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N,gegN>kv0+R_N/fNcQegv0 It s not surprising you are tired.After all,you were up until three last night. *``Oa0Ru&P +R_N `O(fZf3pMbawɉ0 cbU\ +T gallvw: (1)all in allNTebQ;`veg All in all it had been a great success. ;`_eg /f*N]'YvbR0 (2)all in oneYRY(u (3)and all N؏Sb She jumped into the river,clothes and all. yYޏc g_Nl11\ۏl-N0 (4)in all;`qQ;` (5)not at allNp_N( N)Q( N)(VT{S"v[WY݋) N(u" ~:I thought I was going to fail the exam,but I passed______________ . A.above all B.after all C.in all D.first of all c:y:above alla:N $\vQ/f0g͑v/f 8^(ueg:_YN`-Ng͑vafter alla:N kz0+R_N b ~vz0~R_00R^ (uNcb:_S_euvN[bsa bh:ylbKNain allva`/f ;`qQ ;` first of allva`/f HQ h:y0ZPN`vz^0 T{Hh:B God never helps the man who will not act.)YQ NQOeLRvN0 SW 1.now that...e6q& & :la‰[ NbYePgSS: Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace,the true challenge is to find new ways of using it. S-Nvnow that/fN*Nޏ͋͋~ _[SVrNS vS_Nsince a`/f e6q 1uN (WS-N8^weuthat S(unow_[NS ُe Nbnowt:N s(W 0 O:Now that the kids have left home,we ve got a lot of extra space. i[P[y_[N bNOO_[~N0 Now you ve grown up,you can decide it yourself. `O]~'YN `OSN]Q[N0 _[SVrNSvޏ͋k: cc:y (1)becausel:_ h:yvcSV(WVT{whyvSe _{(ubecause0 (2)since/asl1_ h:yf>fvSVb]wN[0 ~:(1) _______________ you like the car so much,why not drive it back?  Well,I can t afford___________ car. A.If;such big a B.Now that;that big a C.When;so a big D.Now that;that a big c:y:1ur^Sw ,{Nzz(unow that cdA0C$Ny,{Nzz-Nvthat/foR͋ vS_Nso ^>e(Wb_[͋MR0Ee By0 T{Hh:B (2)____________ she is out of a job,Lucy has been considering going back to school,but she hasn t decided yet. A.Now that B.Even though C.No matter how D.Except that c:y:Sa:N:V:NLucy1YNN yYNv(WQԏVf[!h FO0RvMR:NbkyY؏l gQ[0 T{Hh:A 2.Sb.be said to do...nc& & NN& & :la‰[ NbYePgSS: We are said to be living in the  Information Age . ncbNu;m(W Oo`eN 0 O:He is said to be a clever student. ncN/f*Njfvf[u0 He is said to have gone to the United States. ncNSNV0 cc:y (1)(Wsb.be said to do-N؏SN(usb.be said to be doing(ncgN(WZP& & )bsb.be said to have done(ncgN]~ZP& & )0SWSN9eb:It be said that.... (2){|PPPpQQ>RR8SBS TTTHURUUUVBVVVW*W6W0XJXgdZo2P>PFPPPPPpQxQQQTTUUV$VBVFVVVVVWW*W6Wl@lBlDlFlHlJlLlNlPlRlTlVl &dPgd7[bgd7[b"l$l(l*l,l.l0l2l4l6l8l:ll@lBlDlFlHlLlNlZl\l󼸼h/Qha-o(h h6h7[bhkOJQJaJo(h;aXhkjhkUmHnHujh9 UmHnHuh|jh|UVlXlZl\lgd/Q0182P. 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