



Your CV should include six different areas of information; personal details, education and qualifications, work experience, interests and achievements, skills and referees.

你的 简历 必须包含六大基本信息:个人信息、教育程度和资格证书、工作经历、兴趣和成就、技能和推荐人。

Normally your personal details would be your name, date of birth, address, telephone number and email.


For your education you should mention your university and degree subject; any relevant school work should also be included. Remember the reader of your CV may be used to a different scale of grades to you; you might be a Chinese graduate applying to a Western company or university, for instance. Therefore it is important establish how grades are scaled in your country. It is only necessary to mention accomplishments that show your best side; no need to state poor results and don't lie! Many people use reverse chronological order when listing dates; that is, start with the most recent date first and work backwards. Both chronological and reverse chronological are acceptable but stick with the same throughout your CV.

对于教育信息,必须包括你的毕业院校和获得的学位,任何与在校学习有关的内容都应该包括进去。要记住,如果你去应聘,阅读你 简历 的人可能更愿意了解你各阶段的学习表现。比如说,你可能作为中国学生去应聘外企。因此,建立你所在国家的年级划分是很重要的。通常,只将自身成就最辉煌的部分展示出来。不要提及那些很差的过去或是作假!很多人以倒叙的方式介绍自己的经历,先讲最近的经历,再逐个往前推。无论顺叙或倒叙都可以,但记得在 简历 中保持一致。

Work experience should emphasize skills that relate to the job you are applying for. Show how the experience developed you, so even working in a shop or restaurant involves working in a team and providing a quality service. Likewise if you are looking for a finance job, focus on numeracy and problem solving skills, whereas for marketing emphasise negotiating abilities. You may not have had much experience if you are a graduate student but don’t forget to mention internships; use them to show what you learnt and improved and what your responsibilities were.


Interests and achievements should be kept reasonably short. As you grow older your employment section will lengthen and this section will diminish. It is a good chance for you to mention any interests relevant to the job: current affairs if you want to be journalist. Examples of leadership: captain of a sports team, chair of a student society.








