ࡱ>  R,bjbjj CC###7778o$7,......$ӻuNRi# @ RCC&&& HC#,& ,&&^&@ʶ`p7$hѹ0~Lþ%^þʶʶþ#&u5RRD&d þ  : Giants and storm hit northern China Yg`Ou;m(WSe,`OSfvywǏl\fege)Y0WfĞ0egeIQvofabT`OSf`Ǐ/f bُy~p[vjAxybTvQ[1\/fbNN{|]0 On March 10, 2004, strong winds from Russia s Siberia kicked up clouds of dust and sand. Thus northern China was hit by the season s first major sandstorm. The thick yellow glooms lowed traffic and forced airports and schools to close, giving the sky a yellow appearance. Northwestern Gansu Province was the worst affected area. One villager said, "Theres nothing to do but dig away the sand nonstop and wait to see what happens. Sometimes I dream of the sand falling around me faster than I can dig away. I worry that in real life, the sand will win." His worry is understandable. Every year, about 110 million people suffer from desertification and another 2,500 sq km turns to desert each year. Few people think of China as a desert nation, but it is among the worlds largest. What causes the terrible sandstorm? The answer is obvious. Years of heavy farming and animal grazing in the northern China are the major reasons. Due to this, the land of vegetation that protects the soil is disappearing. The exposed earth becomes a dust bowl easily swept up by the strong winds. As early as in the 4th century B.C., our ancestors began to notice the environmental problem. Chinese philosopher Mencius (_[P[) once wrote about desertification and its human causes, including tree-cutting and overgrazing. Our former Premier Zhu Rongji also called it "an alarm for the entire nation". He called on the whole nation to plant trees to fight the growing desertification. However, Chinese deserts are still on the move. Sandstorm threatens even Beijing. Beijing, which will host the 2008 Olympic Games, has told the world it will hold a "Green Olympics". The government has promised to make the capital into a "garden city"for the Games by creating belts of trees. So a great project named "Green Wall"is in process. The green wall, like the Great Wall, will block invasion of the enemy. However, the enemy are not foreign invaders, but sand. \W[xQ gloom n.4lnonstop adv. Ne0Wgrazing n.>egrvegetation n. idust bowl r^e\f:Sancestor n.VyHQinvasion n.eQO Open question: As a student, what will you do for the "Green Olympics"? ͑pwƉ ------------ 0͋ag10be caught in 0eSS0"To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,"...(Page 32) 0pb0be caught in dkYa:N"mG N"0Y: I was caught in the downpour on the way home from school. 0bU\0catch gbv8^w: 1. catch sb doing vP6qSɉgNZPgN0Y: The teacher caught him sleeping in class. 2. catch up with v N0Y: You ll have to work harder to catch up with the top students. 0͋ag20take in,give out 0eSS0Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. (Page 35) 0pb10take in dkYa:N"8T6e,8TeQ(zzl04lI{)"0Y: Take in a deep breath. 0bU\0take inv8^a`؏ g: 1. take in b& & bۏ0Y: Please take your clothes in in case it rains. 2. take in 6e[(Yu)gNOO[0Y: The teacher took in several students. 0pb20give out dkYa:N">eQ,ceSQ", YclsT0pϑI{vʑ>e0Y: The rotating machine gave out a lot of heat. 0bU\0give outv8^a`؏ g: 1. S(fN0b)I{0Y: The teacher gave out the exam papers. 2. (u[,=\0Y: After five months, their food supply finally gave out. 0͋ag30cut down,dig up 0eSS0This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate chanFH ^68<h 8bX,"",#d##$^$$$%'*++++++++++++++ ho(hjhUmHnHuhjhU&hbh*`5B*CJ\aJo(phU&hbhb5B*CJ\aJo(phhb5B*CJ\aJph#hbhb5B*CJ\aJph7} GMT^p6@h8\<hgdbVDsWD^`gdb@ 8`b<X,V"",#d##$^$$$$%gdbges and because people cut down trees and dig up trees. (Page 32) 0pb10cut downdkYa:N" xP"0Y: They cut down many old trees and planted some young trees. 0bU\0cut down؏ g"JRQ, RQ"va`0Y: Your article is too long, so please cut it down to 500 words. 0pb20dig updkYa:N"N0W̑cQ(gir)"0Y: We dug up the tree by its roots. 0bU\0dig up ؏ g"c0R,cQ"va`0Y: An old vase was dug up here last month. 9hncW[kbIlc:y[bUS͋0 1. As we know, s_______ are strong, dry winds that carry sand and dust around. 2. What can we do to p______ this disease from spreading in this district? 3. Though it was late, they didn t feel tired and c______ the work. 4. The old man lives in Gansu Province. He has e_______ many terrible sandstorms. 5. Unfortunately, only two children s_____ in the traffic accident. 6. The weatherman has ______(b) that it is going to be sunny tomorrow. 7. This is an important decision that will ______(q_T) the future of the company. 8. When I was at school, my good friend always helped me ____(㉳Q) any problem I met. 9. Reforming the education system is a very difficult _____ (Ǐ z) for the Chinese government. 10. She ______(b(`) to me about his bad manners 1. sandstorms2. prevent 3. continued 4. experienced 5. survived 6. forecast 7. affect 8. solve 9. process 10. complained       %%<&&j''($))**+++++++++++++++,$a$gd=s$a$gdgdb+++,,,,,,͹&hbh*`5B*CJ\aJo(phhL h#cohjhUmHnHuh(hhB*CJOJPJaJo(ph,,,, , ,,,,,gdb :&P 182P:p=s. 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