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A. She's interested in her work. B. She works very hard. C. She works in a factory. 7. A. Certainly. Here you are. B. That's all right. C. Sure, I'll get it. 8. A. Not at all. It was a pleasure. B. Don't say that. C. Never mind. 9. A. It's right. B. All right. C. You're right. 10. A. Not at all. I'd rather not. B. Not at all. I've no idea. C. Not at all. I'd be happy to. b!.,T[݋ bcknxT{0(k\1R qQ5R) 11. A. Since two years ago. B. Since three years ago. C. For only one year. 12. A. Tea with milk. B. Tea with sugar. C. Just tea. 13. A. At half past two. B. At half past three. C. At three o'clock. 14. A. She finds a new job. B. The new house is cheaper. C. She needs a quiet place. 15. A. The pork. B. The beef. C. Tire chicken. c!,Twe bcknxT{Hh0(k\1R qQ5R) 16. Bill works A. in an office in a town B. in an office in London C. at the railway station near London 17. Bill wanted his mother to go to the capital because . A. he wanted her to look after him B. she was too old to look after herself C. he thought she felt lonely at home 18. Mrs White decided to go to London . A. by train B. by car C. by plane 19. Mrs White wanted her daughter to go to lock the gate because . A. she was more careful than her B. she knew where her mother lived C. she lived in the same house with her mother 20. Mrs White began to cry at the entrance(An) because . A. she had put the ticket into the envelope(ft) B. she had lost her ticket C. the man didn't let her in N0USy b NA0B0C0DV*N y-N QSNkXeQzz}vYvcknxT{Hh0(qQ20\ R 20R) 21. I'm still . Could I have more rice, please? A. tired B. hungry C. busy D. thirsty 22. If you don't take more , you'll get fat. At medicine B. lessons C. photos D. exercise 23. " !" called Mr Black when he heard the knock at his door. A. Come on B. Come in C. Come back D. Come down 24. This is an old photo of when I was a child. A. me B. mine C. I D. my 25. Telephone is way of saying phone. A. another B. other C. the other D. one 26. people were hurt in the train accident. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. hundred D. hundreds 27. Look out! The knife is very sharp(U|). You cut your finger. A. need B. must C. should D. may 28. All my classmates, except Wu Lin, interested in singing English songs. A. is B. are C. am D. be 29. The woman feels worried her sick baby. A. for B. to C. on D. about 30. A: is the population of Ningxia? B: More than five million. A. How many B. Which C. How D. What 31. Keep quiet, please. They a meeting. A. have B. had C. are having D. have had 32. Can you make a sentence the word "produce"? A. with B. in C. by D. at 33. He's waked there since the shop opened in 1998, ? A. isn't he B. hasn't he C. doesn't he D. wasn't he 34. Mike did something wrong, the headmaster is talking with him. A. and B. but C. so D. at 35. The you eat, the better your health will be. A. Me B. few C. less D. fewer 36. Excuse me. you my dictionary? I can't find it. A. Do, see B. Have, seen C. Are, seeing D. Did, see 37. In most English-speaking countries, it's rude to ask a person's age. Here the word rude means . A. good B. not polite C. sad D. friendly 38. Woolen clothes are used for warm. A. kept B. keep C. to keep D. keeping 39. Could you give me two , please? A. pieces of papers B. piece of papers C. piece of paper D. pieces of paper 40. The policeman told the boys in the street. A. don't to play B. not play C. not to play D. don't play N0[b_kXzz(qQ10\ R10R)  Nbwe ccvQ'Ya 6qTN41 50T@b~vV*N y-N QN*NgsOT{Hh0 Water is the most important of all the things we eat and 41. Not many people understand this, but it's quite 42. The human body( A)can go without 43 for a long time, yet two or three days 44 water can usually make people die. Many people don't understand how 45 water the human body needs 46 work well, and many people do not drink enough, 47 in hot weather. Our body is mostly(:'YR)water about 67-75 percent(~vRKN). 48 we don't have enough, we'll feel 49 and many will get ill. So, you 50 , how important water is to us all. 41. A. have B. drink C. take D. cook 42. A. true B. difficult C. easy D. wrong 43. A. food B. water C. drink D. air 44. A. in B. through C. without D. with 45. A. many B. much C. widely D. a bit 46. A. and B. to C. its D. or 47. A. even B. ever C. almost D. still 48. A. Because B. For C. Since D. If 49. A. worried B. angry C. tired D. afraid 50. A. hear B. know C. guess D. look V0t(qQ15\ R30R)  NRwe v^ZPk{Tbvv0NV*N y-N Q[b@b~SP[vgsOT{Hh0 (A) One day John went to a shop to get some new clothes and a new pair of shoes. The shoes in the shop were quite good and were not expensive. But none of them were the right size. They were either too big or too small. Then John asked the shopkeeper for a suit, but it was too dear, so he chose a jacket. He tried it on and thought it was very nice. He picked up the jacket and told the shopkeeper to put it in a bag. At that moment his old friend Ron came into the shop. They hadn't seen each other for months. They were so pleased to see each other. They talked on and on. It was late, so they decided to go and have dinner. John picked up the bag, and walked towards the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked John to pay for the jacket. John looked at him in surprise at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn't paid for it. He said sorry and paid for the jacket. Then he left the shop with his friend. 51. John thought the shoes in the shop were for his feet. A. the wrong size B. the right size C. good and expensive D. neither too big nor too small 52. John didn't buy any shoes, did he? A. Yes, he didn't. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he didn't. D. No, he did. 53. John bought in the shop. A. a pair of shoes B. a suit C. a shirt D. a jacket 54. When John met Ron, they felt . A. sad B. well C. worried D. glad 55. John didn't pay the money at first because . A. he didn't want to B. he forgot to C. he was poor D. the shopkeeper gave it to him for a present (B) Mr Smith moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor, so he went to see one. He sat down in the waiting room and looked around. The doctor's degrees( ft)were on the wall. Suddenly Mr Smith remembered: there had been a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he had become a doctor! As he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young, handsome(5il8l59) student, and was sad to see how old and heavy this man looked. He said to him, "Good morning, Doctor. Did you go to King High School?" The doctor answered, "Yes, I did. " "Were you there from 1942 to 1946?" Mr Smith asked. "Yes, I was. " the doctor answered. "How did you know?" Mr Smith laughed and said, "You were in my class!" "Oh?" the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few minutes, "What were you teaching?" 56. Mr Smith , so he needed a new doctor. A. visited a town B. went to live in another town C. went away from a town D. was badly ill 57. Mr Smith found the doctor's name was the same as one of his . A. roommates B. students C. friends D. classmates 58. Who were in King High School from 1942 to 1946? A. Only the doctor. B. Only Mr Smith. C. Both Mr Smith and the doctor. D. Neither of them. 59. The doctor thought Mr Smith was once . A. his patient(uN) B. his classmate C. his teacher D. his friend 60. Mr Smith thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr Smith was . A. even older B. much younger C. younger than he D. as old as he (C) Why does the Leaning Tower of Piza(k(eTX)in Italy lean(>Pe)? It leans because of a mistake. It has leaned almost since the day the tower was built. In 1174, the people of Piza, Italy wanted to build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. The city also needed a bell tower because the church(YeX)did not have one. As soon as the first floor of the building was finished, the tower started to lean. Builders tried to make the building straight again as they added(XR)more floors, but the Leaning Tower only got worse as the tower grew. It look almost 180 years to finish the tower. Today, the Leaning Tower has eight floors. It is 54. 5 metres tall, and it leans almost 4 metres to one side. The tower is also sinking( Nl)into the ground on which it was built. Every year, the tower leans another 1. 5 centimetres. Like all old buildings, it is also falling apart(4xˆ). If someone cannot figure out a way to save the tower, it will fall apart after 175 more years. 61 . Why did the people of Piza want to build the tower? A. They needed a new church. B. They needed a bell tower. C. They wanted to spend a lot of money. D. They wanted to build a leaning tower. 62. The tower began to lean . A. after the first floor was built B. after the last floor was built C. from the first day it was built D. 180 years after it was built 63. The tower was finished . A. in 1174 A. D B. in 1420 A. D C. in 1280 A. D D. in 1354 A. D 64. What problem does the tower have today? A. It is falling apart. B. It is leaning more each year. C. It is sinking into the ground. D. All of the above. 65. The phrase "figure out" in the last sentence means " ". A. show B. pass C. find D. ask ,{a!wS(^ b) N0US͋bQ(qQ5\ R5R) 9hnc NRSP[S@b~Illʑ (WSP[zz:YQQTUS͋vcknxb__0(kzzSQN͋) 66. Allan is leaving for Sydney for his holiday on (fgN). 67. Jane is a little (&v)than Linda. 68. Bob always thinks of others more than (N]). 69. She ; (P)the book to me yesterday. 70. Mr Li has (Ye)maths there for about twenty years. mQ0 ͋kXzz(qQ8\ R8R) NeFh-N bS_v͋kXeQwe-N Owezcknx(la gN͋(uS_vb__)0 but know together home send one make pleased Laura has just got a new computer. She is very (71) with it, because she can use it to (72) emails(5uP[N) to her friends. This computer was (73) by her father at home. Her father is not a computer engineer(] z^), (74) he is a computer fan(). He (75) a lot about computers. He bought different parts of a computer (76) and then put them (77) to make a computer. "The home made computers cost much less than the (78) which are sold in computer shops, said Laura s father. N09eQSP[(qQ3\ R7R) (uS_v͋kXzz OSP[[tez v^NSSa`v&{0kzzSkXN*N͋ )Q͋{N*N͋0 79. Alice has seen the film twice. Sandy has seen it twice, too. Alice Sandy have seen the film twice. 80. 1 think music is less interesting than P. E. I think music is interesting than P. E. 81. Is there a flight from Yinchuan to Guilin this Saturday? Do you know? Do you know a flight from Yinchuan to Guilin this Saturday? kQ0ehQ[݋9hnc[݋Q[ (Wk\vzz}vYkXQS_vSP[ O[݋a`[tez0(qQ5\ R10R) A: Hello! May I speak to Miss Zhao? B: Hold on for a moment, please. (A moment later) I' m sorry (82) . She left a few minutes ago. Could I take a message? A: (83) . I want to speak to her about my son Yang Ming. (84) . I'm afraid he isn't able to school today. B: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope(85) . A: Thank you! Could I leave my telephone number to you? B: OK. Please give me your phone number. A: 4106819. My name is Yang Zhiqiang. B: All right. (86) as soon as she is back. A: That'll be fine. Thank you very much. Goodbye! B: Goodbye! ]N0fNbh(R10R) `O9hnc Nb-NeQ[pS@b~͋c:y (ueQN{e {S6g8eZfNLuog-NVN]tk[`Q W[pe50-60W[0ev_4Y]~Q0 Q[p1k[Zf N730_Y -NVhQRbd k,{N:W"_}Y0 2][R:_'Y "ۏV*Nt -NVN FOf[0R_YN0 3 ^g-NVt gN)Yb:NNLu:_0 c:y͋: Brazil(]), Brazilian team(]), do (try) one's best(=\R), kick a goal(goal)("ۏt),lose () Sunday, June 9 Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup. There was a football match between China and Brazil. 2011[Y~[ ,TRU_?z I 1 .We can see a sitting- room in the picture. 2.It's February 3rd, 2002. 3.It is used for telling the time. 4.The boy is climbing the mountain. 5.It will be windy in the Northeast of China. II 6.What's your mother? 7.I'm busy. Could you answer the phone, please? 8.It's kind of you to show me the way to the station. 9.It's too hot. Let's go swimming in the river, shall we? 10.I'll be away tomorrow. Would you mind looking after my cat? III . 11.W: When did you come to China, Paul? M: I came here about two years ago. My parents came here one year earlier than I did. Question: How long have Paul's parents been in China? 12.MWhat can I do for you, madam? W: I'd like some tea. M: With sugar or milk? W: I'd like milk. Question: What does the woman like? 13. M: Will Mr Smile be here at three o'clock? W: Well, he says he may be half an hour late. Question: When will Mr Smile arrive? 14. M: I hear you are moving to a new house soon. W: I have to, because the man in the next room is singing songs all the time, and. I can't sleep. Question; Why is the woman moving to a new house? 15. W: How much is the pork? M: Ten yuan a kilo. W: And what about the beef and the chicken? M: The chicken is eight yuan a kilo and the beef is fourteen a kilo. Question: Which is the cheapest, the pork, the beef or the chicken? IV . Mrs White, a fifty - four - year - old woman, lives in a small town. Her husband died several years ago. Her son, Bill, works in an office in London. And her daughter is in the same town with her. But she lives in her husband's house. Only the old woman 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.D 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.A 41.B 42.C 43.D 44.D 45.C 46.D 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.A 51.D 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.B 56.D 57.B 58.B 59.A 60.C 61.F 62.B 63.A 64.C 65.D 66. March 67. apples 68. begin 69. always 70. shorter 71. sister 72. green 73. dancing 74. We 75. turn wVh one possible version: It's seven o'clock in the evening. Tom's family are all at home. Tom is listening to the music. His sister is playing with a cat. His father is reading a book. His mother is making a telephone call to somebody. His grandparents are watching TV. There is a picture and a clock on the wall, and there is a light and some books on the desk. They are all enjoying themselves. ,.>@df` b d ˾teXI7"jUB*`Jph CJ^JaJUB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJUB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph ^JB*`Jph ^JB*`Jph CJ,OJQJ5\"B*`Jph CJ,OJQJo(5\d f h j l   R T ɼxk`UJ?4B*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph OJ^JaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJU t v x   ` l Ƚ~sh]RG3B*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph OJ^JaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJ"$FHdfƻyncVI>3B*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJ^JaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph OJ^JaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJf,.NPƻwlaVK@5B*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph CJaJB*`Jph 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