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Though the Americans’ outlook on money emphasize on money very much, it is beneficial to the modern Americans. Once an English writer said: “lack of money is the source of the evil.” Though money cannot bring happiness, no money will produce greater pain, and the happiness cannot exist. That is to say money maybe regarded as a means for attaining other things, rather than as an end in itself. Most of Americans draw a tight connection between money and other things. The outlook on money can help American achieve a lot of things. Freedom, for instance, is one of our deepest values, and in one survey, 71 percent agreed that “having more money means having more freedom.” Or 76 percent agreed that “having money gives me a good feeling about myself. The survey also showed that worrying about not having enough money is significantly relating with not feeling good about oneself.

Meanwhile, if they can consider money as a mean for helping others, it can also help Americans to have a successful life. And the outlook on money makes Americans do many charitable donations. We notice that good works and organized charity were an integral part of the American’s characters. The Americans are obsessive with self-improvement and earn money have been accompanied by an urge to improve their life. For example, the president of Amway, Doug De Vos who use money in proper position, and spends his money on helping others. He does a lot of charities, which can help their company have a good reputation. And in his families, they believe when people have redundant money, they should spend their money on appropriate position, such as charity, which can help their company have a better condition. In the United States, about 90 percent of people are confident in the products of Amway. Meanwhile, the outlook on money makes some people work hardly. They believe that money is one access to success. In the way to pursue money, they attain more than money. They learn wide knowledge, the way to treat others and so on. Money makes them own a better life.

However, it is not just the rich that donate in American society. In fact, a majority of the U.S population contributes to charitable causes, even from the middle-class and the working class. The following are a lot of data and examples to prove it. Since 1990, charitable donations by individuals in the USA have grown by more than half, from 110 billion to 180 billion USD in 2003. About 70% to 80% of Americans contribute annually to at least one charity. According to the American Association of Fundraising Counsel Trust for Philanthropy’s annual “Giving USA” report released June 13, 2005. Americans gave nearly 250 billion USD to charities in 2004, a 3.7 percent increased over the 241 billion dollar contributed in 2003. Meanwhile, a lot of funds are built in the United States. For example, the Carnegie Corporation of New York created in 1911 by Andrew Carnegie, the foundation award, some 80 million dollar in grant annually. It focuses on four area- educations, international peace and security, international development, and strengthening US democracy. Grant recipients include the Affair Fund, and the Harvard University. The Rockefeller Foundation is one of the nation’s oldest private charitable organizations. It supports grants, fellowships, and conferences for programs that tries to identify and alleviate need and suffering around the world.

D. Disadvantages of the Americans’ Outlook on Money


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