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After you came back from the hospital you were 9 . When you got home, the suitcase had been opened and everything had been thrown all over the place, and you 10 me. And you didnt do it? I asked. No, I didnt. I was just searching for my gift. My heart sank. I felt 11. I hugged Keith and asked him to 12 me. His Honesty made me think of our other son, Kevin. Maybe Id hurt his feelings, too. I went to ask him the samequestion. Kevins answer was as immediate as his 13 , Last Christmas you promised us a special toy, but you forgot about it. Though Christmas had passed, I took my two sons to the store that day and bought them what I had promised. The 14 thing wasnt the toy. The problem was Id made a promise too 15 and didnt keep it as their father. 1Ashowed Bhurt Cattended Dexpressed 2Acandy Bbook Cpicture Dtoy 3Achallenge Bmessage Cidea Dfact 4Acomplained Bapologized Ccontinued Dexplained 5Asuggestion Banswer Cmemory Dblame 6Ahospital Bchurch Cschool Dgarden 7Asettled down Bwent on Cset off Dgot up 8Aknew Bimagined Cdiscovered Dremembered 9Aangry Bworried Chappy Dsatisfied 10Apraised Bpunished Chelped Deducated 11Aterrible Bhopeless Cinspired Dencouraged 12Asupport Bcriticize Csuspect Dforgive 13Amother Bbrother Csister Dfather 14Astrange Binteresting Cimportant Ddifficult 15Alightly Brudely CequallyDtruly ,{N lkXzz(qQ10\k\1.5R nR15R)  Nbwe cgqSP[~gvl'`T N Neޏ/vBl (WzzFHRXhjt v ^ _ # $ l LN|"BRzGPRS[svw'7HNPYjkѸh hmOJQJo(h hmOJQJh]dhm5CJOJQJh]dhm5CJOJQJo(h]dh]d5CJOJQJo(h]dh]d5CJOJQJD>h* R E w .R"Z<~*lgd $a$gd T:Z X #%'),,,"---..H///00112d2gd krs|& <?X  DDEE5E7ERESEFFDFEF~FFFFGGHHHH$W&W(W XXRXVXwXxXyXzX{XZZ[[J_L_N_\`````ffffffFgJgggggh hmOJQJ^Jo(h h OJQJh h OJQJo(h hmOJQJo(h hmOJQJMd2333<445566677:88Z=?@ArCCDDDE6ESEwEEEFDFgd DFFFFGGGGDHHHIMKNO ZW[O_Oh`bw 3 `Ov~ 0Q\OBl0 1\Oe-NSNO(uN~SbZgvEeN,_NSNSgqPgevQ[,FO N_vc_(uSe-NvSP[ 2\Oe-N NQsw[Y TTf[!h Ty0 0ċRhQ0ibQnx,ĉ,Q[T,{ޏ/0 ,{N [b_kXzz (qQ15\k\2RnR30R) 1 5 BDDCB 6 10 ACDAB 11 15 ADBCA ,{N lkXzzqQ10\ k\1.5R 16. boiled 17. it / them 18. enjoyed 19. pleasant / pleasing 20. Though / Although 21. where 22. telling 23. since / as / because 24. a 25. for A 0T{HhN㉐g0 26 30 BCCAB 26. B0~t㉘09hnc,{N6qk+g The important position is the one that you go to sleep in. 27. C0ct$Re0You don t like to upset people & . ߍC g:S+R0 28. C0ct$Re0,{ N6qk,{4SYou usually live for today not for tomorrow hf ُyNvIQwEm0_ǏNǏ g^h0 29. A0ct$Re09hnc,{V6qk dkyN^\N^y~(QTW _vY0 30. B0ct$Re09hnc,{N6qk dkyN_t }(}Y nZi0WwS]vO:p0ZWccknxv;N _ N/fVgb0 (B) 0T{HhN㉐g031-35 D A D A B ,geN~NQ Nў[NXTv(uO(uaSDeۏL:kvL:NNSbN`7h2kSvce0 31. D0ce09hncez,{1k,{1S(VyrQ][O(uO(uaS:kL:N'YϑXR)ScwdkT{Hh:ND0 32. A0͋INsKm09hnc,{1k,{2S(`OvaS NDeSO(WQ N^lQ.U)T,{4kgTNS(SǑ(u NRek2bkS:k)ScwdkT{Hh:NA0 33. D0ce09hncez,{2kvc(S__NcOO[FUTb gRvQ@W)ScwdkT{Hh:ND0_NSǑ(ucdl9hncezQ[ cdATB(v^Ndk$Ny_N NT`t)9hncez,{4k,{1SSw yC_N Ncknx0Vdk D0 34. A0~09hnc[ez,{N0mQ0N0kQkvR_~ScwdkvT{Hh:NA0 35. 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