


No fear of difficulties and painstaking

Glad to commit myself to a full-time team player

Enthusiasm, good communication skill

Skilled in executing orders

Accuracy in handling details, organized work-habits

Energetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibility

Highly motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.

Salary Expectantion:14,000-16,000RMB


April 2011 till now, Baijia Infant and Women’s Hospital Management Group

Job title: Translator/Interpretor/Assistant to VP

Responsible for aiding day-to-day work and communication between VP(Canadian) and Native team, arranging all activities and events related with VP’s work

Conference translation for marketing events and opening ceremonies, as well as foreign experts training,

Travel to Local hospitals in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Hefei and Changsha to join marketing events and provide internal training.

Example of Routine Work-Work Report for April 2011.

April 8-12: Guangzhou ESLB: Branding meeting, stress management marketing lecture, Visit Dr Ghadiran in Shenzhen.

April 13-14: Hefei: judge in Anhui singing contest marketing event for LR Hospital.

April 15- 23 : Guangzhou ESLB: five marketing events on maternity fitness and stress management. Training classes on AIDET (service system for medical staff),

April 27-29: Changhsha for marketing event.

April 30- Guanghzou.

July 2009 – January 2011. IDFGlobal

Job title: Translator /Project Manager

Responsible for aiding communication in all production phases of animation in IDFGloba l,