ࡱ> q` R0ҞbjbjqPqP8::@ H2H2H282L2|JT3j3j3j3j3j3j3j3HHHHHHH$ KhtMfHj3j3j3j3j3Hj3j3IAAAj3j3j3HAj3HAAeDDj3H3 H28<}DHI0JD,M@MDMD(j3j3Aj3j3j3j3j3HHnA|j3j3j3Jj3j3j3j3H2H2v ؚNt^~f[yUnit2USCQ(ϑhKmՋS[wS f[!hsQ-Nf[ }TNNgfl k8^s ,{NR wƋЏ(u(qQV,nR55R) ,{N wƋ(qQ5\, k\1R, nR5R) Nk\vA0B0C0DV*N y-N,~bQR~RN@b~US͋v Tv0 1. request A. develop B. report C. petrol D. she 2. latter A. alive B. gas C. elevator D. plane 3. fluent A. difficult B. autumn C. suppose D. rude 4. lorry A. doctor B. stone C. some D. notice 5. native A. guide B. official C. recognize D. like] ,{N `of[݋(qQ5\, k\1R, nR5R) 9hnc[݋`ofTQ[, N[݋T@b~v y-N QkXeQkNzz}vYvgsO y, y-N g$N*N:NYYO y0 Zhou Lan and Bruce are talking about listening to English. Bruce: _____6______ in English Zhou: I find listening really hard. Some times it s just impossible to understand. Bruce: Well, you just need lots of practice. ______7_____. Zhou: Thats easier said than done! Bruce: ______8______. Then you can listen to China Radio International or BBC English programs on the radio. Zhou: _____9___. Bruce: Of course. And _____10___________and some books to go with them? Im sure youll find them useful. Why dont you buy a radio? B. Yes, thats a good idea. C. Do you think that would help? D. The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. E. youd better find an English pen friend. F. What do you find hardest? G. why not buy some English tapes? ,{ N lT͋GlwƋ(qQ15\,k\1R,nR15R) Nk\vA0B0C0DV*N y-N, QSNkXeQzz}vYvgsO y 11. They asked him _______ A how did the accident come about B how the accident came about C when the accident comes about D when will the accident come about 12. The number of people invited ___fifty, but a number of them____ absent for different reasons A were; was B was; was C was; were D were; were 13. I told you that car, and now look what s happened A not buy B don t buy C not to buy D not buying 14.  What did the teacher say? I didn t understand  She asked us whether we ______to America next fall A went B had been C will go D would go 15. ________, his wife will sit at the table to wait for him to come back. A. However he is late B. However is he late C. However late he is D. However late is heX0K] 16. The examination was very easy. , our monitor didn t pass it. A. In other words B. What s more C. Believe it or not D. all the same 17. I think American English is a little ______ British English A different from Bdifference from C difference in D different with. 18. I want to know how long _______. A. has he been back B. has he come back C. he has been back D. he has come back 19. Li Ping has some trouble remembering some English words, while Xiao Wang has some difficulties ______ English pronunciation. A. in; in B. with; with C. with; in D. in; with 20. I beg your pardon? I dont quite you. A. know B. follow C. clear D. listen to 21. English a lot of words from French. A. brought in B. brought up C. brought on D. brought out 22. I dont think physics . A. easy to be learned B. easy to learn C. easily to be learned D. easily to learn 23. Li Lei gives me more help than . A. Mary did B. Mary is C. Mary gives D. Mary does 24. I dont think she had a good time there, ? A. do I B. did she C. doesnt she D. didnt she 25. ______ was the party like? A. How B. which C. What D. When ,{V [b_kXzzqQ20\ k\1.5R nR30R Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday The day after her birthday Mrs Smith went shopping She got on26and sat down next to an old lady 27she noticed that the old lady s handbag was28 Inside it, she found a wadl of pound notes29the one her husband had given her She quickly30her own bag the notes were31 Mrs Smith was now sure that the old lady sitting32her must have stolen them She thought33not have to call the34as she didn t like getting people35 So she decided to take back the money36the lady s handbag and say37 about it She looked around the bus to make sure38was watching, then she carefully put her hand into39handbag, took out the notes and40her own handbag When she got home that evening, she showed41the beautiful hat she had bought  How did you42it? he asked  43you gave me for my birthday, of course  Oh, 44then? he asked, as he45a wad of pound notes on the table 26 Aa bus  HYPERLINK "http://www.xkb1.com" Ba train Can old ship Da plane 27 AIn a minute BAfter a while CFor a second DOn the moment 28 Agood Bold Copen Dshut 29 Athe same that Bperhaps was Cprobably as Dexactly like 30 Alooked at Bwatched carefully Csaw to Dlooked into 31 Agone Bmissed Cdisappear Dfound 32 Aclose Bnext to Cbefore Dbehind 33 Ashe would Bhe could Cshe must Dhe might 34 Adriver Bold lady Cpolice Dhusband 35 Ato difficulty Binto trouble Cout of work Dseeing her 36 Ainto Bout Caway Dfrom 37 Asomething Beverything Canything Dnothing 38 Anothing Bsomebody Cnobody Dneither 39 Athe old lady s Bher husband s Cthe police s Dher own 40 Agave it away Bput them into Cbrought them out Dtook it to 41 Athe driver Bthe police Cthe old lady Dher husband 42 Apay for Bspend on Ccost in Dtake to 43 AUse them BWith the money CWith that DUsing it 44 Ahow is it Bwhat s that Cwhere is it Dwhy is this 45 Aput up Bheld out Cpointed to Dhanded up ,{NR  tqQ$N nR40R ,{NqQ15\ k\2R nR30R  NRV{we Nk\T@b~vA0B0C0DV*N y-N QgsO y0 A HenryFordwasthefirstpersontobuildcarswhichwerecheap strong and fastHewasabletose11millionsofmodelsbecausebecouldproducetheminlargenumbersatatimethatis hemadeagreatmanycarsofexactlythesamekindFord sfatherhopedthathissonwouldbecomeafarmer buttheyoungmandidnotliketheideaandhewenttoDetroit^yr_ whereheworkedasamechanic:gh^ Bytheageof29 in1892 hehadbuilthisfirstcar.However, thecarmadeinthisway thefamous ModelT didnotappearuntil1908-fiveyearsafterFordbadstartedhisgreatmotorcarfactoryThiscarshowedtobewell-knownthatitremainedunchangedfortwentyyearSinceFord stim thiswayofproducingcarsinlargenumbershasbecomecommoninindustryandhasreducedthepriceofmanygoodswhichwouldotherwisebeveryexpensive 0046HenryFordwasthemantobuilt_____cars AcheapandstrongBcheapandlong CfastandexpensiveDstrongandslow 47Fordwasabletosellmillionsofcars because_____ AhemademanygreatcarsBhiscarsaremany ChemadelotsofcarsofthesamekindDbothAandB 48Theyoungmanbecameamechanic _______ Awhichwashisfather swillBwhichwasagainsthisownwill Cwhichwasagainsthisfather swill Dwhichwasthewillofboth 0049The ModelT wasveryfamous_____ Abefore1908Bbetween1982and1908 Cbefore1892Dafter1908 50Fordbuilthisowncarfactory 00Ain1903Bin1908Cin1913Din1897 B Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these cant be said to show the babys intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation!jN leads on to deliberate gav imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as tohe point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech. It is a problem we need to get out teeth into .The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world .Thus the use at seven months of mama as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaningless sound simply because he also uses it at other times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself, I doubt, however whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds. 51. Before children start speaking________. A. they need equal amount of listening B. they need different amounts of listening C. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obeying spoken instructions D. they cant understand and obey the adults oral instructions 52. Children who start speaking late ________ A. may have problems with their listening B. probably do not hear enough language spoken around them C. usually pay close attention to what they hear D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly 53. A babys first noises are ________ A. an expression of his moods and feelings B. an early form of language C. a sign that he means to tell you something D. an imitation of the speech of adults 54. The problem of deciding at what point a babys imitations can be considered as speech________. A. is important because words have different meanings for different people B. is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually C. is one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age 2tv~  ( * : < L ͼh/ c>*CJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHOJQJ^JaJh/ cCJKHaJh/ cCJKH^JaJo(!h/ cCJKHOJQJ\^JaJh/ cCJKH\^JaJo($h/ cCJ KHOJQJ\^JaJ,o( h/ cCJ KHOJQJ\aJ,o(/2v*   8 ( $d 1$`a$$1d 1$VD ^1a$$d 1$WD`a$$ d 1$VDWD^ `a$ $d 1$a$ $dh1$a$ОL P R \ d h j r t ~       & * , 2 @ L N X \ ^ d f j v x z ɾӡɖɖɇɾɇh/ cCJKHaJmHnHuh/ c>*CJKHaJh/ cCJKHOJQJ^JaJh/ c>*CJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHaJ-h/ c>*B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph*h/ cB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph5    $ & 8 < > B P R X Z b l z | h/ c>*CJKHaJh/ cCJKHaJmHnHuh/ c>*CJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHOJQJ^JaJ-h/ c>*B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(ph*h/ cB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(phh/ cCJKHaJ/   8 46$&,.<>˚|||||jj"h/ cB*CJKH^JaJo(phh/ c>*B*CJKHaJphh/ cB*CJKHaJph-h/ c5B*CJKHOJQJ^JaJo(phh/ cCJKHOJQJ^JaJh/ cCJKHaJh/ cCJKH^JaJo('h/ cB*CJKHOJQJ^JaJph&h/ cB*CJKHaJmHnHphu)-Jk&d4r$ $ d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$ $d 1$a$$d 1$WD`a$$hd 1$WD`ha$ $d 1$^a$ $ & Fd 1$a$$d 1$VD^a$ >@DHJPRTVZ^`bdlvxz|~24BJ 6V^ƹƹƹƹƹƹƮƮƃh/ c>*CJKHaJh/ cB*CJKHQJaJphh/ c>*B*CJKHaJphh/ cCJKHaJo(h/ cCJKH^JaJo(h/ cCJKHaJh/ cCJKHOJQJ^JaJh/ cB*CJKHaJph"h/ cB*CJKH^JaJo(ph2r88t ~N$hd 1$WD`ha$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$d 1$WD`a$$ $ ,d 1$WD`a$>N".L.0Vd 4;Nlr;A~18z&'t{LX  n z !*!!!!!&"ٹٹٹٹٹh/ c>*CJKHaJh/ cCJKHaJo(h/ cB*CJKHaJo(phh/ c>*B*CJKHaJphh/ cB*CJKHaJphh/ cCJKHaJh/ cB*CJKHaJph@N0 Oc}n$id 1$WD`ia$$Xd 1$WD`Xa$$d 1$WD`a$ $d 1$a$$d 1$VDWD^`a$$ h$ )d 1$VD^a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,hd 1$WD`ha$ cG"^"$r&4''$ h$ d 1$a$$ h$ ,d 1$a$$ h$ ,d 1$`a$ $d 1$`a$ $d 1$a$$d 1$WD`a$ $:d 1$`:a$$Xd 1$WD`Xa$&"2"v""""#(###$$P$\$$$F%R%t%%%%&&&&&&&&&&T(`((())p+r+++`,b,V-X---l.n.//00D1F11166T7>>Jܹh/ cB*CJKHaJphh/ cCJKHaJo(hWh/ c0JCJKHaJ'jhWh/ cCJKHUaJjh/ cCJKHUaJh/ cCJKHaJh/ c>*CJKHaJ>'*((()T))8** +r++ya$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ d 1$WD`a$$ h$ d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,rd 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD,`a$$ h$ ,d 1$a$ +,b,,-X---".n..rr$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ $ rd 1$WD`a$$ h$ d 1$WD`a$$ h$ d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$ .*//$0000B1F17.8sj $d 1$a$$d 1$G$`a$ $d 1$a$ $d 1$`a$$d 1$WD`a$$ $ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ ,d 1$WD`a$$ h$ d 1$WD`a$$ h$ Dd 1$WD`a$ .888Z99D:: ;p;;;Z<<<> >DBD)EPE|EEFf:y яQt^bV-Nf[uveP^rQ N[PN‰ яƉ*CJKHaJh/ cB*CJKHaJphh/ c>*CJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHaJo(h/ cCJKHaJh/ cB*CJKHaJphUEwyyJzzz<{T||X}}~~:P~ $d 1$`a$ $d 1$a$$xd 1$VDWD2^`xa$$d 1$WD`a$fރ@zrƅ l̇\L DފbL $d 1$`a$ $d 1$a$$hd 1$WD`ha$L(܏XDnJLVXZ\^`$d 1$WD`a$$hd 1$WD`ha$ $d 1$a$ $d 1$`a$`bdfhVžƞȞd $ d 1$VD^a$$d 1$WD`a$ $d 1$a$ $dh1$a$ $d 1$a$ThžĞȞʞОҞ̽jh/ cUhh/ ch/ cCJaJh/ cCJKHaJh/ cCJKHaJo(!h/ cCJKHOJQJ\^JaJh/ cCJKH\^JaJo($h/ cCJ KHOJQJ\^JaJ,o( h/ cCJ KHOJQJ\aJ,o(h/ cB*CJKHaJo(phȞ̞ΞОҞ6182P:p/ c. 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