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Some novels and fictions create the images of women who are successful in career and gain respect from people. But these images are just the good wishes of the writers. The reason why these writers create such heroines is partly that in real life under that background, women can not easily succeed either in family life, career or interpersonal relationship.

An ideal woman is one who should at least be successful in career, family and interpersonal relationship. But do not be scared of the three goals which seem difficult to achieve. To be an ideal woman, one can get some inspiration or suggestions from Scarlet and Melanie, the two heroines in Gone with the Wind.

Ⅱ. Suggestions on How to Achieve Success in Business for a Woman

A. Features and Advantages of Scarlet

Today’s society is full of serious competitions. The pressure, as well as the perplexing social situation makes people worried. Women easily get lost or lose heart facing the failure or obstacles or difficulties. Then what can women do or what measures can women take to overcome the difficulties and finally achieve success in business? Let’s have a look at Scarlet in Gone with the Wind.

In Scarlet’s era, it was men’s world, and women accepted doctrines such as the beliefs that the men owned the property, while women manage it. Men took the credit for the management, and women praised his cleverness. Men roared like a bull when a splinter was in his finger, and the women muffled the moans of childbirth, least she disturbed him. Men were usually drunk and spoke angrily to women, while women were usually kind, gracious and forgiving.






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