-Launched two brands onto the national market with each brand gaining a market share of 15 per cent and 22 per cent respectively within two years.
-Prepared quarterly and annual budget reports. Presented and reviewed the forecasts to senior management and represented the Australian management team at the International MIA Conference held in Chicago last December.
-Co-ordinated focus groups (24 per year) and managed a team of 75 in-store market researchers to conduct field demonstrations. Presented research findings to management teams, which used the information as the basis for their product development plans, resulting in the extension of a brand that brought in sales of $2.1 million in the 97-98 financial year.
-Ground floor experience in sales and merchandising with international fast-moving packaged goods company. Territory Manager for North Western region covering 78 stores, 12 product lines and approximately 28 sales promotional events per year.
Date: 1996-present time
Company: The Wine and Food Emporium
Title: Marketing Manager (Melbourne)
Duties: Responsible for a team of 18 people with an advertising budget of $15 million spread over 5 product lines. Chief liaison between client and agency and responsible for branding and product awareness. Increased turnover to $80 million dollars in the last financial year, a 15 per cent increase and was awarded the MIA’s 1998 Best New Product. Generated over $200,000 of free trade-journal publicity in the last year.
Date: 1990-1996
Company: Di Pastio Pasta Products (Sydney)
Title: Marketing Research Manager
Duties: Responsible for the management, co-ordination, recruitment and placement of 75 in-store demonstrators including an in-bound and out-bound telemarketing survey conducted in conjunction with the sampling demonstrations. Presented research findings to CEO level and was instrumental in the development of a new brand extension which resulted in a profit of $2.1 million for the company.
University of Queensland, Bachelor of Business (Marketing), 1996
Seacliff TAFE, Associate Diploma in Marketing, 1986
Available on request.
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