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What2 ? mistake. 2 ?didt 2 ?thet 2 ?mant2 ?make?k- 2 @ A. 2 @ He 2 @ lost 2 @thet2 @package. 2 @to 2 @Mr.k2 @Well.g- 2 B B. 2 B He 2 B gave 2 Bthee2 Bwrongg2 Bpackage. 2 Bto 2 BMr.k2 BWell.g- 2 C C. 2 C He 2 C gave 2 Cthee2 Cpackage. 2 Cto 2 CMr 2 C.2 CRashid..- 2 E 2 E 72 E βϣش 2 E8 2 E 2 E10 2 E⡣- 2 F8. 2 F What 2 F is 2 Fthet 2 Fmant2 Fgoingd 2 Fto2 FLondon2 Fmainly 2 Ffor?- 2 H A.2 H Business. 2 HB.2 H Sightseeing. 2 H$C.2 H%Study.- 2 I9.2 I Where. 2 I will2 IJenny. 2 Igo2 I tomorrow?n- 2 L A. 2 L To2 L Singapore. 2 LB. 2 LTo 2 LNewn2 LYork.. 2 L$C. 2 L%To2 L'London..,-"System???]???-Microsoft Of՜.+,D՜.+,d     NؚQ 0_` (\dlKSOProductBuildVer2052-  PKSKS _ q bq bv''8 0aa)a 5a=av%$#h"Vs \'[4_ h`Ja % T N-N2014t^ؚN Nf[gg+gՋwS&^T{Hh ,{IwS laNy 1.T{,{IwSMR uR_\]vY T0QSkXQ(WT{aS N0 2. Qk\T{HhT (uŔ{bT{aS N[^vvT{HhhSmў0Y9eR (uajvdr^QT Q mvQNT{HhhS0 NT{(W,gՋwS N &TReHe0 ,{NR,TRqQ$N nR30R ZPe HQ\T{Hhh(WՋwS N0U_Q[~_gT `O\ g$NRve\ՋwS NvT{Hhlm0RT{aS N0 ,{N(qQ5\k\1.5R nR7.5R) ,T Nb5k[݋0kk[݋T gN*N\ N-N~QvA, B, C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,T[kk[݋T `O g10yveVT{ gsQ\T NN\0kk[݋NNM0 1. What is the man willing to be A. A door keeper. B. A window cleaner. C. A computer programmer. 2. How will the man get in touch with the woman? A. By calling her. B. By sending a letter. C. By sending a postcard. 3. How much will the woman pay? A.$9. B. $6. C. $3. 4. What will the woman do tonight? A. Visit the man s parents. B. Study in the man s place. C. Live in the school dormitory. 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. A camera. B. A computer. C. A mobile phone. ,{NqQ15\k\1.5R nR22. 5R ,T Nb5k[݋br}v0kk[݋br}vT gQ*N\ N-N@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,Tkk[݋br}vMR `O\ geT*N\ k\5y,T[T T\\~Q5yv\OT{e0)kk[݋br}v$NM0 ,T,{6kPge VT{,{6070 6. Where is Mr. Wells s group flying? A. To Australia. B. To Lebanon. C. To America. 7. What mistake did the man make? A. He lost the package to Mr. Well. B. He gave the wrong package to Mr. Well. C. He gave the package to Mr. Rashid. ,T,{7kPge VT{,{8100 8. What is the man going to London mainly for? A. Business. B. Sightseeing. C. Study. 9. Where will Jenny go tomorrow? A. To Singapore. B. To New York. C. To London. 10. What is the probable relationship between the man and Jenny? A. Neighbours. B. Colleagues. C. Roommates. ,T,{8kPge VT{,{11130 11. What is the woman? A. A nurse. B. A doctor. C. A receptionist. 12. When can people take body examinations? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. 13. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Read the brochure. B. Call before 10:30 a.m. C. Make an appointment in advance. ,T,{9kPge VT{,{14170 14. What is the woman? A. A painter. B. An actress. C. A manager. 15. Why was the woman fired as a saleswoman? A. She got sick. B. She was caught sleeping at work. C. She argued with a customer. 16. What happened to the woman when she was a taxi driver? A. She got hurt in an accident. B. She hit a passer-by. C. She hit a pole. 17. What will they do before continuing the interview? A. Have a break. B. Tell stories. C. Take pictures. ,T,{9kPge VT{,{18200 18. What was the result of the traffic accident? A. The mini-bus was totally damaged. B. The injured are operated on now. C. There were three deaths and seven injuries. 19. What was the score of the English champions? A. 6:3. B. 4:0. C. 6:2. 20. What will the weather generally be like this evening? A. Cloudy. B. Windy. C. Snowy. ,{NRtqQ$N nR40R ,{N (qQ15\k\2R nR30R)  NRwe Nk@b~vV*N yA0B0CTD -N QgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ymў0 A I lost both of my parents in a tragic car accident when I was five. Fortunately, at that age a child doesn t understand the finality of such an event. Many years later, at the age of twenty-three, I was planning my wedding to Sheldon, who came from a complete loving family, the type I expect. Sheldon and I had already bought our first home with a large, beautifully landscaped yard. As the date grew closer and we took ownership of the home, we began to clean, arrange inside and out. The day before our wedding we were putting the final touches to the yard. We were so pleased with the neatness of it all. But one plant puzzled us. A rosebush located just outside our front door, was completely barren of leaves or buds. It looked liked it might be dead, but since neither of us could be sure, we reluctantly decided to keep it for the time being. That same evening, after the dinner, I was too excited to sleep. Instead I decided I needed some quiet time to reflect on the wedding the next day. I went to the backyard and sat in the warm, clear, star-filled night. It was there that I realized the only thing missing from my wedding day would be my parents. There had been no time to think of this until now and the thought filled me with sadness. After all, every girl dreams of having her father walk her down the aisle and her mother there to comfort her anxiety. Alone in the yard, I began speaking to my mom and dad, just as if I had known they were listening.  Give me a sign on my wedding day to let me know you re with me. The next day Sheldon s excited voice repeatedly called my name. I rushed to join him at the front door.  I can t believe what I m about to show you! He stood aside. The barren rosebush had two huge roses in full bloom. There was no doubt in my mind that we were witnessing a miracle& a miracle of love. 21. What does the underlined word  touches in the third paragraph mean? A. Small details. B. Strong feelings. C. Close connection. D. Enormous pressure. 22. According to the passage, why did the rosebush confuse the writer? A. Because it was difficult to take care of. B. Because it had a sign of dying away. C. Because it grew in a wrong place. D. Because its leaves were always falling. 23. The writer came to the yard that night to __________. A. relieve her pressure of life B. pray for her parents C. see whether the rose grew D. think about her wedding carefully 24. It can be inferred from the passage that __________. A. the writer was experienced in managing a yard B. the writer and her fianc kept the rosebush immediately they saw it C. the writer could celebrate her wedding outdoors D. the writer was full of pity without her parents attending her wedding B The English expect each other to observe the rules of queuing, feel highly offended when these rules are broken, but lack the confidence or social skills to express their annoyance in a straightforward manner. In other countries, this is not a problem: in America, where a queue-jumper has committed a kind of rudeness rather than a sin, the response is a loud warning: the offender is simply told  Hey, you, get back in line! or words to that effect. On the European continent, the reaction tends to be loud and argumentative; in some other parts of the world, queue-jumpers may simply be pushed back into line. Ironically (wQ g:RaINv/f), it is only in England, where queue-jumping is regarded as deeply immoral, that the queue-jumper is likely to get away with the offence. Only rarely do the English actually speak up and tell the jumper to go to the back of the queue. Queuing is almost a national pastime for the English, who automatically arrange themselves into orderly lines at bus stops, shop counters, ice-cream vans, entrances, exits, and lifts. In 1946, a Hungarian humorist described queuing as English  national passion .  On the continent, he said.  if people are waiting at a bus stop they walk around in a seemingly relaxed fashion. When the bus arrives they make a dash (sQ) for it...An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms orderly queue of one. In an update over thirty years later in 1977 he confirmed that this was still the case. After nearly another thirty years nothing much seems to have changed. In many cases, queue-jumping is effectively prevented by non-verbal (^v) signals alone. When someone is considering jumping a queue, the queuers will start glancing at him sideways, through narrowed, suspicious eyes. Then they move a bit closer to the person in front of them, just in case the jumper might try to insert himself in the gap. Frowns, glares, and raised eyebrows  accompanied by heavy sighs, pointed coughs  are usually the worst that the person will suffer if he jumps a queue. Faced with all this, the jumper will think better of it and withdraw to the back of the queue. 25. In America and other European countries, queue-jumpers . A. are severely punished and fined B. are pushed back to the end of lines C. are warned in a direct manner D. are the cause of public arguments 26. By quoting the description of a Hungarian humorist, the author intends to show . A. Englishmen are stubborn and too strict with themselves B. queuing is a kind of automatic behavior for Englishmen C. queuing is essential in maintaining good public order D. other Europeans are more open-minded than Englishmen 27. According to the last paragraph, queue-jumping can usually be stopped effectively . A. with a confident and aggressive attitude B. with signs of public rules C. by shouting and loud warning D. by using certain body language 28. What is the best title of this passage? A. A social skill to improve your life: queuing B. Bad manners around the world: queue-jumping C. A culture of European countries: queuing D. An English aspect of life: queuing C Disney World, Not To Be Missed! Are you still looking for an amusement park to enjoy yourself? Then, Disney World is your best choice! Disney World has four theme parks. A single-day admission ticket to any of these four theme parks is $67 for adults and $ 56 for young children above three years. The very best time to come here includes middle of April to late May, and Labor Day to middle of November or early December. You ll surely have a fantastic and memorable experience! Magic Kingdom This is the original Disney park from which the entire Disney World has expanded. Once you get here, you can pose for pictures with the Disney characters at the entrance. But if you want to save time, go straight to the Main Street. The children would almost certainly desire to see the Dumbo and Winnie. Just remember the parking lot is usually packed. You will need to walk to the entrance gate.Epcot Epcot is divided into two sections: World Showcase and Future World. Future World is all about futuristic rides and high-tech attractions like Test Track and Turtle Talk with Crush. World Showcase, which lies along a lake, shows international styles from different parts of the globe, including Germany, Canada, Mexico, China and a lot more.Disney s Animal Kingdom If you re an animal lover, you ll really like the Animal Kingdom. The newest addition to this part of Disney World is the Expedition Everest ride plus the Finding Nemo stage show. It s very best to come here in the morning when animals are more active. The safari 8ns is open but the opening hours depend on the animals, and how active they are during the day.Disney s Hollywood Studios You will discover plenty of huge attractions inside this movie park. Indiana Jones, Playhouse Disney Live, Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage, and also the Lights, Motors, Actions Extreme Stunt show are just few of what you need to watch out for. It is also the very best spot for taking pictures with Disney characters.29. You think Epcot is worth visiting probably because you can __________. A. see the most popular movies nowadays B. go hunting wherever you like C. take pictures with the Disney characters D. enjoy the foreign styles along the lake 30. If your parents bring you and your 2-year-old little brother to visit Disney s Animal Kingdom, the cost is __________. A. $190 B. $255 C. $134 D. $179 31. Which theme park can you go if you want to take photos with Mickey Mouse and Winnie? A. Magic Kingdom and Disney s Animal Kingdom. B. Epcot and Disney s Animal Kingdom. C. Magic Kingdom and Disney s Hollywood Studios. D. Disney s Hollywood Studios and Epcot. 32. What is the author s purpose in writing this passage? A. To compare the advantages and disadvantages of the four theme parks. B. To explain the reasons of traveling to Disney World. C. To attract more people to pay a visit to Disney World. D. To express his opinions about the popularity of Disney World. D With parents flooding their camera phones with hundreds of photos  from loose teeth to each step in the potty training(YS~) process  how might the photos affect our memories? Maryanne Garry, a psychology professor, has studied the effects of photography on our memories for years.  I think the problem is that people are giving away being in the moment. Those parents at the park taking all those photos are actually paying less attention to the moment, because they re focusing on the act of taking the photo. she says. Henkel, who researches human memory at Fairfield University in Connecticut, began an experiment by sending groups of students to the university s art museum. The students observed some objects and photographed others. Then, back at the lab, they were given a memory test. Henkel found what she called a  photo-taking impairment (_c$O) effect.  The objects that they had taken photos of  they actually remembered fewer of them, and remembered fewer details. Like, how was this statue s hands positioned, or what was this statue wearing on its head. she says. Her students memories were impaired because relying on an external (Y(Wv) memory aid meant they subconsciously (\oaƋ0W) counted on the camera to remember the details.  As soon as you hit  click on that camera, it s as if you ve outsourced your memory, she says.  Any time we count on these external memory devices, we re taking away the kind of mental cognitive (wv) processing that might help us actually remember that stuff on our own. Henkel says it s also a mistake to think of photographs as memories. The photo will remain the same to you each time you look at it, but memories change over time.  Each time I remember what my high school graduation was like, I might be coloring and changing that memory because of my current perspective  because of new ideas that I have or things that I learned afterwards, she says.  Human memory is much more dynamic (R`v) than photographs. But Henkel doesn t want people to stop taking photos. Instead, she d like us to be more mindful when taking pictures in the first place. They re still valuable tools that can provide  rich retrieval (h"}) clues later on. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Photos taken in the park have a bad effect on children s memory. B. The fewer photos you take, the fewer details you remember. C. Observing objects can help remember what we ve experienced. D. New ideas people have can completely change the memory of the past. By saying  As soon as you hit  click on that camera, it s as if you ve outsourced your memory. in the last paragraph, the writer means that ______________. A. you obtain your memory relying on a camera B. you cross out our memory when using a camera C. you change your memory with the help of a camera D. you bring back your memory by hitting your camera What is the attitude of Henkel towards taking photos? Objective. B. Negative. C. Unconcerned. D. Doubtful. ,{N (qQ5\k\2R nR10R) 9hncweQ[ NweTv y-N QkXeQzz}vYvgsO y0 y-N g$Ny:NYYO y0 E It might seem like your dad will be around forever, but your time together can be cut short when you least expect it. So take advantage of the time you have with your father and express your love to him. However, expression of love is not always easy. ___36___ % Seek your father s advice and opinions. This applies from childhood to adulthood. ___37___ Listen to him. You don t always have to agree, but he will be flattered that you asked. % ___38___ Introduce him to your friends. Once you leave the nest, welcome him into your new home. When you marry and have children, include your father in many of your family functions. % Arrange activities strictly for you and your dad. Even if it s an activity you might not fully enjoy, share his interests. ___39___ Take him to dinner, or join him in outings with friends and family. % Visit your father on a regular basis. Stop and pick up a cup of coffee to take to him as a surprise treat. Don t wait for his birthday or Father s Day to buy him thoughtful little gifts. % Inquire about your dad s life. ___40___ He will be proud that you care so much, and as a result, you will learn a lot about his childhood and your heritage. It often takes conscious effort as follows. Ask him to tell you his old stories and record them. Invite your dad into your life. Help him with his finances, if possible. Let him teach you to play golf or a card game. The parent-child relationship is the longest-lasting social ties. He ll be pleased that you want his guidance. ,{ NRwƋЏ(u (qQ$N nR45R) ,{N[WkXzzqQ20\k\1.5R nR30R  Nbwe NweTT@b~vV*N y(A0B0CTD)-N QSNkXeQzz}vYvgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ymў0 One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was expecting a quiet ___41___ of the splendid artwork. A young ___42___ viewing the paintings ahead of me ___43___ nonstop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the man s ___44___ for putting up with her ___45___ stream of words. ___46___ by their noise, I moved on. I met them several times as I moved ___47___ the various rooms of art. Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away ___48___. I was ___49___ at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase when the couple approached the ___50___. Before they left, the man ___51___ into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He ___52___ it into a long stick and then ___53___ his way into the coatroom to get his wife s jacket.  He s a ___54___ man. the clerk at the counter said.  Most of us would give up if we were blind at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in ___55___ there is a new art show.  But what does he get out of the art? I asked.  He can t see.  Can t see! You re ___56___. He sees a lot. More than you and I do, the clerk said.  His wife ___57___ each painting, so he can see it in his head. I learned something about patience, ___58___ and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without ___59___ and the courage of a husband who would not ___60___ blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their arms intertwined. 41. A.break B.view C.wander D.scenery 42. A.lady B.man C.couple D.clerk 43. A.chatted B.argued C.screamed D.yelled 44. A.attempt B.independence C.wisdom D.patience 45. A.vivid B.constant C.casual D.exciting 46. A.Adopted B.Adapted C.Conducted D.Disturbed 47. A.through B.to C.towards D.from 48. A.anxiously B.slowly C.quickly D.sensibly 49. A.lying B.shouting C.standing D.singing 50. A.entrance B.exit C.front D.queue 51. A.touched B.held C.reached D.bent 52. A.made B.lengthened C.brought D.broadened 53. A. led B.lost C.forced D.tapped 54. A. brave B.rough C.smart D.generous 55. A.wherever B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever 56. A.wrong B.silly C.equal D.unique 57. A.describes B.draws C.shows D.decorates 58. A.kindness B.pride C.enthusiasm D.courage 59. A.support B.sight C.expectation D.confidence 60. A.get B.hope C.allow D.cause ,{II wS laNy\T{HhQ(WT{aS N0Q(W,gՋwS NeHe0 ,{ NRwƋЏ(uqQ$N nR45R ,{N lkXzzqQ10*N\k\1.5R nR15R  NbPge (Wzz}vYkXeQS_vQ[ NYN3*NUS͋ bbSQUS͋vcknxb__0 One day, atramp (AmjmIl) was sleeping on a park bench, ___61___ (satisfy) with the afternoon sunshine. A couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up, and asked him,  Excuse me. ___62___ you have the time? the tramp replied,  I m sorry---I don t have a watch, so I don t know the time. The manapologized and walked away with his wife. The tramp lay down and went back to sleep. Just then, a woman, ___63___ was out walking her dog, shook the tramp s shoulder until he woke up, ___64___ said,  I m sorry to trouble you, but do you happen ___65___ (know) the time? The tramp was a little annoyed at ___66___ (wake) up again, but hepolitelytold the woman he didn t have a watch and had no idea ___67___ the time. After the woman left, an idea ___68___ (occur) to the tramp. He opened his bagand took out a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote down with all his ___69___ (strong),  I do not have a watch. I do not know the time. He then hung the paper round his neck thinking that nobody would hold him ___70___ in his sleep. Fifteen minutes later, a policeman noticed the tramp and the sign around his neck. Out of a sense of responsibility, he woke the tramp up and said,  It s 2:30 p.m. ,{VRQ\OqQ$N nR35R ,{Nwe9e (qQ10\; k\1R, nR10R) GP[ N^Bl TLhKNNbcO9e\Oe `OO9e`O TLhQvN N\Oe0e-NqQ g10Y kS-NgY g$NY0kYmSN*NUS͋vXR0 RdbO9e0 XR: (W:͋YRN*NoW[&{S'" , v^(WvQ NQQ勠Rv͋0 Rd: bYYOv͋(ue~\ Rc0 O9e: (Wv͋ NRN*j~, v^(W͋ NbQQO9eTv͋0 la: 1.kYSvQO9eGWNPN͋ 2.SAQO9e10Y, YN,{11Yw NR0 Today I d like to share one of my unforgettable experience with everyone present. My parents had arranged a party for my 18th birthday at a hotel. It was raining heavy outside, so we had to stay inside all night. The room was packed with guests dancing together while we saw smoke. All begin to panic because there were so many of us that we couldn t get out quickly. Thankfully, we managed open a window and get out of the burning building. To my sorrow, some of them had to go to hospital because of burns and breathing problems and the room which the party took place was completely destroyed. Afterwards, I was told that a building had been struck by lightning and the firefighters had spent approximately 3 hours putting off the fire. ,{NfNbhnR25R GP`O/ffIQ-Nf[f[uNgNS яe6e0R`O!hXvYM|Ye^Peter v5uP[N0N\N Nf[g_f[eg`O!h]\O ^gcMRN`O!hv`Q09hnc NVSDROo`QN\VOTvQN~`ONf[!hv`Q v^"kΏNv0Reg0     f[!h;mR0N[2 T{|YPhQ 3 ^uV~S1r0 S͋GlUl fountain la 1.͋pe100W[]S0 2.SNS_XR~ NOLeޏ/0 3._4Y틌T~_g]:N`OQ}Y NeQ;`͋pe0 Dear Peter I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to introduce our school to you. When you enter the school gate, _______________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua T N-N2013-2014f[t^^ Nf[gؚNf[t^ ,{N!jWWՋwST{Hh ,{NR ,TR (k1.5R qQ30R ) 1 5 CCBBC 6 10 ACAAB 11-15 CAABB 16-20 CACBA ,{NR tk2R qQ40R 21-24 ABDD 25-28 CBDD 29-32 DACC 33-35 CAA 36-40 AGCEB ,{ NR wƋЏ(u(qQ$N,nR45R) ,{N [b_kXzzqQ20\k\1.5R n30R 41-45 BCADB 46-50 DACCB 51-55 CBDAD 56-60 AADBC ,{N lkXzz (qQ10\;k\1.5R,nR15R) 61. satisfied 62. Do 63. who 64. and 65. to know 66. being woken 67. of 68. occurred 69. strength 70. back ,{VRQ\OqQ$N nR35R we9e(qQ10\; k\1R, nR10R) ,{NSexperience 9e:N experiences ,{NShadSc ,{ NSheavy 9e:N heavily ,{VSwhile 9e:Nwhen ,{NSbegin 9e:Nbegan ,{mQSmanagedTRto ,{NSthem 9e:N us , which 9e:N whereb9e:Nin which ,{kQSa 9e:Nthe , off 9e:N out ,{N fNbh One Possible Version 25R DearPeter, I was so pleased to hear from you and,2,26%36%3aDaDk>hk>h''j''j!h^h` ho(.H^H\`\ H)^\`\ .^\`\ .4^4\`\ 4) ^ \`\  .| ^| \`\ | . ^ \`\  )^\`\ .h^h`o(.H^H\`\)^\`\.^\`\.4^4\`\) ^ \`\.| ^| \`\. ^ \`\)^\`\.^`o(.^\`\)T^T\`\.^\`\. ^ \`\)@ ^@ \`\. ^ \`\.^\`\),^,\`\.h^h`o( H^H\`\)^\`\.^\`\.4^4\`\) ^ \`\.| ^| \`\. ^ \`\)^\`\. ^` o(,{H^H\`\ H)^\`\ .^\`\ .4^4\`\ 4) ^ \`\  .| ^| \`\ | . ^ \`\  )^\`\ .,2aD6%3k>h''j&944466>6666666 0@P`p666 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`pJ@Jcke a$$1$ CJaJKHmH sH nHtH_Hp@ph 1da$$1$$$@&/B* `J ph6_CJOJPJQJ^JaJ5KH\V@Vh 2d$$@&CJ OJPJQJaJ 5\J@Jh 3d$$@&CJ aJ 5\>@ am writing to introduce our school to you. When you enter the school gate, you can see a wonderful fountain in front of you. On your left is the teaching building, the tallest building on our campus. The art center is on your right, which is specially designed and the most beautiful building in my opinion. Walking on further, you ll find our lab building. Beside it, there lies the sports ground, where we hold every sports meeting. Surrounded with trees, our campus provides a comfortable learning environment. Welcome to our school. I believe you can have a nice time here because of our various school activities. The teachers and the students here are nice and friendly. Most importantly, with all essential equipment, you can go smoothly at your work. Waiting for your coming. Yours, LiHua PAGE  Yef[ |i [|i z/g-N_ ЏR:W Ul 'Y 028:DF   6 8 : {skc\UMF>OJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJaJ5 OJQJaJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJ5OJQJo(aJ5OJQJo(aJ5OJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJ5OJQJo(aJ5OJQJo(aJ5OJQJaJ5CJOJQJo(aJ5CJOJQJo(aJ$5    h j    * h j h j ü{uoic]WQK OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo(OJQJ OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo(OJQJo(aJ OJQJo(OJQJo(aJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJ    Z \ jl(*ľ}wqi_WOOJQJaJ\OJQJaJ\OJQJo(aJ\OJQJaJ\ OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo(OJQJ OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo(OJQJ OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo(*Z\68bdDFü}wqke_YSMG OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo(OJQJ OJQJo(OJQJo(aJ OJQJaJ OJQJaJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJOJQJo(aJ OJQJaJ(*:<PX\^46vxr~xrlf`ZTN OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( OJQJo( 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