


My 2nd foreign language   Espanol: Sin maestro termino de estudiar el libro de texto se titula Espanol Moderno 1-4. Soy capaz de traducir los textos orginales entre espanol y chino y ingles, de conversar con la gente hispanohablante con fluidez (mis amigos hispanohablantes asi como Espana, Mexico y Ecuador pueden probar lo que comento)

Work Experience

Mar.2002-June.2003   J C Horizon Ltd (U.S.A)

Working as a foreign trade business clerk

Mainly handling everything related to foreign trade: bills-making for import & export trade; making relevant translations and receiving & sending E-mails plus faxes in English.

Oct.2003-May 2005   Labor Bureau Employment and Training Center of Licang District

Working as an office clerk

Mainly being responsible for training enrolment and recruitment of the unemployed, saving & adding up relevant datum in the computer; drawing up interrelated forms, taking care of trainings and exams of all specialties; frequently running errands to handle affairs in the departments concerned of Labor and Social Security Bureau of Qingdao, as well as the Employment Assistance Center of Qingdao, etc.

July.2006-July 2009    DDI Inc.(U.S.A), Qingdao Office

Working as an US logistics operator (night shift) & semi-interpreter, translator (day shift)

Night shift: mainly taking charge of the customs clearance for goods to the US (guaranteeing the containers released in time) ; urging the timely payment of ocean air/freight to DDI,surrendering the timely OBL to shipping companies before they release the goods; a timely solution to any inspections during the transport of goods by air or sea; approving the bills such as Arrival Notice, Clearance Invoice and B/L and upgrading them in the database; serving as an agent for freight forwarding companies; selecting the most economical yards (destination for goods); working out the “Weight Limit Table”.

Day shift: receiving the members from headquarters and the clients followed; translating routine mails, terms together with agreements, etc.

Aug.2009 –Aug. 2010   Translation Agency