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Kelly has showed her voice full of spirit in her two debut albums, which appeared variant style. She has also cooperated with lots of contemporary tip authors. Expect that Kelly brought into play in the works of R&B and Rock full of individuality, she is anxious to try other field as Country Music or even Broadway drama and so on: “Probably one day the song what I have written or sung can touch someone’s heart, and it is worth while. Why will mark a field from being limited to be absorbed in some style only? I like all kinds of the music!”

“I don’t advocate only beautiful and bright life, but my ambition is very strong, I hope I can break into international market. In front of me, I still have many things to do, and I am thankful for getting such chance very much. However, all these seem to be too quickly, it makes very difficult for me to stop to think of many other things. At present I feel very joyful for getting this condition, and making singing every day as my job. When I looked at Jaws ago, I know I am unfit to act as marine biologist!”





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