


What:I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with the English associationin a neighboring university.

Situation:When I was a member of the English association in our university, I realized that theactivities we organized lacked uniqueness and couldn’t effectively help the students improve theirEnglish. Our neighboring university is just a five-minute walk away from us.

Task:I proposed the idea to the President of the Association that we found an English Garden incooperation with the English association in the neighboring university.

Actions:(Key Words: disagreement,facts)

i. The disagreements I met included(Key Words:disagreement):

our school authority may dissent.

The high cost, and we didn’t have enough human resources to carry out this project.

There were too many English corners; another one was unnecessary.

ii. The facts I made use of(Key Words: facts):

Our dean approved this proposal.

Our partner was willing to provide financial assistance, and our members volunteered to designthe details of the plan and implement it.

A poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ requirements andlacked uniqueness.

Result:Others were convinced and we successfully founded the English Garden. It’s run once aweek now, each meeting attracts over a hundred students.

(5)Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an importantresult. (请你举一个例子,说明在完成一项重要任务时,你是怎样和他人进行有效合作的。)

问题分析:这个问题实质考察的是应聘者的团队合作能力。关键词为:worked effectively with people。



What:Our team won the 2nd Prize in the Military Songs Competition held in our university.

Situation:In total 20 teams joined the competition, each team represented a class.

Task:I was in charge of the project. We decided to make our team’s performance unique in orderto win a prize.

Actions:(Key Words:worked effectively with people)

i. Design: I cooperated with my colleagues to plan the climax of the performance, the musicalaccompaniment of the songs and the whole arrangement of the narrative poem. As three members inour team were good at guitar, I encouraged them to come up with some ideas about how to use aguitar in the military songs.

ii. Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes tocreate the perfect artistic effect.

iii. On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions. Also, I helped a singer tocope with an emergency.

Result:Our military team won the second prize in this competition.

(6) Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant

Contribution to the success of an activity or project. (请你举一个例子,说明你的一个有创意的建议曾经对一项计划的成功起到了重要的作用。)

问题分析:这个问题实质考查应聘者的创新能力。关键词为:creative idea,significantly contributed。



What:I suggested that we set the topic to be “Sell Yourself”for the annual speech contest in ourschool.

Situation:Each year our school holds a speech contest, the topic is randomly chosen by the teachers, for example, how to protect the environment, the importance of honesty, and so on. Students are not very excited about these topics.

Task:I am quite interested in participating in speech contests, but I’d like them to be different,more exciting and more useful. So I decided to offer some suggestions to our school.

Actions:i. I proposed three topics: Sell Yourself; Where I’ll be in 3 Years; Be Competitive. All focus onfuture job hunting and career development, which I believe are attractive topics to most students.

ii. I surveyed other students and got the information that Sell Yourself seemed better, because itgave us a chance not only to say something, but possibly to sing and dance in addition to just speak.

Result:My proposal was used in the Speech Contest, which was enjoyed by the students. Over500 students came to watch the speech contest, double the previous audience size. And theparticipants said the topic gave them a good opportunity to show off and become more confident.

(7)Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by

focusing on the most important priorities.(请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是怎样评估形势,将精力集中在最重要的事情上从而获得你所期望的结果。)

问题分析:这个问题考察的是应聘者分析事情和找到问题关键点的能力。关键词为:assessed a situation,focused on the prioritie。在回答这个问题时应该将重点放在处理事情的分析过程上。


What:I once solved the problem of lack of inventory in our store in an hour.

Situation:Four stores do the promotion at the same time and our store is one of them, the largestone. The sales assistant on the previous day forgot to report that the inventory wasn’t enough and Ijust realized it when I arrived in the morning.

Task:(Key Words: my assessment of the situation,the priorities)

*The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and they opened at different times.It was possible to fetch some stock from another store and make up for it later (My assessment of thesituation).

*To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the largest number of customers (thepriorities).

Actions:I reported to the manager and offered my suggestion. He accepted it.

Result:Everything went all right. The inventory in our store was sufficient, and the other store wasrestocked later before lunchtime.

(8)Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practicalapplication. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是怎样获得一门技能并且将它用于实际工作中的。)

问题分析:这个问题实质是考察应聘者的学习能力。关键词为:convert technical skills to practicalapplication。在回答这个问题的时候,应将重点放在获得新技能的过程、方法及将其应用于实际工作的过程上。


What:I learnt how to arrange the questionnaire forms in a scientific way and use them in thesurvey of a new kind of milk.

Situation:In the investigation of customer opinions about the taste of a new kind of milk, I foundthat the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of responses.


a) I consulted my boss and a good friend who works in a professional marketing researchcompany and learnt a new way of arranging questionnaire forms.

b) I designed two new forms, and my boss chose one of them.

Result:With the help of the converted form, our company obtained more objective and usefulinformation.

根据以上几个问题,面试时每一位面试官当场在各自的面试评估表上打分:打分分为 3 等:

1—2 分(能力不足,不符合职位要求、缺乏技巧,能力及知识)

3—5 分(普通至超乎一般水准;符合职位要求;技巧、能力及知识水平良好)

6—8 分(杰出应聘者,超乎职位要求;技巧、能力及知识水平出众)。

具体项目评分包括说服力/毅力评分、组织/计划能力评分、群体合作能力评分等项目评分。在面试评估表的最后 1 页有 1 项是否推荐栏,有 3 个结论供面试官选择:拒绝、待选、接纳。在宝洁公司的招聘体制下,聘用 1 个人,须经所有面试经理一致通过方可。若是几位面试经理一起面试应聘人,在集体讨论之后,最后的评估多采取 1 票否决制。任何 1 位面试官选择了”拒绝”,该生都将从面试程序中被淘汰。

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