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A:Where's Bill?

B:I don't think he can come today. He has to stay at home.

A: Why?

B:He has to look after his sister.

A:What's wrong with his sister?

B:She doesn't feel well.

A:I'm sorry to hear that. Did she go and see the doctor?


A:What did the doctor say?

B:He said there was nothing much wrong with her, but shehas to rest.

(2)看图介绍或相互问答(5分) 人物 年龄 座位 民族I 13 3 Chinese

Mary 12 4 japanese

Jane 13 6 American

Lily 12 5 English


a.How do you come to school?

b.Whose home is farther away from our school,yours or Li's?

c.What did you do before going to bed last night?

d.What did you have for lunch yesterday?

e.Could you read/write/swim/skate when you were five?

为了考试操作方便,可让学生自由组合(以两人一组为宜),并编制以上题型若干组,每组测试题复制四 份,每组考生两份。给考生几分钟的时间准备后再进行考查测试。

口试测试的评分标准宜粗不宜细。评分标准可考虑三个方面:语言的准确度、流利程度和得体度。分值根 据各年级的口试总分数分布。如下表:

年级/项目 题型1 题型2 题型3 总口试分

初一 7 7 6 20

初二 5 5 5 15

初三 4 3 3 10

高一 4 3 3 10

高二 4 3 3 10


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