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A Brief Analysis of the Image of Hester in the Scarlet Letter

A Thesis Submitted

To Foreign Language Department

Of College of Information & Business,

Zhongyuan University of Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts


Student ID Number:


May 29th, 2011

论 文 摘 要



关键字:清教影响; 海斯特性格;原罪;救赎


The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne's representative work, is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. The novel displays Puritanism's great impact on people's life and thought. This thesis of the Puritan town Boston, and introduce how the communities in the town are deeply influenced by Puritanism. The heroine Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale, the town's reverend priest, engages in the act of adultery and produce a baby girl named Pearl.

Meanwhile, by analyzing the main character Hester, the thesis aims at presenting the harshness and the strict punishment in Puritan society. In puritan communities, whoever commits a sin will be punished. The thesis also presents Hawthorne's attitude towards Puritanism. On one hand, he appreciates the puritan thought and value; on the other hand, he condemns the negative impact of puritan society on people's spirit. And this thought influences Hester's final fate-to get salvation through self-improvement and hard working. Hawthorne explains his puritan thoughts through creating Hester. Hester is brave and strong, as a sinner, Hester finally get salvation by working hard.

key words:Puritanism; Hester's characteristic; sin; salvation

Table of Contents



1.Introduction 1

2. Hawthorne's Intention of Creating Hester. 1

2.1 Puritan Infulence on Hawthorne 1

2.2 Hawthorne's Own Thought on Puritanism 2

3. Original Image of Hester: Strong and Brave 4