



Basic information

Name: XXXX

People family: the han nationality date of birth: on October 9,

Telephone number: marriage status: married

Body high: 170 cm body weight: 65 kg

Education experience

Graduate school: ChiMen nanping middle school learn calendar: junior high school

Professional name: other graduation year: 2013

Work experience: above one year highest title: other

Job objective

Position properties: the whole job

Job category:

Position title: the driver;

Work areas: fujian - fuzhou JinAnOu;

Salary: 3000-4000 yuan/month can be negotiated; Does not need to provide housing

Starting time: may at any time to work

Work experience

Company: NiuTaiLang catering company

Time range: in April 2012

The company properties: private/private company

Subordinate industry: transportation, logistics, express"

Position: logistics/storage - tally clerk







