ࡱ> y{x R>rbjbj2$8   [['''8_ L'(tWWWWWccc[']']']']']']'$*,'![_!!'[[WWV(&&&![<WW['&!['&&|&We'!&G'l(0(&-3%-&-&chJ& <Q 6ccc''%ccc(!!!!-ccccccccc  !: M1 U1 School life ( Language points ) Welcome to the unit & Reading 1. differences between A and B ANBKNv]_ V틌TVKN g_Y]_0 There are many differences between American English and British English. 2. What is.....like? = How is......? ......`HN7h N)Y)Yl`HN7h_}Y0 What s the weather today like? / How is the weather today? Fine. 3. What do you think of ....? = How do you find /like....? `O:N....`HN7h(ueggN[gNv wl What do you think of the film? It s very exciting. How do you find/ like the film? It s very exciting. 4. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (p.2, lines 1-2) SP[v;N0[R͋bN͋[ 8^:N T͋0R͋ Nvc\O;N0[ { +ingSbR T͋eSY:N;NRaIN (udoingRaIN R(ubeing done0 Ջ[b, v^(WTbvbSQQQvQbN a, His __coming__ (come) here will be a great help. ( ;N ) b, __Being praised__ (praise) by the class teacher made her very proud. ( ;N ) c, Nobody likes __being laughed___ (laugh) at in public. ( [ ) d, I am looking forward to ___meeting__ (meet) her. ( [ ) 5. experience 1) [U]~ 2) [C] ~S 3) vt SO 4) experienced g~v Have you had any experiencein work of this sort? `O[ُ]\O g~T Only women with experience of office work can apply for the position. She is a teacher with more than 20 years' experience in teaching. ُ!kfxy[Neg/fN!kS`v~S0The accident is a terrible experience for him. Please tell us your experiences of living abroad for so many years. He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life. An experienced doctor is operating on the wounded soldier. 6. attend vt. SR Q-^ Nf[ attend a lecture / a party / a meeting / a class ; attend school/ church Did you attend the meeting yesterday? `O(f)YQ-^NOT She was sick so she didn t attend school. @bNl g Nf[ attend, joi n, join in, take part in %attend cSRO N_ ZZm SR0Rg*NN-N b:NvQ-NvNXT0vQT8^cthe army, the team, the club, the party, sb. I{ % join (sb.) in (doing) sth. TgN NwZPgN SNck(WۏLv;mR0join in Tv[N,/fh:yz[ 1ZPN 8nbI{;mRv T͋0join in N take part in geSNbc(u cSRgNSO'`;mR0 May I ___join in___ your conversation? When did your brother ___join___ the army? Could I ___join___ you _in__thanking today s speaker? I m going to the theatre tonight. Would you like to ___join___(me)? 7. respect 1) n. \le 2) Vt. \le \͑ 3 respectableSN \lev respectfulm`lev show/have respect for sb. earn respect (from sb.) b_/_gNv \͑ He has no respect for the feelings of others. Nk N(Wa+RNvaS0 He's a man much ______respected_______ by all his colleagues. bNǏRRf[`Nb_+RNv \͑0We earn respect from others by working hard. 8. devote oneself to (doing) sth. =be devoted to (doing) sth. .sN.., N_RN... (W'Yf[kNe b1\Q[b\bbvNu.s~Ye0 When I graduated from university, I decided to devote myself to education. 9. achieve (v.) achievement (n.) 1) to finish successfully [b ZP0R He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work hard.Yg NRR NONNeb0 2) gain 0R [s He achieved his goal. N0RNNvvv0 10. grade n. 1 I{~ 2 t^~ 3 Rpe He is not in the first grade as a musician. \O:NN*NPN[ N N/fNAmv0 She got good grades last semester. yY Nf[gS_N}Yb~0 My daughter is a pupil in the second grade. bsY?Q/f*NNt^~vf[u0 11. average on average s^GW 1) n s^GWs^GWpe The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7. 308T10vs^GWpe/f70 His school work is well above / below average. Nvf[`Nb~(W-NI{N N/N N0 2) adj. s^GWvN,v What is the average rainfall for July? NS/fN*Nnfvf[u0 He is an average student. 12. a bit / a little not a little: very much, not a bit: not at all I m a bit/ a little tired. b gp/}0 I was not a bit tired after climbing the hill. (W,rq\TbNp_N N/}0 I was not a little tired after climbing the hill. (W,rq\Tb_/}0 He knows a little Japanese.= He knows a bit of Japanese. 13. challenge n.cb challenging adj wQ gcb'`v I accepted his _____challenge______ to run a race around the lake. She finds her new job very _____challenging__________. 14. struggle n.Nvi.RR #cNb KYe struggle to do sth. Jack(WُHNwveQ\O}YQYw/f N[f0 It was a struggle for Jack to get ready in such a short time. She s ______A________a family on a very low income. A. struggling to bring up B.struggling bring up C. struggling to bringing up D.struggling bringing up 15. for free =free of charge / without payment MQ90W 16fun adj. gv n. NSpe gvN PN I enjoyed the show very much----it was really fun. ͋'`_____adj.______ Why don t you come with us ?It ll be great fun. ͋'`_____n.______ 17. prepare v. preparation n. prepare sth. QYgir prepare to do sth. QYZPgN prepare for sth. :NgNZPQYprepare sb. for sth. / to do sth. OgNQY}YZPgN be well prepared for sth/ to do sth. = be / get ready for:NZPgN\O}YNQY Mother is preparing supper in the kitchen. YY(WS?bQYZfm0 We are preparing for the coming exam. bNck(W:NsS\0Regvg-NՋ\OQY0 The government is preparing to take measures to reduce pollution. ?e^ck(WQYǑSceQ\alg0 You must prepare him to face difficulty.`O_{YeNQYb[V0 in preparation for = make preparatLN    N P D L h n    T ùÝùÝùtehWAh45B*CJphh46B*CJo(phhWAh4CJh4>*CJo(hWAh4>*CJh45CJo(hWAh4>*CJo( h4CJo(hWAh4CJo(hWAh45CJo(h.h45CJo(hWth456aJo(h456CJo(hah45CJ aJ o($LN  D  Dnnrv xdWD2`xgd4dgd4 $da$gd4T 8<>DP $^dfn*.4@Hdn²m"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\ph'hWAh4B*CJKHOJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phh.h45CJh.h45CJo(hWAh4B*CJphh4B*CJo(phhWAh4B*CJo(ph*djt4ϿϰϿ񤚊xhVhVh"hch45B*CJ\o(phhch45B*CJ\ph"hWAh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phh.h45CJh.h45CJo(h4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4>*B*CJ\ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\ph4,*>^l $d1$a$gd4dgd4,F\^|~ @P&>̽~kZZZZ hWAh4B*CJQJ\ph%h"Ijh45>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4>*B*CJ\phh4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\ph"hch45B*CJ\o(ph#hch45B*CJKH\phh45B*CJKH\ph!>nxz"4&RϿ~~lZ"h=h4>*B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phh=h45B*CJ\ph"h=h45B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\phhWAh45B*CJ\phh.h45CJh.h45CJo(hWAh4CJhWAh4CJo( h4CJo(#>@vx^dr~PTjscVFh7[h4B*\aJo(phh4B*\aJo(phhsth4>*B*CJ\ph'hWAh4B*CJKHOJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\phhWAh4B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phhWAh4>*CJo(hth4aJo(hWAh4CJo(hWAh45CJo(h.h45CJo(jlpr~ ptJ b d j l ~ ҹ{{{ҹkh0{h45B*CJ\ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phh.h45CJh.h45CJo(h4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\phh7[h4B*\aJph#d $!!!"`""<##4$$%%&n&&'''\(() $d1$a$gd4dgd4 !!"!$!!!!!!!","^"`"f"h"r"z""""""""""ϽϽϽyyfTfTf"h*Wh45>*B*CJ\ph%h*Wh45>*B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phh.h45CJh.h45CJo(hWAh4>*CJo("hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\ph"h0{h45B*CJ\o(ph "0#:#<#>####$"$2$4$6$$$$$$$$$$ %%%%%& &>&F&l&ﯥΕmaXah45CJo(hWAh45CJo(*hWAh45B*CJKHOJ\o(ph"hWAh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phh.h45CJh.h45CJo(%h*Wh45>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phl&&' '"'.'4'@'\(d(((((((()b)j)))))))* *0*6*8*<*Z*\*^*ͨwe"hvOh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\phhWAh4B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh45B*CJ\phh45CJo(hWAh45CJo(h.h45CJo( h4CJo(hWAh4CJhWAh4>*CJo(hWAh4CJo("))*\**J++<,,R--:NNNROOPJPPPQQQQRrRRS $d1$a$gd4dgd4^*x*********6+J+L++++,&,<,J,f,,,,,2-R-r-t-------ݭ{{iYhDh45B*CJ\ph"hDh45B*CJ\o(phhWAh4>*B*CJ\phhWAh4B*CJ\o(ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\ph"hvOh45B*\aJo(phh45B*CJ\o(ph"hvOh45B*CJ\o(phhvOh45B*CJ\ph"---.NNNN:NdNfNhNNNNNNOROTOVOXOOOϻ߬zj^Ljj<h?_h4B*CJ\o(ph"h?_h45B*CJ\o(phh?_h45CJo(hWAh4B*CJ\o(phh?_h4>*B*CJ\ph"hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4>*B*CJ\phhWAh4B*CJ\ph"hDh45B*\aJo(phUhDh45B*CJ\ph"hDh45B*CJ\o(phh45B*\aJo(phions for:NgNZPQY = prepare for She bought a new coat in preparation for winter. We have made preparations for the coming exam. 18. miss 1) `_ 2 *gQ-N Ǐ ǏI{miss+n./doing We ll miss you very much if you move. ыS-Nmissva` I shot at the goal but missed it. We missed the bus and walked home. The child just missed being hit (hit) by a car. 19. look back on...V~ V_ S_bV~NeP[ baƋ0Rb_ N_PN0 When I look back on those days, I realize that I was not very happy. Word power, Grammar & Task 20. available adj. S_0Rv S0Rv S(uv gHev be available to sb.; be available for sth. Is the new timetable available? ُ _eeh gHeT 21. upon/on +n./doing N.....1\..... a, On ___stepping____ (step) out the taxi, he was caught by two men. b, On his _arrival_ (arrive) ,one of the first things that June does is to turn on the TV. 22. develop development n. a, vi & vt grow, increase, or become larger or more complete SU\ [U a developing countrySU\-NV[; a developed countrySV[ } He has developed the habit of making notes while reading. N]~{Qbe{v`N`0 b, vt. bring out the economic possibilities, _S )R(u We should develop our good points and overcome our shortcomings.bN^lbw c, Qm develop the film; develop the photograph 23. refer to a, to mention, to speak about c0R w He didn t refer to the problem at all in his speech. Nvo-N9h,g*gmS0R*N0 b, to look at for information S T gDe If you don t know the meaning of this word, refer toS the dictionary. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without referring to his notes. c, to concern mS sQN The new law does not refer to land used for farming. evl_l gmS0R(u\O0WvW0W0 24. For one thing, ... For another (thing), ... NR& NR& Neg& Neg& You can t see in that fridge.For one thing, the light s gone and for another (thing), the button s broken. `O w N0RQ{̑vN0NR l g5uop NR cOWN0 25. somehow Nw:NNHN Nw`HN0W Somehow, I just don t think it ll work. Nw`HN0W b1\/f:N[\ Nw\O(u0 26. regret vt. 1) a` T` + n. / clause 2) Wa0W / JTɋ + to say / tell / inform& I regret his retirement. b_WaNO0 We regret that you have to sell your house. bN_Wa`O_{VS?bP[0 regret to do WaZPgN; regret doing T`ZPǏgN I regret to tell you that I cannot help you. b_Wa0WJTɋ`Ob N.^`Ov_0 I regret not giving him any advice. bT`l g~N^0 We regret ___B___ you that our library will be closed next Wednesday. A. informing B. to inform C. having informed D. to have informed I regret ___C___ to come to your birthday party yesterday. A. to be unable B. not to be able C. being unable D. being not able I deeply regret ___C/D___ at the meeting. A. have spoken B. to speak C. having spoken D speaking n. [U] unhappiness a` ``; n. [C] things that make you feel sorry a`vN They said goodbye with regret. NN_Wa0WQN0 All of us have regrets in our lives. bN@b gN(WNu-N ga`vN0 (much) to one s regret NgN(_)Wav/fhave no regrets [@bSuvN keWa 27. inform vt & vi w JTɋ n. information, a piece of information; adj. well-informed mo`upv; v. inform sb. of/ about sth. JTɋ/wgNgN The headmaster informed us that the school would be closed next week.!hwbNُ@bf[!h NhT\sQ0 Mary informed her parents of everything that happened at school. s)Rbf[!h̑SuvNRJTɋNyYv6rk0 Project 28. run: 1) vi.::ghV Џl  Am0m 2) vt.: {t0~% a, Does your watch run well? ( Џl ) bSQQQrunvaIN b, Who has left the water running? ( Amm ) c, My father ran a factory ten years ago.( ~% ) d, I have run short of money. ( (uIQ ) 29. approve approval n. Ta 1) vi ^b approve of I don t approve of smoking in bed. b N^b(W^ Nbp0 You have made a wise decision, and I completely approve of it. 2) vt ybQ Ǐ The city council approved the building plan. ^ybQN*N^ R0 30. sb.be in charge of sth. / sth. be in the charge of sb. # c{ This term Mr. White will be in charge of our class. This term our class will be in the charge of Mr White. 31. more than 1)Ǐ,k....Y 2) NN=not only 3)^8^more than+sorry/pleased/angry/sad... I m more than happy to see you again. _ ^8^ What I need is more than money. NN There are more than 50 students in our class. Ǐ 32. require vt. to need; to demand Bl a, require sth. They require our help. NNbNv.^R0 b, sth require doing/to be done (want, need g{|*CJo(hWAh4>*CJo( h4CJo(hWAh4CJo(hly?h45CJo("hWAh4>*B*CJ\o(phhWAh4B*CJ\phhWAh4B*CJ\o(phh4B*CJ\o(ph"S8S*aJo(h4>*aJo(hh4>*CJo(hWAh4>*CJo( h4CJo(hWAh4CJo(hWAh45CJo(hWAh45CJhWAh4CJh Kh45CJh Kh45CJo(h4B*CJo(phhWAh4B*CJo(ph%SSXTT UUV(VV"WWWWtXXZYZFZZV[d\\ ]Z]] 9d^9gd4 $da$gd4 xdWD2`xgd4dgd4WW XXRXtXXXXXY Y2YYZZZZZZZ[[*[,[2[6[:[<[B[D[J[L[R[T[V[d[f[[[[[\\\\,\b\d\\\\\\\\]ннжн骡нжнжнЎннжh4^h45CJo( h45CJh45CJo(hIh45CJo( h4CJo(hWAh4CJhu*h4aJo(hWAh4CJo(hWAh4B*CJo(phhWAh4>*CJo(hWAh4>*CJ8] ]]"]Z]n]]]]]]]^X^r^^^^^^^^^^^^_D_F____ͱͨvvl`l`Vl`V`hRDh4CJo(hRDh4>*CJo(hRDh4>*CJh45CJo(hDth45>*CJo(hWAh4>*B*CJo(phhWAh4>*CJo(hWAh4CJhWAh45B*CJphh45B*CJo(phhWAh45B*CJo(phhWAh45CJo(hDth45CJo(hWAh4CJo(]^r^^D__2``6aabb"cxccbddereBffff hd`hgd4 'dWD`'gd4 hdWD`hgd4 bdWD`bgd4dgd4_``b bb"cFc\c`cxccccdbdhdddddddde"eretee@fBfDfLfXf\ff÷ϡϗyocoZch4>*CJo(hFfh4>*CJo(hFfh4>*CJhWAh4CJh45CJo(hFfh45CJo(hFfh45CJhWAh45CJo(h6h45aJh6h45aJo(hWAh4>*CJo(hWAh4CJo(hDh45aJo(h4B*CJo(phhWAh4B*CJo(ph#ffffffggXgggggg*h.hhhhhh(i.iHiNiPiRiʾthahQhHhWAh4CJhc,h45CJOJQJo( h4CJo(hc,h45CJo(hWAh4>*B*CJo(phh4B*CJo(phh.h4B*CJo(phhWAh4B*CJo(phh.h45B*CJo(phh.h45CJo(hWth456aJo(h456CJo(hFfh4CJo(hFfh4>*CJo(h4>*CJo(fgXgg(hhh(iPii,jDjj@kklrll$mzmm6nnoPo $da$gd4 bdWD`bgd4 dWDd`gd4dgd4RiTi^iiiiii j j"j$j,j0j2jDjJjjjjj@kZk\kpkkkll2lDh4CJo( h4CJo(h4>*CJo(hWAh4>*CJo(hWAh4CJhWAh4CJo(1Xnnnnnnnnnooo*CJhPh4>*CJo(hWAh4>*CJo(h/h4>*CJh4>*CJo(h/h4>*CJo(hWAh4CJo(h45B*CJo(phhWAh45B*CJo(phh45CJo(h/h45CJo( h4CJo(h/h4CJo(h xh4>*CJo('Poopp0qqqqqqqqqqqqqqrrrrrr$&dPa$gd$a$gdXMgd/Qdgd4 $da$gd4qqqqqqqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrrr r$r&r(r*r.r0rr湵h h6hhDhYhkaJo( hYaJo( hXMaJo(h;aXhkh6Ljh6LUh/Qha-o( h4o( rrr r"r$r&r(r*r,r.r0r2r4r6r8r:rrgd/Q0182P. 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