威廉希尔app 论文频道一路陪伴考生编写大小论文,其中有开心也有失落。在此,小编又为朋友编辑了“法律英语词汇特点及其翻译”,希望朋友们可以用得着!
The present thesis is devoted to a study of lexical characteristics of legal Englis(omitted)l lexicon translation. Th(omitted)onsists of five parts. Chapter One is an introduction to legal English, dealing with the definition, functions and stylistic features of legal E(omitted)e following chapter is a survey of legal English from the g(omitted) perspecttewith a view to anal(omitted)most prominent grammatical features of legal English. In this chapter, the author conducts an overall syntactical and t...
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction to Legal English | 第12-17页 |
·Definition | 第12页 |
·Functions | 第12-13页 |
·Stylistic Features | 第13-17页 |
Chapter Ⅱ Analysis of Legal English from the Grammatical Perspective | 第17-31页 |
·Coordinate Constructions | 第17-18页 |
·Long Sentence | 第18-19页 |
·Complicated Adverbial Structure | 第19-24页 |
·Adverbial of Time | 第19-20页 |
·Adverbial of Condition | 第20-22页 |
·Adverbial of Manner | 第22-23页 |
·Adverbial of Purpose | 第23-24页 |
·Complicated Attributive Structure | 第24-27页 |
·Nominalization | 第27-30页 |
·Lexical Characteristics | 第30页 |
·Conclusion | 第30-31页 |
Chapter Ⅲ The Lexical Characteristics of Legal English | 第31-62页 |
·Development of English Lexicon | 第31-33页 |
·The Language of Law | 第33-60页 |
·Common Words with Uncommon Meanings | 第34-36页 |
·Words from Old and Middle English | 第36-40页 |
·Words and Phrases from Latin | 第40-42页 |
·Words from Old French | 第42-46页 |
·Terms of art | 第46-47页 |
·Words and Expressions with Flexible Meanings | 第47-49页 |
·Rare Adoption of Pronouns | 第49-52页 |
·Modal Auxiliary Shall | 第52-55页 |
·Coordination of Synonyms or Near-synonyms | 第55-60页 |
·Conclusion | 第60-62页 |
Chapter Ⅳ Characteristics and Translation of Legal Lexicon | 第62-91页 |
·Translation and Translation Theory | 第62-63页 |
·Functions of Legal Translation | 第63-64页 |
·Criteria of Translation | 第64-68页 |
·Traditional Criteria of English-Chinese Translation | 第64-66页 |
·Specific Criteria for Legal Translation | 第66-68页 |
·Practice of Legal Translation | 第68-89页 |
·Adoption of here-/there- Words | 第69-71页 |
·Adoption of Typical Words and Expressions | 第71-74页 |
·Adoption of Exact Words | 第74-77页 |
·Non-adoption of Pronouns | 第77-79页 |
·Correct Adoption of Shall | 第79-82页 |
·Principle of Consistency | 第82-85页 |
·Translation of the Strings of Synonyms or Near-synonyms | 第85-88页 |
·Translation of Words and Expressions with Flexible Meanings | 第88-89页 |
·Conclusion | 第89-91页 |
Conclusion | 第91-93页 |
Bibliography | 第93-96页 |
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