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They developed several large tracts on the edge of town.(英汉辞海,一下简称YCWO) 他们在城市的边缘开垦了几片土地。

Several attempts have been made through the years to develop the deposit, although a fairly complicated wet beneficiation process is needed to allow separation of the clay.



She developed a taste for champagne while she was in France.(MECD)



In the broadest sense, education refers to any process by which an individual gains knowledge or develops skills.


5.推导(公式) From this formula the data in figure 3 has been developed. 图3中的数据时根据这一公式推导出来的。


The computer, using the data from tests, can develop curves such as those of Figure 4. 这种计算机可以利用试验数据绘制出图4所示的那些曲线。

7.培养或提高 To develop the student ability to undertake the experimental procedure is one of the important tasks of teachers.


8.译为“树立”或“端正” Most people settle down very quickly to enjoy the summer school atmosphere, forget about being nervous and develop a very positive attitude toward their studies. 大多数人都很快地安顿下来享受夏日学校的宜人氛围,忘记了紧张,树立起积极的学习态度。

9.产生、问世 With the development of distance learning, when you study at home with radio and TV program to help you and send written work by post to your tutor, the idea of summer school has also developed.


10.撰写 Your course has been designed and developed at the headquarters in Beijing by a few experienced trained teachers and material writers over a period of years. 一些经验丰富,训练有素的教师和辅导材料编写人员历经数年在北京总部设计并撰写了你们的教材。

11.创建、制作、创立 Both Leibniz and Newton had independently developed a branch of mathematics called calculus, which underlies most of modern physics. 莱布尼茨和牛顿两人都独自创建了微积分这一数学分支,从而为大部分现代物理学奠定了基础。

12.探索 Scientists are trying to develop a method to freeze the cells that produce insulin. 科学家们正在努力探索一种方法以冷却那些制造胰岛素的细胞。

13.养成(习惯)When I talked with him I found that from childhood he had developed the habit of carrying a little book in his pocket.




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