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PtKSKS3T6 t 7Lk $ h "  wmWSw2011t^R-NkNuf[NՋ y Ջ hQwSnR110R Ջe100R yr+Rc 1. b(u2BŔ{kXm vQYOT{HhN_(uўr{kXQ(WT{aS N Q(WՋwS NeHe0 2. T{MRwՋS gsQf0 3. TtRMT{e0 ,{NwSqQ NR nR80R ,{NR ,TRqQV'Y nR20R I,TSP[ V;uqQ5\ k\1R nR5R wV,TSP[ QNSP[a`NvV;u0k*NSP[NM0  1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. _______ 5. _______ II,TSP[ T{qQ5\ k\1R nR5R 9hnc`O@b,T0RvSP[ QcknxvT{0k*NSP[$NM0 6. A. How are you, Lisa? B. How old are you, Lisa? C. How do you do, Lisa? 7. A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. You re welcome. 8. A. You re right. B. Sounds great. C. That s nothing. 9. A. She likes red. B. She often wears a suit. C. She is young with big eyes. 10. A. Don t worry. B. I d like a cup of coffee. C. Let me help you. III[݋tqQ5\ k\1R nR5R 9hnc`O@b,T0Rv[݋Q[ QgsO y0kk[݋$NM0 11. Where is Wang Lei from? A.Hainan. B. Shanghai. C. Shandong. 12. What s Kate doing now? A. She is doing homework. B. She is reading books. C. She is watching TV. 13. What color is David s shirt? A. It s green. B. It s brown. C. It s purple. 14. How many kinds of animals are they talking about? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 15. When does Han Mei have an art class? A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Tuesday. IVwetqQ5\ k\1R nR5R 9hnc`O@b,T0RvweQ[ QgsO y0we$NM0 16. The writer has to _________ every day. A. play computer games B. make his bed C. sing songs 17. The writer watches TV _________. A. in the study B. in the bedroom C. in the sitting room 18. The writer goes to bed at about _________. A. 9:00 B. 10:00 C. 11:00 19. The writer plays computer games _________. A. every day B. only on Saturday C. twice a week 20. The writer is a _________. A. student B. singer C. policeman ,{NR wƋЏ(uqQ$N'Y nR25R V bkXzzqQ15\ k\1R nR15R NA0B0C N*N y-N QN*NkXeQzz}vYvgsO y0 21. Do you think English is _________ interesting subject? A. a B. an C. the 22. We are trying _________ best to make the environment more and more beautiful. A. we B. us C. our 23.  What s your favorite _________?  Evening News on CCTV-1. A. program B. movie C. play 24.  There _________ some pork in the basket. Who bought it?  My father did. A. is B. are C. have 25.  Where is my eraser, Ann?  It s_________ the floor. A. in B. on C. at 26. We Chinese got very _________ after Li Na won the 2011 France Tennis Championship. A. excite B. exciting C. excited 27.  Have you ever heard of the man called Xing Liyuan?  Yes. Recently he gave away four _________ yuan to build a new school in Baoting. A. million B. million of C. millions of 28. I met Mrs. Read while I _________ in the park, but I didn t say hello to her. A. walked B. am walking C. was walking 29. Yao Ming is _________ popular that many people like him. A. very B. so C. too 30.  Hi, Sam. What are you doing?  I m _________ my sister. She will come back in a minute. A. waiting for B. looking for C. leaving for 31.  Some parts of China are very thirsty now. I think water _________ to those places.  I think so. A. must send B. must be sent C. be sent 32.  Dad is sleeping. Would you mind not _________ here?  I m sorry about that. A. sing B. singing C. to sing 33.  I m afraid the price of the MP4 is too high.  Then please tell me _________ you want to pay for it. A. how much B. how many C. how soon 34. Hainan has its own high-speed rail line. _________ the trains run on it! A. What fast B. How fast C. What a fast 35.  Sally, would you like some more cakes?  _________. I m full. A. Yes, please B. I d love to C. No, thanks VI[b_kXzzqQ10\ k\1R nR10R  Nbwe ccvQ'Ya Nk\@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QgsO y0 Has this ever happened to you? You want to do 36 and ask your parents. When you say,  I want to&  , your parents answer,  No, you can t. Teenagers often complain that their parents do not 37 them. When something goes wrong, most parents don t believe in their children. Without asking why, they think their kids are wrong. And not many parents allow their kids 38 for themselves. Yes, 39 is true that your parents sometimes regard you as a little child. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents 40 remember the childish(zlv) mistakes you used to make. They want to protect you 41 you don t want them to do so. So, if you want to get more freedom(1u), please try to understand your parents and don t lie(d) to them. Try 42 a more friendly way. If you want them to let you stay out late, don t just say,  All the other 43 can stay out late. Tell them as 44 as you can about what you want to do and where you ll be and 45 it s important for you to stay out late. Then they might say  Yes . 36. A. something B. anything C. nothing 37. A. see B. enjoy C. understand 38. A. choose B. to choose C. choosing 39. A. this B. that C. it 40. A. still B. ever C. never 41. A. if B. though C. because 42. A. in B. with C. for 43. A. kids B. parents C. teachers 44. A. many B. much C. more 45. A. when B. how C. why ,{ NR qQ$N'Y nR35R VIItqQ15\ k\2R nR30R  NR N{Pge 9hncPgevQ[ Nk\@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QVT{@bcb[b@b~SP[vgsO y0 A Taxi driver wanted Full or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary. Under 45 years old. Please call Mr. White. Tel: 5132683Apartment for sale Three bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Hot water 8:00- 18:00. Beautiful sights out of the window. E-mail: Smile @ sohu.com. Lost dog Medium size, short white hair. Answer you when you call it Don. Many thanks for returning it. Tel: 3280759 Guitar lessons Experienced musician. Good at teaching kids for 5 years. Your home or mine. Please call Sally. Tel: 6075882 46. Who can teach children to play the guitar? A. Sally. B. Don. C. Mr. White. 47. You can call _________ if you find the lost dog. A. 6075882 B. 3280759 C. 5132683 48. Which of the three people may work as a taxi driver? A. A 50-year-old person. B. A person who knows very well about the city. C. A person who has just got his driver s license. 49. The apartment for sale has three _________. A. bedrooms B. kitchens C. bathrooms 50. What can you do if you want to know more information about the apartment? A. Make a phone call. B. Go to visit it. C. Send an e-mail. B Where is love? How can we find love? Once a little boy, Jack, wanted to meet love. He knew it was a long trip to where love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. Jack gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was really beautiful and he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. Jack was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, Jack decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When Jack opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(_PN) on his face and asked what had made him so happy.  I had lunch with love. She has got the most beautiful smile in the world. At the same time, the old woman s son was also surprised at his mother s pleasure and asked why.  I ate a pizza in the park with love, she said,  and he is much younger than I expected. If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a wonderful life. 51. Jack started off with some pizzas and drinks to _________. A. have a school trip B. find love C. play in the park 52. The old woman was _________ when Jack saw her. A. looking for a seat in the park B. passing the street C. watching some birds 53. Jack gave the old woman a Coke because _________. A. he wanted to see the smile again B. the old woman still felt hungry C. the old woman asked the boy for it 54. The old woman and Jack stayed in the park _________. A. the whole morning B. the whole afternoon C. the whole evening 55. If we _________, we can enjoy a wonderful life. A. have pizzas and Coke B. show love to each other C. talk with an old woman C What would you do if a stranger gave you some medicine and said it would keep you thin or help you to do well in exams? This happens sometimes to students in Shenzhen. What those strangers want to give them is drugs(kT). A drug can change the way your mind or body works. Students at Shenzhen Luohu Foreign Language Middle School learn to keep themselves safe by saying  No! . From this month, other Shenzhen students are also learning important lessons about drugs.  Because teens don t know much about drugs, they might want to try them, said Zhang Dongsheng, the leader of Shenzhen s drug control office. Liang, 16, was a good student before he tried drugs. One day, some older friends told him it would be fun. After taking drugs only one time, he found it very hard to stop. Liang began to spend all his time and money on drugs. In the end, he stopped going to school and started stealing(wPz). In China, drugs are becoming a big problem for teens. According to China s National Police, 1,000,000 people in China were using illegal(ݏlv) drugs last year, and 72% of them were young people. There were 10,000 drug users under 16. Students now take trips to rehabilitation centers(bk-N_) to meet kids who have had problems. Li Mengnan, a student from Junior 1, was surprised when she visited a center in Dongguan, Guangdong last September.  I couldn t help crying when I heard all the sad stories about drug users, she said. Zhang has some good advice on staying clean:  Never try them, even if you re curious. 56. According to the passage, drugs can _________. A. keep you thin B. help you do well in exams C. change the way your mind or body works 57. There are about _________ young people under 16 who use drugs in China now. A. ten thousand B. one thousand C. one million 58. The underlined word  curious means _________ in Chinese. A. 1Y=v B. }YGYv C. :_Xv 59. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Some high school students become drug users because they want to have a try. B. There are some important lessons about drugs in Shenzhen. C. Li Mengnan is one of the teens in rehabilitation centers. 60. The best title for this passage is _________. A. Help Teens Who Try Drugs. B. Teens and Drugs C. Drug Users VIII`of[݋qQ5\ k\1R nR5R 9hnc[݋Q[ NeFhQ QkXeQzz}vYvgsO y vQ-N g$Ny:NYYOy0 A: Hello, Alice! B: Hello, Mary! 61 A: Thank you! Hmm, how nice it smells! 62 B: My mother. She is making some turkey sandwiches in the kitchen. A: Turkey sandwiches? 63 By the way, do you know how to make turkey sandwiches? B: Of course. I learnt to do it from my mom. A: That sounds good. 64 B: Yes, I d love to. Now let s go to the kitchen. 65 A: OK. Thanks. A. Would you like to teach me to make turkey sandwiches? B. They are my favorite food. C. My mother and I can teach you. D. Is your mother cooking in the kitchen? E. Come in and take a seat. F. See you soon. G. Who s cooking in the kitchen?,{NwSqQ$N'Y nR30R IX͋GlqQ10\ k\1R nR10R A) (ueFhQ@b~͋vS_b__kXzz0 easy cloud America five wash66.  How is the weather today?  It s_________. 67. The little girl is too young _________ clothes. 68. With the help of the teacher, the girl worked out the math problem _________. 69.  What s the _________ month of a year?  It s May. 70. Three Japanese and two _________ came to our school for a visit last week. B) 9hncSaS͋W[kbIlc:y ehQUS͋0 71.  I m going to see a movie. Are you free tonight?  Sorry. I m b_________. 72.  What s your uncle s j_________?  He s a waiter in a restaurant. 73. Haikou is the c_________ city of Hainan Province. 74. Mike can play basketball _________ (}Y) than Paul. 75. Wang Tao is clever and always works hard. He will _________ (bR) sooner or later. XQ\OnR20R A NRWQnR5R 9hncweQ[[b NRT0dkT{Hh_{Q(WT{aS76~80\Y0 There are many people in the world now. There will be a lot more people next century. So the earth will be very crowded and there will be a little room for each person. Maybe there will be only standing room on the earth in 600 years. That will be a very serious problem. So man is coming up with a way to solve the problem. The moon is the satellite(kSf) of the earth. Man will probably go to live there some day. But there is no air, no plants, and no life on the moon. So scientists are doing all kinds of experiments. They have to solve many problems till man can live on the moon. Our dream will come true one day, we all think. NRNVT{0 76. In how many years will there be only standing room on the earth? 77. What should scientists do if we want to live on the moon? NRNSWlbc0 78. The moon is the satellite of the earth. [R~Rc 79. So man is coming up with a way to solve the problem. 9e:N TINS So man is _________ _________ a way to solve the problem. 80. Our dream will come true one day, we all think. 9e:N[NS B fNbhnR15R wmWSVEe8n\^fYv틺NMb0\O:NN Tf[u ~T`Ov[E`Q `Of[`N틄vel0 c:y: 1. MR& & 2. -N& & 3. T& & Bl:1. Sz a`ޏ/ lcknx fNQĉ0 2. @b gc:y{hQ(u N SZPS_bU\0 3. ͋pe70]Sez_4Y]~Q NeQ;`͋pe S͋Gltake notes, listen to, learn& by heart, go over, keep a diary Now we are building up Hainan International Tourism Island. English is becoming more and more important. How can we learn English well? I have some ways to share with you& "$68`blntaN;(%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH+B*`JphCJOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH+B*`JphCJOJQJ^J5nHtH\    ( * < T V f ƳyeR?+'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH f R T f ŲvgTA-'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtHB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ:jUB*`JphOJQJ^JaJmHsHnHtH_HB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH f Z \ d f Ƴzk\M>/B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH   Dôo\I6#%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ DF~,.Ƴ~o`QB3$B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH HJrtôwhYJ;,B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^J5\B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJt02XZ.0ôxiZK<-B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ0ln:<ró}iVC0%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtH'B*`JphOJQJ^J5nHtH\B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^J5\B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ rt"$XZοteVG8)B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ%B*`JphOJQJ^JaJnHtHXZ DF:ôxiZK<-B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ:< $&ôxiZK<-B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJ46( * b!ôxiZK<-B*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJB*`JphOJQJ^JaJb!d!!! 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