that same $200,000 investment, the tragic con-sequence of
leverage working in reverse. The illiquidity of real estate
is another important factor for consideration. Exiting a
real estate in-vestment often requires time and patience,
par-ticularly so in a less favourable environment. The
average investor needs to consider the sheer amount of the
financial investment and the uni-queness of each property
asset. The illiquidity limits the flexibility investors have
when they need to realign their investments in accordance
with changing market conditions or changes in investment
The long-term nature of real estate in-vesting requires
it to be matched with stable, long-term cash flows.
Assumptions on income growth, interest rate trend and rental
yields are important, and when they do not materialise as
planned (or hoped for), the investment goes awry. In
addition, the size of the upfront capital commitment in real
estate investing makes di-versification within the asset
class difficult to achieve. The real estate investor has
the bulk of his investments locked into a few properties.
Seen from this perspective, real estate investing can be a
high risk venture. The risk does di-minish with a long-term
time horizon, but the rate at which Singaporeans turn over
their real estate investments suggests a shorter term,
high-risk attitude prevails.
Asia's love affair with real estate has been fuelled by
easy money and accommodative government policies. These
conditions are not present today. The era of supernormal
returns from real estate investing is over. Bankers are
licking their wounds from loans gone sour and have turned
wary about lending for real estate investment (as opposed
to home ownership). Having experienced the effects of an
over-zealous appetite for real estate, it is probable that
both of these factors are unlikely to be as potent in the
future. The new Asia requires that the bold assumptions of
old be tempered- stable interest rates, "guaranteed"
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