R nR5R Nk\vA0B0C0DV*N y-N ~bQvQR~RN@b~US͋vR~Rv Tv y v^(WT{aS N\ ymў0 1. wanted A . judged B. wounded C. worked D. stopped 2. smooth A. feather B. tooth C. thief D. warmth 3. custom A. measure B. upstairs C. respect D. sugar 4. theater A. treasure B. wheat C. season D. realize 5. company A. alone B. carrot C. money D. knock ,{N `of[݋qQ5\k\1R nR5R 9hnc[݋`ofTQ[ N[݋T@b~v y-N QkXeQkNzz}vYvgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ ymў0 y-N g$N*N:NYYO y0 Oh Christina is that youHow have you been I've been okay. I've just been busy with school. We really should get together and have a chat. 6 I'd love to but I'm leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my brother is getting married on Saturday morning. 7 0I hope that you have a nice time there. Well what are you doing nowMaybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while. I really wish I could 8 0 Tennis courts0 9 0 I'm taking tennis lesson. My roommate is on a tennis team and she's gotten me interested in the sports.0 10 0 A little but I haven't played for years. When I come back from my trip I'll join you in taking lessons. OK. Just give me a call when you get back.  I'll. A. I didn't know you could play tennis. B. but I'm on my way to the tennis courts. C. Give him my best wishes D. Do you know how to play E. Have a good time F. How about joining me for dinner tonight G. Do you play well ,{ N lT͋GlwƋqQ15\k\1R nR15R Nk\vA0B0C0DV*N y-N QSNkXeQzz}vYvgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ ymў0 11. My cousin asked me to repeat ___ telephone number __ second time so that she could write it down A. NkX; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the 12.  Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.  , I never go traveling without a book. You are joking BThat's true CI don't think so DIt sounds like fun 13. The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without ______. A. being recognized B. recognizing C. having recognized D. having been recognized 14. The twins, who their homework, were allowed to play badminton on the playground. A. will finish B. finish C. have finished D. had finished 15. You will never gain success ____ you are fully devoted to your work. A. when B. because C. after D. unless 16.  Can he take charge of the computer company?  I m afraid it is _________ his ability. A. to B. within C. of D. beyond 17. It is time you _____ to do morning exercises. A. have begun B. began C. begin D. had begun 18. Henry, this is not 000 your school things should be. Put them in your schoolbag. A. what B. that C. where D. which 19. The old temple _______ roof was damaged in storm is now under repair. A. where B. whose C. its D. which 20. Anyway , we re here now , so let s ___some serious work. A. come up with B. get down to C. do away with D. live up to 21. He has donated some money to those who________ in poverty, which_______ of great help. A. live, are B. lives, are C. live, is D. lives, is 22. Life is like riding a bicycle. _____ your balance, you must keep moving. A. To keep B. Keeping C. Being kept D. Having kept 23. Lily, who was a very shy girl, felt _____ and uncomfortable when she couldn t answer the teacher s questions. A. curious B. awkward C. cautious D. unfair 24. Although he likes playing tennis, he is ________ but a good tennis player. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 25. Only if you work hard ________ be able to make rapid progress in your study A. will you B. you can C. can you D. you will ,{V [b_kXzzqQ20\k\1. 5R nR30R  Nbwe NweTTvA0B0C0DV*N y-N QTkXeQ[^zz}vYvgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ ymў0 At Priya's wedding party, her mother gave her a newly opened bankbook and said, "Priya, keep it as a 26 of your marriage lifeWhen something 27 happens, put some money in and give a brief 28 to it next to the lineThe happier the event is, the more money you can put inWhen 29 after years, you will know how much happiness you've 30 " Priya and Hitesh both thought it a great idea and soon made the first depositPĄ  31 , after years, they startedquarrelling and fightingThey both 32 marrying the worst person in the world One day Priya talked to her mother, "Mom, we can't 33 it anymoreWe decided to get a divorce! I can't imagine 34 I decided to marry this Guy!!!" Her mother responded, "Just do whatever you want, but before that do one thing first 35 the bankbook I gave to you on your wedding party? Take out all the money and 36 it firstYou shouldn't keep any record of such a 37 marriage"Priya thought it was 38 So she went to the bank, 39 to draw out all the moneyWhile waiting in the queue, she took out the bankbook and recalled the memories of all the previous 40 Her eyes filled with tears, she left in a an 41 When she returned home, she handed the bankbook to Hitesh, asking him to spend the money The next day, Hitesh gavethe bankbook back to Priya 42 , she found a new deposit of $5000, with a line next to the record:" This is the day I 43 how much I've loved youHow much happiness you've brought me" Much 44 , they hugged and cried, putting the bankbook back to their 45  26Arecord Brespect Cremark Dguide 27Auncertain Bpleasant Cunexpected Dannoying 28Aarrangement Bcomment Cpromise Ddream 29Ataking up Blooking out Clooking back Dtaking in 30Aharvested Bbought Coffered Dwanted 31ABesides BAnyway CHowever DInstead 32Aenjoyed Brisked Cregretted Dstopped 33Ahelp Bdefeat Cblame Dstand 34Awhat Bwhere Cwhy Dwhen 35AReturn BLose CCheck DRemember 36Aspend Bdevote Clend Dwaste 37Ahappy Bpoor Csimple Dtraditional 38Areasonable Bfaithful Chopeful Dresponsible 39Aplanning Bpretending Chesitating Dpreferring 40Atrouble Bhappiness Cquarrels Dexperiences 41Apanic Bease Churry Dwhile 42AInterestingly BNaturally CDisappointingly DSurprisingly 43Aadmit Bsearch Crealise Ddeclare 44Aattracted Btired Cpuzzled Dmoved 45Asafe Bmother Cbank Dwedding ,{NRtqQ$N nR40R ,{NqQ15\k\2R nR30R  NRwe, Nk\T@b~vA0B0C0DV*N y-N, QgsO y, v^(WT{aS N\ ymў0 A Late one morning in 20 1 2 headed for lunch in San Francisco I drove towards one of the toll booths(6e9N)I heard loud musicIt sounded like a party or a Michael Jackson concertI looked aroundNo other cars with their windows openI looked at the toll boothInside it a young man was dancing  What are you doing? I asked  I m having a party, he said  What about the rest of the people? I looked over at other boothsnothing moving there  They re not invited I had a dozen other questions for him but somebody in a big hurry to get somewhere started punching his horn ( cUS) behind me and I drove offBut I made a note to myself'Find this guy againThere s something in his eyes that says there s magic in his toll booth Months later I did find him again still with the loud music still having a party Again I asked What are you doing? He said I remember you from the last timeI m still dancingI m having the same party I said LookWhat about the rest of the people He said StopDo you see other people there? He pointed down the row of toll booths Everyday, they just get in the booths stay for eight hours do the same motionsBrain is on hold dead on the jobBut I am enjoying my life and I m going to be a dancer someday Sixteen people are dead on the j ob and the seventeenth in nearly the same situation finds out another way to liveHe and I did have lunch later, and he said: I don t understand why anybody would think my job is boringI have a corner office glass on all sidesI can see the Golden Gate San Franciscothe Berkeley hillsHalf of the western people have vacations here while I can stay here every day and practise dancing for the future success  46The writer heard music from ______________ Ahis own car Bother cars Ca concert Da toll booth 47At the first time the writer only asked the young man two questions because _________________. Athe writer was in a hurry Bthe writer was in the way of others Cthe young man didn t answer the question Dthe writer found the young man was busy 48According to the passage how does the young man feel about his job? Abored Bimpatient Cpleased Ddisappointed 49In this passage the writer is going to tell us __________ Aworking in the toll booths is really boring Benjoying our job and keeping a hope make us happy Cit is easier to be successful if we are different from others Ddancing while working is good for young people B If you re travelling in the following cities, these exciting events may drag you out of the house. CONCERTS Mayday Noah s Ark World Tour Info: Jul 13, Xiamen; Jul 19/20, Shanghai; Aug 3, Shenzhen; Aug 17, Beijing The rock band Mayday is about to bring their attractive tour to an end  and, as usual, it s going to happen in a grand way. On Aug 17, they will rock the National Stadium, or the Bird s Nest Stadium, and hold their last Noah s(Ne) Ark concert in China, before heading to Europe in September. Tanya Chua 2013 Concert Tour Info: Aug 10, Shanghai; Aug 31, Beijing In her music career of more than 15 years, the 38-year-old Singaporean singer-songwriter has never been short of popular songs that astonish the heart. Now, for the first time since 2008, when she played a small Christmas concert in Shanghai, Chua is visiting China as part of a concert tour. THEATER What is Success? Director: Edward Lam Performers: Chu Hung-chang, Ethan Wei, Shi Yi-hsiu Info: Aug 9-10, Guangzhou; Aug 16-17, Chongqing; Aug 29-Sept 1, Beijing In Part Three of Edward Lam s Four Great Classics Series, which looks back at Luo Guanzhong s novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is sure to give you a surprise. Will it be true? Find out for yourself! To Live Director: Meng Jinghui Performers: Huang Bo, Yuan Quan Info: Jul 30-Aug 4, Beijing; Aug 6-7, Tianjin; Aug 9-11, Hangzhou; Aug 13-18, Shanghai After their world show in September, theater director Meng Jinghui and his team are back for another tour around China. While audiences can renew their memories of Yu Hua s new realism works, film stars Huang Bo and Yuan Quan will also impress audiences with their excellent performance. EXHIBITIONS Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal(8lR`) Info: Apr 29-Jul 28, Shanghai Launched in 2012  the 25th anniversary of the pop artist Andy Warhol s death  the exhibition brings the largest ever collection of Warhol s work to Asia. It includes more than 300 paintings, photographs, drawings and 3-D art, including his works such as Marilyn Monroe, Mao, Campbell s Soup and Self-Portrait. 50The rock band Mayday is going to give concerts in ____ after they perform in Beijing. A.Europe B. Japan C. Australia D. the USA 51Tanya Chua 2013 Concert Tour is her ____ concert in China. A. third B. fourth C. first D. second 52Travelling in Hangzhou on Aug 10, you can watch film star Huang Bo s works ____. A. What is Success B. To Live C. Campbell s Soup D. Self-Portrait 53The main purpose of the advertisements is to tell you ____ when you are in these cities. A. how to enjoy these activities B. how to improve your artistic level C. what to enjoy D. how to amuse yourselves C You wake up in the morning, the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time. Then the telephone rings, you say hello, and the drama starts. The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to. You are still in a wonderful mood? Impossible! Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness. It may not change what you think, but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time. Life brings ups and downs, but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer. They only feel glad when they make others feel bad. No wonder they can hardly win others pity or respect. When you communicate with positive people, your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted. When the dagger (S) of a negative person is put in you, you feel the heavy feeling that all in all, brings you down. Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people. This could be a co-worker, or a relative. In this case, say what needs to be said as little as possible. Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person, but all this is to lower you to that same negative level and they won t feel ashamed of themselves about that. Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized. The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to (D@w) you throughout the rest of your day, which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness. Life is too short to feel negative. Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible. 54The purpose of the first paragraph is to . A. make a comparison B. offer an evidence C. introduce a topic D. describe a daily scene 55How can negative people have effect on us? A. By telling us the nature of life. B. By influencing our emotion. C. By changing our ways of thinking. D. By comparing their attitudes to life with ours. 56Some negative people base their happiness on . A. other people s pity for them B. making other people unhappy C. building up a positive attitude D. other people s respect for them 57What is the author s attitude towards negative people? A. Critical. B Favorable. C. Indifferent. D. Supportive. D The globe is facing a  tidal wave of cancer, and restrictions on alcohol and sugar need to be considered, say World Health Organization scientists. It predicts the number of cancer cases will reach 24 million a year by 2035, but half could be prevented. The WHO said there was now a  real need to focus on cancer prevention by cutting down smoking, obesity and drinking. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) said there was an  alarming level of ignorance about diet s role in cancer. Fourteen million people a year are diagnosed with cancer, but that is predicted to increase to 19 million by 2025, 22 million by 2030 and 24 million by 2035. The developing world will bear the worst of the extra cases. Dr Chris Wild, the director of the WHO s International Agency for Research on Cancer, told the BBC:  The global cancer burden is increasing quite markedly, due mainly to the ageing of the populations and population growth. If we look at the cost of treatment of cancers, it is increasing out of control, even for the high-income countries. Prevention is absolutely critical and it s been somewhat neglected. HYPERLINK "http://www.ks5u.com/"The WHO s World Cancer Report 2014 said the major sources of preventable cancer included: smoking, infections, alcohol, obesity and inactivity, radiation, both from the sun and medical scans, air pollution and other environmental factors, delayed parenthood, having fewer children and not breastfeeding. For most countries, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. However, cervical cancer (P[[Lv) dominates in large parts of Africa. One of the report s editors, Dr Bernard Stewart from the University of New South Wales in Australia, said prevention had a  critical role in fighting the tidal wave of cancer which we see coming across the world . He said human behaviour was behind many cancers such as the sunbathe  until you re cooked evenly on both sides approach in his native Australia. There was a similar argument to be something with sugar fuelling obesity, which in turn affected cancer risk. Meanwhile, a survey of 2,046 people in the UK by the WCRF suggested 49% do not know that diet increases the risk of developing cancer. A third of people said cancer was mainly due to family history, but the charity said no more than 10% of cancers were down to inherited genes. Amanda McLean, general manager for the WCRF, said:  It s very alarming to see that such a large number of people don t know that there s a lot they can do to significantly reduce their risk of getting cancer. In the UK, about a third of the most common cancers could be prevented through being a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet and being regularly physically active.  People can cut their risk of cancer by making healthy lifestyle choices, but it s important to remember that the government and society are also responsible for creating an environment that supports healthy lifestyles. 58What s the main reason for the increasing of cancer according to Dr Chris Wild? A. The lack of the cost of treatment of cancers. B. The problems of population ageing and growth. C. The high rate of cancer of high-income countries. D. The over-prevention of various cancers. 59What can we learn from Paragraph 8? A. Radiation from the sun won t lead to any cancer. B. In order to find cancer early one should receive as many medical scans as possible. C. It is better to feed babies with cow milk instead of breastfeeding. D. A healthy diet and regular exercise are helpful to prevent cancer. 60What is the best title of the passage? A. The Tidal Wave of Cancer is Coming B. Stopping Smoking Helps Stop Cancer C. Healthy Lifestyles to Prevent Cancer D. Healthy Eating, Away from Cancer ,{NqQ5\, k\2R, nR10R 9hncweQ[, N NFhA~F y-N Qibkk;NvgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ ymў0 y-N gNy:NYYOy0 A. Trust is vital in relationships B. Show great respect for others C. Share feelings to understand each other better D. Try to always have new relationship E. Good teen relationship helps to solve problems F. Communicate to avoid future problems 61. In the event that you are currently in a teen relationship, harmonious teen relationship can prevent you from experiencing problems within our relationship, and it may also help you to move past any problems that you may already have. Check out the complete article to learn what teen relationship may do for you. 62. During the time that you are in your teens, it can be a tremendously exciting and passionate time for individual, and at anytime that you are in a relationship during your teens, it is very important that you show the maximum level of respect, both for your partner and yourself. The interactions and actions within relationships at this particular age may leave lasting impressions on all of your relationship for many years to come, so why don t you make all of them good impressions? 63. Within these early relationships, when mistrust is present, it may easily lead to really severe issues with trust in relationships once you get a little older. It is very important for you to prove to your significant other (͑vN) that you are trustworthy of them. 64. Whether you like it or not, there are some teenagers that simply don't take their relationships as seriously as they are going to once they get older, In the end, this may lead to several problems, of which cheating is the most common problem. When you have someone cheat on you, it is among the most painful things that may happen within your life, and it is particularly hard to get over it if it happens at a young age. In order to prevent this, when you are with someone, you should take a moment to talk about each other's expectations. 65. Each of the relationships that you go through during your teens may be among the most intense that you will ever encounter within your whole life. It may also feel like when something happens it is going to feel like the world is coming to and end, but it really isn't going to be. Chances are that you are going to move on from the situations that happen and meet many new individuals and have some new relationships, and they are going to be just as exciting and new as the relationship that you have been experiencing currently. ,{IIwS b qQ55R ,{ NR Q\OqQ N, nR55R ,{N US͋bQqQ10\, k\1R, nR10R 9hnc NRTSSaTzz}vKNTvIlc:y͋, (WT{aSc[:SWv*j~ NQQ[^US͋vcknx0[teb__, kzzSQN͋0 66. Both my parents were born in kQg ,but five years apart. 67. These small animals must store plenty of food if they are to _ X[;m the winter. 68. To learn English well, you must have a large_ __(͋Gl) 69. The businessman went abroad for business (A~0W). 70. The boy avoided ____________(ʑ) the reason for doing it. 71. In his (VAS), he was admitted into university. 72. When things aren t going well, my parents always R me, telling me not to give up. 73. Miss Harper closed her eyes and GPň to be asleep. 74. We sat chatting for a few R after finishing our meal. 75. We are (jv) of what we have achieved in the past few years. ,{N we9eqQ10\, k\1. 5R, nR15R GP[ N^Bl TLhKNNbcO9e\Oe, `OO9e`O TLhQvN N\Oe0e-NqQ g10Y, kS-NgY g$NY0mSN*NUS͋vXR0 RdbO9e0 XR(W:͋YRN*No͋&{S'" , v^(WvQ NbQQ勠Rv͋0 RdbYYOv͋(ue~h Rc0 O9e(Wv͋ NRN*j~___ , v^(W͋ NbQQO9eTv͋0 la: 1. kYSO9eGWNPN͋ 2. SAQO9e10Y, YN,{11Yw NR0 April 23rd is World Reading Day, this reminds us of the importance of reading. We are supposed to read more in that special day. But the situation for we to read nowadays is not satisfying. For example, when we are at home, we would rather to watch TV or go on the Internet than read books. As a result, we spend such little time on books. However, reading books have many advantages. Not only can our abilities and skills be improving, but also we can get some information from reading. Beside, reading can bring us happiness. I think it good habit that in our spare times we read more books of great use. ,{ N fNbhnR30R GPY`O/fNgNS `O!hf[uON2014t^9g12e NHS>NLN !hVfN^a campus book fair  ;mR0`OQ\e-mail~`OvV{SPeter JTɋNdk!k;mRv gsQ`Q Q[Sb 1. ;mRvv`$~ Tf[NcON*NNbcVfNv:gO a$f}Y)R(uǏvfN 2. wQSOQ[`$b`O N`OYuvfNb0RfN^ NQ.U a$-pN`OU"kvfN b$NbcVfN 3. `Ova`T6eSOO0 la1. ez_4YT~>\]~Q NeQ;`͋pe02. W[pe120͋]S0 Hello PeterHow are you going these days? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2014-2015,{N!k!jbՋT{Hh USy b 1-5 BACDC 6-100FCBAD 11-15 BBADD 16-20 DBCBB 21-25 CABAA [b_kXzz 26 30 ABBCA 31 35 CCDCD 36 40 ABAAB 41 45 CDCDA t 46-49. DBCB 50-53 ADBC 54-57 CBBA 58-60 BDC 61 65 EBAFD US͋bQ August 67. survive 68.vocabulary 69. frequently 70.explaining 71. forties 72. encourage 73. pretended 74.(M(MS&TS&T"'T"'TT'TT'Tl'Tl'T'T'T^`OJPJQJo(^J  ^\`\OJQJo(n '^'\`\OJQJo(u ^\`\OJQJo(l o ^o \`\OJQJo(n  ^ \`\OJQJo(u  ^ \`\OJQJo(l [^[\`\OJQJo(n ^\`\OJQJo(uB....(MS&T"'TT'Tl'T'T&*6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 0@P`p6666 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`pR@Rcke a$$1$(CJOJQJaJKHmH sH nHtH_H(A@("؞k=W[SOaJNi@Nnfh*)@uxHO!H engtext21CJOJQJo(^JaJ6]O1Hckee,g (36) + 12 pt,eSO,\W'YQ4,ckee,g (20) + 10 pt,ckee,g + 7.5 pt,ckee,g + 10 pt4BCJOJQJ^JaJ6@fHq mH sH nH tH :]ZOAZ! Char Char1,CJOJPJQJaJKHmH sH nHtH_HfOQf ckee,g + 10 pt5CJOJQJaJfHq mHsHnH tH _HBOaBh1 Char,nfeW[ Char Char,~e,g Char Char Char1,~e,g Char Char2,Plain Text Char,Char Char Char Char,Char Char Char1,Char Char1,nfeW[ Char1,h1 Char Char Char,~e,g Char1 Char,~e,g Char Char Char Char,~e,g Char Char1 Char,h1 Char Char Char Char Char Char,8npev Char0CJOJPJQJ^JaJKHmH sH nHtH_HXOqX Char Char2,CJOJPJQJaJKHmH sH nHtH_HOMckee,g (27) + [SO,11 pt,|SO,ckee,g + 9.5 pt,ckee,g (27) + SimSun,6 pt11,ckee,g + SimSun+CJOJPJ^JaJ5fHq \2O2nf(Qz)1 Char,nf (Web) Char,nf(Web) Char Char1,nf(Web) Char Char Char Char Char,nf(Web) Char Char Char,nf (W minutes 75. proud we9e this-which/and this 2.in that special day- on that special day 3.for we --for us rather to -rather 5. such little- so little 6.have-has 7. Improving- improved Beside-Besides 9.it good-it a good 10.times-time fNbh Hello PeterHow are you going these days? In order to provide us students with an opportunity to exchange books and make better use of used books, our Student Union held a campus book fair on the afternoon of September 12, 2014. At the book fair, students could sell unwanted books, buy needed books or simply trade books with each other. Like other fairs of this kind, prices were typically very low. Happily, I not only got rid of several books but also bought a few books I really wanted. As far as I m concerned, I like this activity, which is beneficial to us students. On the one hand, I felt my social skills had been well practiced and improved. On the other hand, this activity also gave us an excellent opportunity to feel a bit of the real world. I wish more events like this book fair would be held in our school. Looking forward to hearing from you! Love, Li Hua  ,{ PAGE1u qQ 4u  *,6ѻu_G1+B*`JphCJ OJPJQJaJ 5KH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\+B*`JphCJ OJPJQJaJ 5KH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\+B*`JphCJ OJPJQJaJ 5KH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\+B*`JphCJ OJPJQJaJ 5KH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\+B*`JphCJ OJPJQJaJ 5KH\ 68@BDpr|~ѹwcO;%+B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5KH'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJQJo(aJKH\+B*`JphCJOJPJQJo(aJKH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\+B*`JphCJ OJPJQJaJ 5KH\.B*`JphCJ OJPJQJo(aJ 5KH\ L N   q]I5+B*`JphCJOJPJQJo(aJ5KH'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5+B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5KH'B*`JphCJOJPJQJ o(aJ5   L N   . 2 R ̻viZM>1B*`JphOJQJ^JB*`JphOJQJ^J>*B*`JphOJQJ^JB*`JphOJQJ^J>*B*`JphOJQJ^J#B*`JphOJQJo(aJKH\ B*`JphOJQJaJKH\ B*`JphOJQJaJ5KH B*`JphOJQJaJ5KH B*`JphOJQJaJ5KH B*`JphOJQJaJ5KH B*`JphOJQJaJ5KH B*`JphOJQJaJ5KH R V p t   . 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