


[25] 谭其骧认为秦长沙郡领有今洞庭湖以南的湖南大部、江西西部和广东、广西北部沿边地带。见《秦郡界址考》,《长水集》上,人民出版社,1987年,第13—21页。又见其主编《中国历史地图集》第2册,地图出版社,1982年,第11—12页。


[27]《水经注•沅水》:“汉高祖二年(二年当为五年误),割黔中故治为武陵郡。” 溆浦,今湖南溆浦县南,属洞庭郡。西汉置县,名义陵,属武陵郡。屈原《九章•涉江》:“乘舲船以上沅兮,齐吴榜以击汰。……入溆浦余儃徊兮,迷不知吾所如。” 楚、秦时即称溆浦。

Dealing with Dongting Prefecture in Qin Dynasty

Abstract:Based on archaeological studies and historical documents,this paper is to examine some information about Qin Dongting Prefecture as the time of its foundation,the capital,the scope and the evolution in history,and conclude that Qin Changsha Prefecture named by historians turns out to the Qin Dongting Prefecture.

Key words: Liye strips of Qin period; Dongting Prefecture; Changsha Prefecture

威廉希尔app  历史学栏目