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  [9]Christos Floros and Dimitrios V.Vougas,2004“Hedge Ratios in Greek Stock Index Futures Market”,Applied Finanical Economics 14.
  [10]Choudhry,T(2003)Shot-run deviations and optiomal hedge ratio,Journal of Multinational Financial Management,pp.171-192.   The Evolution of Stock Index Futures Hedging Theory and Empirical Research Model
Abstract:The article will carry on the quite comprehensive theoretical and empirical research to the hedging strategy of stock index futures.First of all,the article outlines the hedging transaction theories,and it summarizes that the key point of hedging are the determination of the best hedging ratio.Secondly,we make the empirical research on the best hedging ratio of Chinese HS300 stock index futures,using cointegration and other analytic methods and using OLS、 VAR、 ECM、GARCH.We evaluate the validity of hedging to each model,and concluded that ECM model is relatively the best.
  Key words:HS300 stock index futures;the best hedging ratio;hedging strategy;ECM model

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