


Major Subject: English, Minor Subject: Speech.

Scholarship: Upper third of class; Dean′s List last two years.


Interests include research, planning social and community programs, reading, League of Women Voters, and spectator sports.


Will be provided upon request.

The Sample of Cover Letter

1045 Drake Place

Ellisville. MA 01047

March 27, 1987

Mr. Adrian M. Mantee

Director of Personnel

Blackwell Manufacturing Company

Plattsburg, IN 47401

Dear Mr. Mantee:

In the March issue Of What′s New in Manufacturing. I read your advertisement seeking supervisory personnel for your multimillion-dollar plant expansion program:. Please consider

this letter as my application for a supervisory position in Quality Control.

Presently I am Assistant Supervisor of Quality Control at Barron Enterprises, Engineering Division. My work here is pleasant and I enjoy it, but my wife and I want to move back

to Indiana because of the failing health of our parents, who live here.

The enclosed resume gives a brief outline or my training and experience. From my earliest job while a sophomore in high school. I have lihttp://www.nfrencai.com/ked working with machines of any kind. This

keen interest developed by my formal education and experience in various aspects of mechanical technology, has given me a background that should be of immense value to a supervisor. I will be happy to supply any additional information concerning my background or present employment. My immediate supervisor here at Barron Enterprises is aware that I am looking for a supervisory position with a company in the Midwest and why I am doing so. I would like to have an interview with you and although distance is an important factor. I would be glad to fly out at your convenience if I had at least a week′s notice.


Thomas D. Davis






