April 2002 – April 2003: Wrote a Phase I STTR proposal to the Office of Naval Research and received funding for the topic of “Perception-based co-evolutionary reinforcement learning for UAV sensor allocation.” Developed theoretical algorithms and designed a practical implementation strategy, which demonstrated excellent results in a high-fidelity robotic simulator. Published a conference paper.
October 1998 – April 2002: Wrote a proposal to the NASA Program in Thinking Systems and received multi-year funding for the topic of cooperation and coordination in multi-agent systems. Developed, evaluated, and published new Reinforcement Learning algorithms for dynamic resource allocation among distributed agents operating jointly in complex, uncertain, and nonstationary environments.
Fall 2000: Developed a new algorithm for single-agent learning in noisy dynamic environments with delayed rewards: Actor-Critic Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning (A CFR L). Published a conference and a journal paper with a convergence proof for A CFR L. US patent (number 6,917,925) was granted for the ACFRL algorithm on July 12, 2005.
ChainCast Inc., San Jose, CA
Aug 2000 – Oct 2000: Conducted a survey of techniques for dynamic updating of multicasting trees and suggested a novel approach based on using multi-agent learning.
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA Summer 1998: Designed a framework for multiple agents operating in a complex, uncertain, and nonstationary environment. Agents learn to improve their policies using fuzzy reinforcement learning.
SRI International, Artificial Intelligence Center, Menlo Park, CA
Summer 1998: Developed a methodology for representing a replanning problem in the space of plans as a reinforcement learning problem.
Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc. - Proprietory Trading Department, New York, NY
Summer 1996, 1997: Conducted a comprehensive study of time series forecasting models with neural networks. Recommended a hybrid model combining best features of the existing models and implemented it in C++.
Summer 1995: Developed a stock forecasting system based on conventional econometric techniques and implemented it in SAS language. Gained exposure to various proprietary trading models.
Alphatech, Inc., Burlington, MA
Feb 1997 - May 1997: Developed an algorithm for optimal control of macroeconomic systems described by simultaneous-time equations and implemented it in MATLAB.
Arthur Andersen, Inc., Boston, MA
Feb 1996 - May 1996: Developed an internal System Dynamics cashflow model of startup businesses. Gained experience in management level client interactions and in project presentation skills.