4.Coordinates with Sales Managers to:坐标与销售经理到:
a.字母a. Plan production capacities according to yearly sales projections.计划生产的能力,根据每年的销售预测。
b.Monitor production vs. sales to review production schedule accordingly. b.monitor生产与销售,以检讨生产调度。 Ensure enough replenishments of finished goods supply.确保足够的补给完成品的供应。
c.Applay effective modification on production plan for timely production of special orders or promotional items. c.applay有效的改性对生产计划,及时生产特殊订单或宣传品。
5. Coordinates with procurement officers to ensure smooth supply of raw materials.坐标与采购人员,以确保顺利的原料供应。
6. Establishes quality control standards and procedures.建立了质量控制标准和程序。 Ensures strictly adherence to those standards.确保严格遵守这些标准。
7. Supervises machines maintenance programs.监督机器的维修程序。 Recommends machines modifications if needed.机器的修改建议,如果需要。 Ensures smooth supply of spare parts.确保平稳供应的零件。
8. Prepares annual manpower plan.在编制年度人力资源计划。 Makes sure all vacant positions are filled in coordination with personnel manager.确保所有职位空缺填补在协调与人事经理。
9. Coaches and trains production staff prepares on job training programs.教练员和列车工作人员的生产准备对在职培训计划。 Evaluate performance of staff, recommends promotion, additional training or termination.评估工作人员的业绩,建议推广,额外的培训或终止。 英文 简历 网
10. Prepares employees safety procedures and makes sure that these procedures are enforced.编写员工安全程序,并确保这些程序执行。
February 1999 - 1999年2月-
October 2005: 2005年10月:
Production Manager 生产部经理
Amiantit Groups of companies amiantit公司集团
1st Ind. City, Dammam, Saudi Arabia第一工业城市, Dammam ,沙特阿拉伯
1. Prepare production budget and maintain/improve budget limitations to meet plant’s annual objectives and standards according to sales projections.作好准备,生产预算和维持/改善预算的限制,以满足植物的年度目标和标准,根据销售预测。
2. Prepare of short and long term plans to determine the manufacturing objectives准备的短期和长期计划,以确定制造业的目标
3. Participate in putting the company strategies in short and long term.参加在把该公司的策略在短期和长期的。
4. Manage and monitor the operation of the plant and finish goods warehouse to ensure continuity of production and maintain organized receiving and dispatch of finish product.管理和监控的运作,电厂和完成货物仓库,以确保连续性的生产和维持组织的接收和派遣完成的产品。
5. Manage maintenance department and apply the preventive maintenance program on all machines and equipment to minimize problems and shutdown scheduling to ensure timely and appropriate solutions are adopted avoiding major breakdown.管理维修部和适用的预防性维修程序对所有机器及设备,以尽量减少问题和关机调度,以确保及时和适当的解决办法是通过避免发生重大故障。
6. Establish production scheduling and recording system that will ensure accurate recording of production figures and stoppage analysis to make timely and precise reports for company management and future planning.建立生产调度和录音系统,这将确保准确记录的生产数字及暂停分析作出及时和准确的报告,为公司的管理和今后的规划工作。
7. Establish safe working procedures for all areas of operation in coordination with the safety department and ensure its implementation to keep accident to the minimum and reduce downtime.建立安全的工作程序,各个领域的行动中的协调与安全署并确保其执行,以保持意外到最低限度,并减少停机时间。
8. Established and maintain overall emergency procedures in coordination with safety department and oversees emergency training by making periodical drills, further acting as a field leader for the whole plant.建立和保持整体的紧急应变程序,在协调与安全署和监督应急训练,使期刊的演练,进一步署理作为一个领域的领导人为整个植物。
9. Leads special projects of maintenance department for the enhancement or modifications on process, following through to their successful completion.领导特别项目的维修部为加强或修改的过程,以下通过他们的成功完成。