


【编者按】:如何在面试中脱颖而出?面试时应该注意哪些问题,是每一个面试者关心的问题。威廉希尔app 小编为您收集整理了关于面试技巧的文章,希望对您有所帮助!


尽管近几年应届生的求职市场比前几年形势乐观,但对于每个求职者来说,竞争依然激烈。“在如今的雇佣环境下,找寻第一个职业机会时留给你犯错的空间越来越小了。”max messmer,accountemps的主席,说道。

while the job market for new graduates is stronger this year than it has been for the past few years, there's still intense competition for every single job opening. "in today's employment environment, there is less room for error when looking for your first career opportunity," says max messmer, chairman of accountemps.


don't let one of the following seven missteps cost you the career of your undergraduate dreams.

1. 保持沉默

当你找工作的时候,要让你蓬勃发展的社交网络都知道这件事。“将你求职这件事告诉每个你认识的人,包括家人、朋友、教授和前同事。” job hunting for dummies的作者messmer说道。“学会运用线上社交网络并且联系当地的商业社区和猎头公司。”

1. keeping it to yourself

when you're looking for work, you want your burgeoning network to know it. "spread the word about your job hunt to everyone you know, including family members, friends, professors and former coworkers," says messmer, author of job hunting for dummies. "make use of online networking sites and reach out to your local business community and staffing firms."

2. 平等对待每个机会


2. treating every opportunity equally

one resume does not fit every job opening, so don't use the same document or stock cover letter when you apply to different companies. "tailor each resume and cover letter to the particular opportunity, and try to obtain the name of the hiring manager so you can personalize your cover letter," messmer says. "a little detective work can go a long way in helping you stand out."

3. 犯粗心的错误


3. making careless errors

proofread, proofread, proofread. every document you send to a potential employer must be error-free. go through your resume, cover letter, emails, thank-you notes and any other communication with a fine-tooth comb to make certain they don't contain typos or grammatical errors. if you're not a grammar guru or lack an eagle eye, "ask a detail-oriented friend to review all of your job search materials," messmer suggests

4. 跳过调查环节


4. skipping the due diligence