ࡱ> npm RVbjbj2d  OO8SoL]=ts(s(s(X<Z<Z<Z<Z<Z<Z<$>sA6~<)''|))~<OO8 =x;x;x;)O<X<x;)X<x;x;|x;fx7x;D<-=0]=x;B:XBx;Bx;s(0("x;((s(s(s(~<~<;vs(s(s(]=))))Bs(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s( : Unit 8 tpʑ US͋ 1.stick stickSN(u\O T͋TR͋ T͋va`:N h h 0\OR͋egbwstick to,Yh:y ZWc(SR R Q[I{) ؏ g ~~ZPgN va`0vQ[Y/f T͋rule,plan,idea,promise,decision I{0vQNw g:stick out 8OQ zQstick up zQ 8OQ zz0 O:Though we all think the plan should be changed,the manager still sticks to his own ideas. =\{bN:NُyR^9eS FO~tN6qZWcN]v‰p0 You should stick to your post. `O^ZW[\MO0  Would you like some wine? `OUpaRT  No,I ll stick to beer,thanks. N ""0b؏/fUdUR'T0 We don t want to hear your opinions;stick to the facts! bN N`,T`Ov`l SN[ That s my story and I m sticking to it. bv1\/fُN SS[`0 You must stick to the task until it is finished. `O_{ZWcbُyNR[b0 He put a stick into the ground to mark the point. N(W0W NcNN9hhP[ \O:N*N0WpvS0 cc:y lainsist_NSNh:y ZWc 0vQ(ul:N:insist/fSirR͋ vQT8^c[NS ُe[ g$N*N+TIN:`$ ZWc:N vQ[NS(uHla$ ZWcBl vQ[NS(uZbl sS should +R͋Sb_ 0 insist on Rh:y ZWcZPgN vQ[8^(uR͋-ingb__b T͋0N͋on_NS9e(uupon a` NS0 la:einsist ؏/fstick NNR͋ N[_ޏ(u0 ~:2010VnSkQ!hT To his disappointment,the opinion he had stuck_______out wrong. A.to turn B.to turning C.to turned D.to be turned c:y:,ggR͋w0stick toa:N ZWc he had stuck to\Othe opinionv[ turned\Ote*NSP[v0 T{Hh:C 2.adopt adopt(u\OR͋ ;N g 6e{QǑ~ǑS8T6e I{INy0 O:Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. NNVl gNu?QsY Q[{QN*Nd[?Q0 Paul s mother had him adopted because she couldn t look after him. If winter comes,can spring be far behind?Q)YegN %f)Y؏O܏T? OWvkNV:N]eRb{QN ObN~+RN6e{QN0 He is their adopted son. N/fNNv{QP[0 Our school has adopted a new teaching method. bNf[!hǑ(uNevYef[l0 We d like to adopt your idea. bN`Ǒ~`Ova0 cc:y wadopt sb.as...؏ g c gN\O:N& &  va`0 T͋:Nadoption0 ~:The suggestion that we have a group of these records printed as soon as possible_______ by the committee. A.was adopted B.adopted C.was taken D.took c:y:dkYh:y ^Ǒ~ 0 T{Hh:A 3.patience n.__R gbw:be out of patience [& & _eS_ O:I haven t the patience to hear your complaints again. bl g_Q,T`Ovb(`0 She has no patience with people who are always grumbling. yY N[_N8^8^SbrvN0 If you don t stop making that noise,I m going to lose my patience. Yg`O N\Pbk5Tv݋ b\1YS_0 cc:y patient adj. g_v0gbw:be patient with [& & g_0 ~:I ll look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little _______. A.wait B.time C.patience D.rest c:y:,gǏ틃Xg T͋v(ul09hnc,{NS݋va` b\=\_gNN` $Re dkY^h:y[e Q_0WI{N N 0 T{Hh:C w 1.knock down :w:NSirR͋w a`:N QPdPsebdMN 0 O:She was knocked down by a bus. yYlQqQ}lfdPN0 He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. (W,{NVT-NNb[KbQPN N!k0 These old houses are going to be knocked down. ُNe?bP[\bd0 The painting was knocked down for $5000. E^;ubVSeN5000CQ.UQ0 I managed to knock his price down from $500 to $450. blSNNvN N500CQQ0R450CQ0 cc:y knockgbvw؏ g:knock at re& & knock against dQknock into d0R& & Nknock overc0 ~: _________either you or he going to visit the exhibition?  He is.I can t________working until 6 o clock. A.Isknock off B.Areknock off C.Areknock down D.Isknock down c:y:1ueither...orޏcv$N*N T͋bN͋\O;Ne 틨R͋^9hnc`я[v T͋bN͋egnx[0dkY`я틄v^/fyou Ee^(uare0wknock offva`:Nstop0 T{Hh:B 2.fall behind :weSN/fSirR͋w _NSN\O NSirR͋w h:y =Tccߏ(Twithޏ(u) I{0 O:Be quick,or you will fall behind. _p N6q1\cN0 The illnesss caused him to fall behind the rest of the class. !kuuONvR=(Ws NvQN Tf[KNT0 France has fallen behind Germany in coal production. lV(WdqpuN N=TN_VN0 Make sure not to fall behind with your rent,please. Nb k?by0 cbU\ fall into_Y& & weg0Y: They fall into lively discussion of the question. NNpp0Wwُ*N0 fall awayy_ 1y0Y: All his old friends fall away from him. N@b gv gS܏yNN0 fall off̍= Q\0Y: He fell off the horse0 NNl̀ NTdN Neg0 fall asleepaw@w0Y: After reading some newspapers,he fell asleep. N wNQ _b~T1\aw@wN0 fall in love with 1r NgN0Y: He fell in love with a girl when he worked in the country. N(WQQg]\Oe1r NNNMOYZ0 fall ill`u0Y: His mother fell seriously ill in hospital. NvkN(W;Sb̑u__͑0 ~:In some western countries demand for graduates from MBA courses has_______. A.turned down B.turned over C.fallen down D.fallen over c:y:,ggw틨R͋v(ul0NSP[va`Rg dkY(ufall down h:y MNOQ\ 0 T{Hh:C SW 1.HQL͋:Nwayv[NS~g :‰[ NbYePgSS: Others think that we learn language in the same wa$48z ~   n p   l x &*$(fjtvJVpt.0 8< L!P!T#`#~''Z)`)))*6(9,999;*;;;N>Uh2OJQJ^Jh2OJQJ^Jo(h25OJQJ\^Jo(V$4z 2 p  F b B ^ @ l x `&v gd2$a$gd2 $f<n4JV0PZp6Pjgd22Zp j^8 $a$gd2gd2 L!!!&"P"""B#T#`###$J$$$$&%D%n%%%2&&&&Z'~'(gd2(((P)Z)`)))\77(999::::;;*;;<"==&>0>N>h>?$a$gd2gd2y we learn other things,such as walking or solving problems,and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt,not a language-specific part of the brain. ؏ gN:NbNf[`NckYbNf[`NvQNb OYf[`Np0f[`N㉳QI{ bN)YuwQ gf[`NT^vR N/f'Y-N gf[`NvN:SW0 ,gS-Nvin the same wayva`:N N T7hve_ 0(Wthe same wayT g[NSOpe SN[/fweuNasb/fthat0(WY:WT the wayI{Nin the way0SY :Nthe way,in the way,in a wayv(ulTޏc͋v T VdkTbvNSSN wb/fe_rNS0 O:There are various ways in which we can help. g N Tv.^Re_0 I don t like the way(that/in which)you laughed at her. b NU"k`O2V{yY0 You should do the way(=as)the doctor tells you to. `O^ c;SuJTɋ`OvSZP0 No one can understand the way(=how)I miss David. lNOtb/fYHNvO4b~0 cc:y cgqN,vĉ_ the wayTbv_[͋SN/fin whichbthat _NSN NO(u_[͋ ُ7h1\SN:N/fthe way,g_[e_rNSN0 ~:He is now paying________attention to what the article says than to the way______the language is used. A.a lot more;that B.much more;on which C.very more;in which D.even more;by which c:y:9hncTbvthan$RedkY^O(uk~b__ SHQcdCy0SYlaHQL͋:Nway e_ e [NSv_[͋v^(u0 T{Hh:A 2.with_QvN͋w: :‰[ NbYePgSS: With greater control and a stronger sense of achievement,active learners are able to acquire new skills faster and put what they know to better use. 1uNwQ g}YvꁧcRT:_vb1\a yg;NRvf[`NYf_0Wf[0Revb v^f}Y0WЏ(uNNf[0RvwƋ0 (Wُ*NSP[-N with _QvN͋wh:ySV with(WdkYva`:Nbecause of,considering the fact of0 O:With John away,we ve got more room. 1uN~pN bN_NYvzz0 =Because John is away,... With our luck,we ll probably miss the plane. tNbN||vЏl bNSOǏs:g0 =Considering our usual bad luck,... cc:y lak~gTwith YT~gwith+[+[e v:S+R N,egwithv YT~g(ueg\O4Or0 ~:(1) ________the development of science,more new technology is being introduced to the fields of IT. A.With B.As C.Since D.Because c:y:dkY(uwithN͋wh:ySV 1uNybvSU\ 0 T{Hh:A (2)With all the magazines I needed________,I left the post office. A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.to be bought c:y:I needed:N[NS 9hncTbNS݋@bcOv틃XBl dkY^O(uǏSR͋ h:yRT[bvR\O0 T{Hh:C g 1.anxious eager anxious adj. &q%`vSavurcv ,+T g*gw~gYUO gN:NKNb_vasT _NScfor(about)Tto do...0 eager adj. 4ngvpRv ,@w͑c4ngNHNbZPNHNvp`SRv_` sS bRvggbۏSvp` 0ScforTto do0 sSe~`N: (1)They are________ for success. (2)The doctor is ________about/for his health. (3)He is ________to know the result of the exam. T{Hh:(1)eager (2)anxious (3)eager 2.in a word,in word,in words,in so many words,in other words in a worda:N ;` KN {KN (uegh:y;`~R_~0 in word a:N S4Y N cNS4Yvb__h:y v^^=[(WLR N [Nin deed(LR N)v[0 in wordsa:N (u c(uS4YbfNbvb__hSc [ NTLRv[ NmSeW[v,g0 in so many words a:N __f}v 0 in other words a:N bcS݋ 0 sSe~`N: (1)I don t want you simply to promise me________ that you ll be good. (2) Did she say she liked you?  Not ________. (3)Lily is clever,polite and well-behaved, ________she is worth praising. (4)The little boy can describe the beauty of the scene ________. (5)He told lies, ________he cheated us. T{Hh:(1)in word (2)in so many words (3)in a word (4)in words (5)in other words `[Opb 0O10 (2010Ym_l!jb)  Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?  ________ A.How come? B.Take your time. C.Yes,go on. D.Yes,help yourself. c:y:g[+RNBlvVT{0How comea:N `HNO& &  take your timea:N +R@w%` babaeg go ona:N ~~r^& &  0Ee^ help yourselfa:N ]r^'T 0 T{Hh:D ċ:dkY/fh:y Ta+RNZPgNv8^(u~g0FO/flahelp yourselfv,g(+TIN NNN@\P(W OT ُN*Na` N0 0O20 (2010q\N!jb)  Let s go to a movie after work,OK?  ________ A.Not at all. B.Why not? C.Never mind. D.What of it? c:y:not at all Np_N N why not r^T N h:y Tag^b`lnever mind lsQ| what of it S gNHNsQ| (uNh:y[gN NsQ_bul0WJTɋgNN`N]esQ09hnca Bycknx0 T{Hh:B ċ:9hnc͋@bhv N Ta`TMRbvBl~TwegۏL b0 0O30 (2010_lςWS]N!hT)  Why didn t you keep your words, Billy?  Sorry, dear.But I really forgot where I was________ to meet you. 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