


Outstanding achievement?

The total sale of this company is 6.8 million in 2004, and increased to 16.8million in total 2005 after I join this company.

2003/06--2004/12?Shanghai Brightdairy

Position: Regional Sales Manager

Responsibility of?

1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and achieve target sales goals.

2. Operation and management the whole WuXi filiale:

Accomplish the sales task and manage the distributors;

Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance?

Team recruit?Training and evaluating?

Management the HR?admin?account?sales?logistic?storage Dept and so on.

Outstanding achievement?

1. Over 6million sales per month and 100million per year during my hold a post.

2. The sales in the first quarter increased 44% after I join the company, and I gained the especially premium twice by CEO.

1995/12--2000/07?Shanghai Goodfoods Company

Position: Sales Supervisor

Responsibility of?

1. Manage the sales of “LONGFENG” freeze foods in 4 regionals: hongkou?uangpu?zhabei?yangpu.

2. Manage the most important 9 distributors.

3. Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance.

4. Manage the sales team of 10 sales people?

Outstanding achievement?the monthly sale over 3 million during my hold a post?


1992/06--1994/05?Shanghai normal university Business Administration Associate



Language Skills

Fluent both in oral and written English, Chinese Native speaker, Shanghai Dialect






