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Yguuc~ Nm ;Su w w0 Have you consulted your lawyer about this? `O1\dkNTǏ`Ov_^T You shouldn t have done it without consulting me. `O N NTbFUϑ1\ZPNُNN0 I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals. b Tbv TNFUُN^0 He consulted the manual. NgNO(uffN0 cc:y h:y g e vS_Nrefer toh:y FUϑ e vS_Ndiscussbtalk about0 ~:You d better________ the dictionary for the meaning of the word. A.look up B.refer C.consult D.check c:y:,gSh:y g͋xQ 0 look upv[틔^/f@bg~bvQ[ referTb^ߍto checkva`:N 8h[ 0 T{Hh:C 2.destroy  vt.gdkkmp4xOW(VRir gub NQ )@g{kmmp O:The building was completely destroyed by fire. ُ h^Q{ir'Ykp{_^qkN0 They have destroyed all the evidence. NNkNNRnc0 Heat gradually destroys vitamin C. RpOn4xOW~u }C0 You have destroyed my hopes of happiness. `OkcNb_0Rx^yv ^g0 Failure was slowly destroying him(=making him less and less confident and happy). 1Y%nn0WbNkN0 The badly injured horse had to be destroyed. ُ9SlSN͑$O S}Yb[@g{kN0 cc:y destroyN,h:y{_^4xOW damage;Nc[@\萄v4xOW vQ[acirY0R͋ruin_NSNc{_^4xOW b:N^X0 ~:A big fire_________ last night and many houses __________in the fire. A.took place;destroyed B.happened;destroyed C.was broken out;were destroyed D.broke out;were destroyed c:y:wbreak out:N NSirR͋ R͋destroy:NSirR͋0 T{Hh:D 3.devotion  n.;U=m1rc1r.sTڋ ~g:devotion to sb./sth. O:the devotion of parents to their children6rk[i[P[vc1r the devotion of too much time to sports*YYe(WЏR N devotion to duty_NL[ a teacher s devotion to her taskYe^hQ_hQabeQvQ]\O cc:y devote v. !.s devote...to (doing) sth. devoted adj. _[v be devoted to sb.[gN_[ ~: He failed again.  The ________of too much time to computer games leaves too little time for studying. A.use B.cost C.devotion D.expense c:y:9hncSP[va`T T͋NTbN͋tov-dM dkY^(udevotion0 T{Hh:C w 1.lay off w:NSirRR͋w h:y gN\PbkZPgN+RQSbpb(V]\O NY )ǖ 0 O:Lay me off,will you it s nothing to do with me. +R~bb}Y N}Y  ُNNbesQ0 I told you to lay off bothering my little brother! bJTɋǏ`O+RQSbpbb__ I think you d better lay off fatty foods for a while. b:N`Og}Yfe+RTl{vߘir0 The company laid off 200 workers due to the poor economy. V:N~Nm Nofl ُ*NlQSǖN200 T]N0 cc:y (1)lay sth. aside b& & >e(WNbdnNe 0He laid aside his book and stood up.NbfN>e(WNzNweg0Doctors have to lay their personal feelings aside.;Su N_ Nb*NNa`nKN^Y0(2)lay sth. down >e N\Pbk-Ne]\O L >e_ Both sides were urged to lay down their arms(=stop fighting).SefeO>e NfkhV0 ~:_________him! Can t you see he s badly hurt? A.Lay off B.Lay aside C.Lay down D.Lay about c:y:,gS݋va`:N:+RxN`Ol wN$O__S[TdkY(ulay offh:y +RQSbpb+RQZP 0 T{Hh:A 2.make matters worse :w틄va`:N f||v/f (u\O to make matters worse(u\Or0 O:Her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse. yYlNNs^Y Neg N`tS_vQS0 Don t do that.It will only make matters worse. N7hZP SOO`QS_f|0 It got dark,to make matters worse,it began to rain. )YўN f|v/f _Y Nweg0 cc:y (1)make matters worse=what is worse=worse still (2) go from bad to worsekQa N In some countries,economic conditions are going from bad to worse. (W gNV[ ~NmrQeg|0 ~:201(,.<@LNR  " ( * B F T V Z > @ B H J   $ @ B H \ ` `djl(,lpT`\`bd`d &:> !!!h=NOJQJ^Jh=N h=No(h=NOJQJ^Jo(h=N5OJQJ\^Jo(S(.>@NT zq $Ifgd=Nqkd$$Ifl40 "064 laf4 $$Ifa$gd=N$a$gd=N {oof $Ifgd=N $$Ifa$gd=Nkd$$Ifl4F C06    4 laf4 " $ * D {oof $Ifgd=N $$Ifa$gd=Nkd]$$Ifl4F C06    4 laf4D F V \ @ {oof $Ifgd=N $$Ifa$gd=Nkd$$Ifl4F C06    4 laf4@ B D J {oof $Ifgd=N $$Ifa$gd=Nkd$$Ifl4F C06    4 laf4 " {oof $Ifgd=N $$Ifa$gd=Nkd$$Ifl4F C06    4 laf4" $ 2 B H \ p{snsnnnnnnnngd=N$a$gd=NkdM$$Ifl4F C06    4 laf4 ~` (l8N2T`tgd=N,\&P`2 &:|&$a$gd=Ngd=N %%%>?d??@L@V@\@v@$a$gd=Ngd=N! !|""""##$$%%&>V@\@v@z@vCzCRF^FFFJJKK,N8N6RBRTT,W2WYYZZZZ Z ZZZZZZZ"Z$Z&Z(Z*Zļh;aXhkjhkUmHnHujh9 UmHnHuh>jh>Uh/Qha-o( h=No(hlh=NaJo(h;h=No(Uh=N5OJQJ\^Jo(h=NOJQJ^Jo(h=NOJQJ^J60VnSkQ!hT They lost their way in the forest,and______.Which of the following is wrong? A.what made matters worse was that night began to fall B.what was worse,it was getting dark C.to make matters worse that night was falling D.worse still,night had fallen c:y:,ggSP[~g0andޏcMRT$N*Nv^RbR Cy:NR͋ N[_0 T{Hh:C SW as_[^P6R'`[NS :‰[ NbYePgSS: If low-income families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance,as was the case with Wang Lin,other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed. GPYNO6eeQ[^pN Nw;SuOi ckYsgv`Q7h HNvQN1+vce/f NbRv0 as(Wُ̑/fsQ|N͋ _[^P6R'`[NS OpMRbte*NSP[0sQ|N͋which_N gdk(ul [Nv:S+R/f:(1)whichvHQL͋SN/fUS*N T͋ asvHQL͋Y:Nte*NSP[0(2);NSNNSvQ[ NN bNS[;NSQ[wS[0ce0&T[I{\O(ue Y(uwhich; asS(uN;NSTNSQ[Ne0(3)as_[v[NSSN>e(WS which NSN0 O:The meeting,which was held in the park,was a success. (WlQV̑S_vُ!kO_bR0 The meeting was a success,as was expected. ckY@bgv7h O___bR0 She has married again,as was expected. yYS~ZZN ُ/f'Y[aeKN-NvN0 She has married again,which was unexpected. yYS~ZZN wl`0R0 He came late for class today,which/as is often the case. =As is often the case,he was late for school. Ts^eN7h NN)Y NSߏ0RN0 cc:y (W bas؏/fwhiche SNNSP[va` NRg ash:y ckY 0 ~:(1)These countries will join one another against terrorism,_______was agreed to at the international conference. A.as B.who C.that D.what c:y:,gg[NS_[͋v(ul0HQُ̑:N^P6R'`[NS SY_[͋^h:yMRbNS݋va` @bNO(uas_[[NS h:y ckY va`0 T{Hh:A (2)(2010_lWS fx) The explosion,_______all newspapers showed,claimed more than 100 people. A.which B.where C.as D.what c:y:NSP[va` ckY@b gb~bSv7h _QT{Hh as_[^P6R'`[NS h:y ckY 0which}6q_N(ueg_[^P6R'`[NS FO[cv/fMRbNS݋va` Nh:y ckY 0 T{Hh:C g 1.as a result(of),result from,result in as a result:NN͋w USrO(u \Or h:y ~g va` as a result ofTbߍ T͋ h:y 1uN& & vSV 0 He left school as a result of his father s death. 1uN6rNSN Ny_Nf[!h0 I was late.As a result,I missed my train. bߏ0RN ~gNkpf0 result from:NR͋w h:y V& & v~gSu 0 The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness. ihS`vNEe/f1uNN|__wv0 result in :NR͋w h:y ~g/f& &  0 The talks resulted in reducing the number of the cars. $Rv~g/fQ\}lfvpeϑ0 sSe~`N: (1)Illness often________ poverty. (2)She won the scholarship________ her hard work. (3)Our efforts________ success. T{Hh:(1)results from (2)as a result of (3)resulted in 2.as well as,not only...but also... as well asޏcv^RbR a`/f NFO& & N& & e& & S& &  Tnot only...but also...a`vя0FO/f as well as:_v/fMRbR not only...but also...:_v/fTbR0SY ؏la;NN as well as:NceQ ;N:NvQMRbv*N͋ not only...but also...@bޏcvR\O;Ne^9hnc1\яNvSR0 She is kind as well as beautiful. yY NN=N NUo0 She is not only kind,but also beautiful. yY NN_0WUo __N_oN0 sSe~`N: Some people think________ idioms is of great importance. A.not only grammar but also B.neither grammar nor C.not grammar but D.grammar as well as c:y:,ggޏ͋NS;NNv(ul0NSP[va`Rg V*N ycknx0WhTꁄva` FOA0B0C Ny-Nvv^Rޏ͋@bޏcv;NGW:NTbv T͋idioms :N Ypeb__ GWTis Nv&{T0 T{Hh:D `[Opb 0O10 (2010_l!jb) If you grow up in________ large family,you are more likely to develop ________ability to get on well with________ others. A./;an;the B.a;the;/ C.the;an;the D.a;the;the c:y:(WS-Nfamily:NSpe T͋ Ee(uaabilityh:yyrcZPwQSONvR MRRthe;othersvS_Nother people:N vQNvN the othersR:N vQNv@b gvN 0 T{Hh:B ċ:ُ̑;NgQ͋vW,g(ul,,{ NY/fǏ틃X_QvT{Hh0 0O20 (2010y^!jb) Mum is coming.What present________ for your birthday? A.you expect she has got B.you expect has she got C.do you expect she has got D.do you expect has she got c:y:what_[vSP[:NyrkuS Vdk vQ틏^^:Nu'`틏^0expect_[[NS [NS^(uH'`틏^0 T{Hh:C ċ:dkY^lado you expectTdo you think/believeN7h:NceQ0       v@@A BvCCD\DDDDJEbEE0FRF^FFG&HHHvIJJJJ"KK$a$gd=Ngd=NKL.LLLLFMjMMN,N8N|NN OOOjQQQR6RBRR@SSTTTUgd=NU\V"W,WlWWXYYYZZZZ ZZZZZZZ Z"Z(Z*Z,Z.Zgd@cZgd/Qgd=Ngd=N*Z,Z.Z0Z2Z4Z6Z8Z:ZZ@ZBZFZHZTZVZh/Qha-o(h h6h>hkjhkUmHnHujh9 UmHnHuh;aXh@cZhkOJQJaJo(.Z0Z2Z8Z:ZZ@ZBZDZFZHZJZLZNZPZRZTZVZgd/Q &dPgd@cZ0182P. 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