


Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.

Development(Specific statements):

1)My experience in junior middle school(Para. 2):

a kind and patient teacher who praised all of the students … positive method…eagerly answered questions,at the top of my class

2)My experience in senior middle school(Para. 3):

an(impatient)teacher…punished those who made mistakes…shaking it up and down…shouted…lose my eagerness / desire to say anything in English

3)My experience at college(Para. 4):

far from perfect…very large class and better students… feel intimidated… afraid to speak…at the same level forever

4)My experience with the online course(Para. 5~7):

require commitment and discipline …virtual classroom…practice all the time…cry with frustration…feel like giving up…reaped the benefits of hard work

Conclusion(Para. 8):

Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything.




1)My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school.(Para. 2)

2)When I went to senior middle school.(Para.3)

3)However,that state didn’t last long. When I went to college.(Para. 4)

4)That was the situation until a couple of years later,when ...participated in the virtual classroom.(Para. 5)

5)I had finally reaped the benefits of all that hard work.(Para. 7)


(3)词汇学习。运用语篇分析法进行课文教学并不意味着完全忽略对词、句的讲解,教师可以把这些讲解穿插在语篇分析中,甚至是以这些词、句为线索,引出整个语篇。在《Learning a Foreign Language》这篇文章中,作者在开头先阐明文章主旨:学习英语是我一生中最艰苦的(the most difficult)也是最有意义的(the most rewarding)经历之一,然后作者在展开的部分用了两组词分别支持了意义对立的两个词difficult和rewarding,要求学生找出来,其结果如下。

The group of “difficult”:frustrating,punish,shout,lose my eagerness / desire to say anything in English,very large,far from perfect,feel intimidated,afraid to speak,(my English)stay at the same level,cry with frustration,feel like giving up

The group of “rewarding”:well worth the effort,at the top of my class,eager to study,understand about everything,reap the benefits of all that hard work,teach me the value of hard work,give me insights into another culture,able to bridge the gap between cultures


(4)语篇衔接分析。根据Halliday & Hasan的说法,[3] 语篇是一个语义的单位。任何一个语篇,要表达一个完整的意义,它的意思必须是连贯的。语篇意义的连贯可通过衔接手段来实现。衔接手段包括指代、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接。在阅读课文的过程中,提醒学生文章主要使用了连接手段来实现语篇的连贯。学生通过查找,不难发现作者用了一些表示转折意义的连词如yet、while、unlike、although、but把两组意思相对立的词连结起来,表达了一种对比的意义,突出了文章的主题,在上下文中起到了语篇连贯的作用。
