



宪法学 constitution of china

民法学 civil law of china

刑法学 criminal law

经济法学 economic law

国际经济法学 international economic law

民事诉讼法 civil procedure

中国法制史 history of chinese law

刑事诉讼法学 criminal procedure

行政法学 administrative law

国际私法 private international law

国际公法 public international law

外国民商法学 civil law and commercial law of foreign countries

知识产权概论 introduction to intellectual property

国际经济法学 international economic law

外国法制史 history of foreign law

司法文书 judicial documents

法医学 medical jurisprudence

刑事诉讼法学 criminal procedure

律师公证 lawyer notarization

中国法律思想史 history of legal thoughts of china

外国法律思想史 history of legal thoughts of foreign countries

环境法学概论 introduction to environmental law

犯罪心理学 criminal psychology

房地产法规 real estate laws and regulations

婚姻家庭史 history of marriage and family

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