


3.1 、计算说明 ………………………………………………………18

3.2 、柱、梁的线刚度计算 ………………………………………………18

3.3 、恒荷载作用下支座弯矩计算 ………………………………………19

3.4 、活荷载作用下支座弯矩计算 ………………………………………20

3.5 、框架梁跨中弯矩计算 ……………………………………………26

3.6 、剪力计算 ………………………………………………………27

3.7 、轴力计算 ………………………………………………………28


4.1 、梁内力组合 …………………………………………………………29

4.2、 柱内力组合 …………………………………………………………30


5.1 、框架梁的正截面、斜截面的计算 …………………………………34

5.2 、框架柱的正截面、斜截面的计算 …………………………………37


6.1 、楼板的设计计算 ……………………………………………………40

6.2 、楼梯的设计计算 ……………………………………………………43

6.3 、基础的设计计算 …… ………………………………………………46

参考文献 ……………………………………………………47

致谢 ……………………………………………………48



关键词:现浇混凝土 框架 设计

Abstract:The location of this engineering is in one city , Zhejiang province. The building counts six layers. The construction form is cast-in-situ reinforced concrete frame;the seismic fortification intensity is lower than six degree; the reference wind pressure is 0.4 KN/㎡.The interior elevation is±0.000,and it is 600mm higher than outdoors. After the determination of the internal force under the dead and live loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of the wall limbs and the coterminous girders, which will be the basis of protracting the reinforcing drawings of the components. The design of the stairs is also be approached by calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder whose shop drawings are completed in the end.Finally we designed the foundation.

Keywords: cast-in-situ concrete frame design

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