



T:Do you see Mr.Lin?He is wanted.(提示)my brother

S:Do you see my brother?He is wanted...


T:My book is as new as yours.(提示)room,big

S:My room is as big as yours.


T:I’ve got a little water in my glass.(提示)bowl

S:I’ve got a little water in my bowl.


S:I’ve got a few potatoes in my bowl.


S:He’s got a few potatoes in his bowl.


S:He’s got a little milk in his bowl.

要想正确填入替代的项目,组成一个新句子,学生须记住并理解前一句话的内容。这对巩固学生的基础知 识十分有益。


教师对学生A说:“Ask B where he’s going.”学生A:“Where are yougoing,Mr.B?”教师对学生B说: “Tell him you’re going to the postoffice.”学生B说:“I’m going to the post office.”




描述:He is tall,very tall,perhaps the tallest in the class.He plays basketball well.He is a

member of the school team as well as theclass team.Who is he?




听一些句子或一段对话,在给出的地点中选择事情最有可能发生的地方。如:(dining-room,library,con cert hall,department store,gas station,museum)

1.What’s on the menu?Not too many dishes,hm?(dining-room)

2.What can I do for you?I want to buy a pair of shoes,please.(de-partment store)


根据一段对话或文章,先给学生提出几个问题,然后让学生听这段对话或文章,再让他们找出这些问题的 答案。如:

Wang Hai:May I speak to Mr Wang Qiang?

Operator:Just a minute.

Wang Qiang:Hello!

Wang Hai:Hello,Uncle.This is Wang Hai.

Wang Qing:Wang Hai,when are you coming to see us?

Wang Hai:My holidays begin on 5 July.I’m leaving here on 6 July.

Wang Qiang:Good!By the way,what day of the week is that?

Wang Hai:6 July is Sunday.

Wang Qiang:Well,I don’t work on Sunday,Shall I meet you at thestation?

Wang Hai:That’ll be nice.Thank you,Uncle.See you then.

Wang Qiang:See you.

问题 信息

(1)Who is speaking to Mr. Wang Hai.

Wang Qiang?

(2)When is Wang Hai coming On 6 July.

to see his uncle?

(3)What day of the week 6 July is Sunday.

is 6 July?

(4)Where shall Wang Hai’s At the station.

uncle meet him?

这种练习鼓励学生按顺序听某个特定的片断。教师可提前给出问题,指导学生找出段落中最重要的信息。 这样可以训练学生找出对话、文章以及讲座等的主题。


听写是一项具有一定难度的练习,学生在写之前必须听懂这个句子,还必须会拼写句子中的每个单词。在 初级阶段,应该鼓励学生在听写之前先复述听到的句子,然后再把句子写下来。这种练习可以加深学生对所听 片断的印象,从而增强学生短暂记忆的能力。

以上介绍的听力训练的项目是有限的,但具有创造性的教师一旦熟悉了这些项目,便会扩展出更多的适合 于学生听力训练的方法,从而使他们的英语听力能力不断得到提高。

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