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关键词  义务教育  教育经费  地区差异  公平性  转移支付

On the Equity of the Distribution of Compulsory Educational Expenditure

——A Case Study of the Counties in Beijing


In China, the compulsory educational financing systems are facing significant challenges, including, in particular, the widening disparities in per-student spending across areas. Employing three indexes, including budgetary per-student recurrent expenditure (BPSRE), budgetary per-student public expenditure (BPSPUBE) as well as the ratio of BPSPUBE to BPSRE (ROPR), this paper analyzes the equity of allocation and use of educational expenditure among the counties in Beijing.

It is found that the regional disparity of BPSPUBE in primary levels is larger than that in junior secondary levels, while the disparity of BPSRE is larger in the latter. The disparities of all the three indexes are widening in recent ten years and the relative disparity of BPSPUBE is larger than that of BPSRE.

By decomposing the use structure of BPSRE, it’s found that in junior secondary levels the disparity of BPSPUBE contributes more to the disparity of BPSRE. However, in the primary levels, the disparity of budgetary per-student personnel expenditure (BPSPERE) has more weight in the total disparity. While in recent years, the disparity of BPSPUBE has increasingly become the major contributor in both levels. Further analysis shows that the variance of local per capita financial expenditure, per capita GDP and per capita educational expenditure have significant positive impacts on the disparity while the effort-making degree of local government educational expenditure have negative impact on it.

Based on such research, this paper also analyzes the challenges to the compulsory educational financing system. It’s showed that the inadequacy of compulsory educational expenditures, the non-proportionate allocation of educational expenditure among three levels of educations and the irrational arrangements of effort-making of compulsory educational expenditure across different levels of governments are three major institutional factors which result in such disparity of per-student spending. This paper suggests some countermeasures and analyzes the method of intergovernmental grants in detail. Using the data of the counties in Beijing, the simulation of the intergovernmental grants method shows that the disparity is significantly narrowed.

Key Words: financing of compulsory education, educational expenditure, regional disparity, equity, intergovernmental grants