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Firstly, the Americans should remember God in their hearts. They believe God. And the Bible teaches them that enjoy their life. So they should remember that earning money is just for a happy life. Once upon a time, a black singer said: “though I sing the folk songs in the street and only can earn little money, they make me feel happy. I do the thing I really like.”

Secondly, the Americans should earn money through the proper way. Some TV program does investigations about the methods for earning money among millionaires. The following are the crucial factors in the success.

1. Honesty. They must be honest to everyone; only in this way can they gain other’s trusts.

2. Ability of self-restraint. We need control ourselves feelings and conducts. Don’t break the law.

3. Hard work. We need work hardly, and learn wide knowledge.

In conclusion, the Americans should remember that earning money is just for happy life. They shouldn’t consider money as everything. Only in this way can they be the real rich men.


Eugenie Grandet, Balzac’s spare, classical story of a girl whose life is blighted by her father’s hysterical greed, goes a long way to justify that opinion. In Eugenie Grandet, Grandet is the representative of greed and money.

The major role in Eugenie Grandet-Grandet reflects phenomenon in modern American society. From a great amount of information, I know that some Americans are obsessive with money very much, and they are the lovers of money. For earning money, they break the law. However, meantime, there are still a lot of people doing charities with money. They consider money as a means for helping others. As a larger sense, what they have done is the same as Grandet’s daughter did. So they should have a deep analysis of the Grandet phenomenon in America.


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